

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Wave L2

What does Ben Ross teach?

…Ben Ross teaches history.

Who led Germany between 1933 and 1945?

…Adolf Hitler and the Nazis led Germany from 1933 to 1945.

What is the name of the school newspaper? What is the school newspaper called?

…The name of the school newspaper is The Grapevine. The school newspaper is called The Grapevine.

Why does Mr. Ross teach his students about The Wave?

...He teaches them about The Wave because he wants them to understand about life in Germany at the time of the Nazis.

The Waves has rules. What must students do before they answer or ask a question in class?

...Students must stand by their desk and say "Mr. Ross" before they ask or answer a question.

What are The Wave slogans (words)?

...The Wave slogans are "Winners Need Discipline" and "We're All in the Same Team."

Regular Verbs

To Show – mostrar

To Turn On – encender ------------ To Turn Off – apagar

To Smile – sonreír

To Laugh – reír(se)

To Remember - acordarse de, recorder

To Answer, Reply - contestar

Irregular Verbs

To Speak …spoke …have spoken – hablar, decir

To Teach …taught – enseñar, dar clases

To Buy …bought – comprar

To Sell …sold – vender

To Begin …began …have begun – empezar, comenzar

To Stand …stood -

    1. (be, remain upright) [person] estar(conj.) de pie, estar(conj.) parado (AmL);
      I was so tired I could hardly ~ estaba tan cansado que apenas podía tenerme en pie;
      I've been ~ing here for hours llevo horas aquí de pie or (AmL) aquí parado;
      she was ~ing at the window estaba junto a la ventana
    1. (rise) levantarse, ponerse(conj.) de pie, pararse (AmL);
      her hair stood on end se le pusieron los pelos de punta, se le pararon los pelos (AmL);
      see also stand up
    1. (in height): the tower ~s 30 meters high la torre tiene or mide 30 metros de altura
  1. (move, take up position) ponerse(conj.), pararse (AmL);
    ~ over there ponte or (AmL tb) párate allí;
    ~ clear!
    he stood on a chair se subió a or (AmL tb) se paró en una silla;
    to ~ aside hacerse(
    conj.) a un lado, apartarse;
    can you ~ on your head? ¿sabes pararte de cabeza or (Esp) hacer el pino?;
    you stood on my toe! ¡me pisaste!

    1. (be situated, located): the chapel ~s on the site of a pagan temple la capilla ocupa el lugar de un antiguo templo pagano;
      a church stood here long ago hace mucho tiempo aquí había una iglesia;
      I won't ~ in your way no seré yo quien te lo impida
    1. (hold position): where do you ~ on this issue? ¿cuál es tu posición en cuanto a este problema?;
      he ~s high in their esteem lo tienen en mucha estima;
      you never know where you ~ with him con él uno nunca sabe a qué atenerse
    1. (be mounted, fixed): a hut ~ing on wooden piles una choza construida or que descansa sobre pilotes de madera

    1. (stop, remain still) [person]: they stood and stared se quedaron mirando;
      don't just ~ there! ¡no te quedes ahí parado!;
      I was left ~ing there looking like a fool me dejaron allí plantado como un tonto;
      can't you ~ still for two minutes?
      ¿no puedes estarte quieto un minuto?;
      time stood still el tiempo se detuvo;

Understand …understood – comprender, entender

Next to, beside – a lado de

To Be Right – tener razón ------ To Be Wrong – estar equivocado

Leader – jefe, líder

Team – equipo

Before – antes

After - después