Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Verbs and Their Opposites
Adjetivos Demostrativos
This arrow / Esta flecha | That star / Aquella estrella | ||
a.) This (este, esta) These (estos, estas)
b.) That ( aquel, aquella) Those (aquellos, aquellas)
Los adjetivos demostrativos se utilizan para determinar la posición de las cosas.
En español encontramos tres distintos grados de proximidad. Esto (para lo que está más cerca del sujeto). Eso (situado a media distancia) y Aquello (lejano).
En inglés, en cambio, solamente encontramos dos grados de proximidad.
En español encontramos tres distintos grados de proximidad. Esto (para lo que está más cerca del sujeto). Eso (situado a media distancia) y Aquello (lejano).
En inglés, en cambio, solamente encontramos dos grados de proximidad.
This, que se utiliza para designar las cosas o personas relativamente cercanas y that, para las más alejadas.
This puede utilizarse también para presentarse a uno mismo (no personalmente) o para presentar a un tercero:
Hello. This is Craig. / Hola. Soy Craig (En una conversación telefónica)
· Paul, this is Helen / Paul, ésta es Helen
· Hello, Helen. Pleased to meet you / Hola Elena. Encantado de conocerte.
· Hello / Hola
- This también se emplea coloquialmente para empezar un relato o para indicar el tamaño de algo:
A man this fat / Un hombre así de gordo
- This / that / these / those pueden preceder a un sustantivo o ir solos.
This restaurant is expensive / Este restaurante es caro
This is an expensive restaurant / Éste es un restaurante caro
- That sirve para indicar algo que ha ocurrido o algo que alguien ha dicho.
That was a wonderful film / Ha sido una pelicula maravillosa.
You're an engineer, aren't you?; Yes, that's right / Es usted ingeniero, ¿no? ;Si, exacto
- Like this.... like that (así, de este modo, de ese modo)
Don't do it like that. Do it like this / No lo hagas así. Hazlo así (de esta otra forma)
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
The Weather (el tiempo)
The Weather
It is sunny. (Está soleado) It is couldy. (Está nublado)
It is cold. (Hace frío) It is hot. (Hace calor) It is cool/chilly. (fresquito) It is warm. (caliente)
It is 35 degrees. It is windy.
blizzard (blísard) - tormenta de nieve
breeze (bríiss) - brisa
chilly (chíli) - frío, fresquito
clear (clíir) - despejado
breeze (bríiss) - brisa
chilly (chíli) - frío, fresquito
clear (clíir) - despejado
cloudless (cláudles) - despejado
cloudy (cláudi) - nublado
cold (cóuld) - frío
cool (cúul) - fresco
cloudy (cláudi) - nublado
cold (cóuld) - frío
cool (cúul) - fresco
damp (dámp) - húmedo
degrees (digríis) - grados
dew (diú) - rocío
downpour (dáunpor) - aguacero
degrees (digríis) - grados
dew (diú) - rocío
downpour (dáunpor) - aguacero
drizzle (drísl) - llovizna
drought (dráut) - sequía
dry (drái) - seco
flood (fláad) - inundación
drought (dráut) - sequía
dry (drái) - seco
flood (fláad) - inundación
fog (fog) - niebla
foggy (fógui) - con niebla
freezing (fríising) - helado
frost (frost) - escarcha
foggy (fógui) - con niebla
freezing (fríising) - helado
frost (frost) - escarcha
gale (guéil) - vendaval
hail (héil) - ganizo
hailstones (héilstóuns) - piedras de granizo
hailstorm (héilstórm) - tormenta de granizo
hail (héil) - ganizo
hailstones (héilstóuns) - piedras de granizo
hailstorm (héilstórm) - tormenta de granizo
hot (hót) - caluroso
humid (hiúmid) - húmedo
hurricane (hérrikéin) - huracán
ice (áis) - hielo
humid (hiúmid) - húmedo
hurricane (hérrikéin) - huracán
ice (áis) - hielo
lightning (láitning) - relámpago, rayo
mild (máild) - templado
mist (mist) - neblina
overcast (óuvercást) - encapotado, cubierto
mild (máild) - templado
mist (mist) - neblina
overcast (óuvercást) - encapotado, cubierto
rain (réin) - lluvia
rainbow (réinbou) - arco iris
raining (réining) - lloviendo
rainy (réini) - lluvioso
rainbow (réinbou) - arco iris
raining (réining) - lloviendo
rainy (réini) - lluvioso
shower (sháuer) - aguacero
sky (skái) - cielo
sleet (slíit) - aguanieve, nevizca
snow (snóu) - nieve
sky (skái) - cielo
sleet (slíit) - aguanieve, nevizca
snow (snóu) - nieve
snowing (snóuing) - nevando
storm (stórm) - tormenta
stormy (stórmi) - tormentoso
stuffy (stáfi) - sofocante
storm (stórm) - tormenta
stormy (stórmi) - tormentoso
stuffy (stáfi) - sofocante
sunny (sáni) - soleado
thunder (zánder) - trueno
thunderstorm (zánder stórm) - tormenta eléctrica
tornado (tornéidou) - tornado
thunder (zánder) - trueno
thunderstorm (zánder stórm) - tormenta eléctrica
tornado (tornéidou) - tornado
warm (uórm) - cálido
wet (uét) - mojado
wind (uínd) - viento
windy (uíndi) – ventoso
wet (uét) - mojado
wind (uínd) - viento
windy (uíndi) – ventoso
Usamos pocos verbos cuando hablamos del tiempo.
To Rain - Llover
To Rain - Llover
It is raining. (Está lloviendo) It rained yesterday. (Llovió ayer) It will rain tomorrow.
To Snow - Nevar
It snows a lot in the mountains. It is snowing. It snowed yesterday.
To Snow - Nevar
It snows a lot in the mountains. It is snowing. It snowed yesterday.
Monday, November 21, 2011
To Build a Fire L3
To Build a Fire
By Jack London
The man walked down the trail on a cold, gray day. Pure white snow and ice covered the Earth for as far as he could see. This was his first winter in Alaska. He was wearing heavy clothes and fur boots. But he still felt cold and uncomfortable.
The man was on his way to a camp near Henderson Creek. His friends were already there. He expected to reach Henderson Creek by six o’clock that evening. It would be dark by then. His friends would have a fire and hot food ready for him.
A dog walked behind the man. It was a big gray animal, half dog and half wolf. The dog did not like the extreme cold. It knew the weather was too cold to travel.
The man continued to walk down the trail. He came to a frozen stream called Indian Creek. He began to walk on the snow-covered ice. It was a trail that would lead him straight to Henderson Creek and his friends.
As he walked, he looked carefully at the ice in front of him. Once, he stopped suddenly, and then walked around a part of the frozen stream. He saw that an underground spring flowed under the ice at that spot. It made the ice thin. If he stepped there, he might break through the ice into a pool of water. To get his boots wet in such cold weather might kill him. His feet would turn to ice quickly. He could freeze to death.
At about twelve o’clock, the man decided to stop to eat his lunch. He took off the glove on his right hand. He opened his jacket and shirt, and pulled out his bread and meat. This took less than twenty seconds. Yet, his fingers began to freeze.
He hit his hand against his leg several times until he felt a sharp pain. Then he quickly put his glove on his hand. He made a fire, beginning with small pieces of wood and adding larger ones. He sat on a snow-covered log and ate his lunch. He enjoyed the warm fire for a few minutes. Then he stood up and started walking on the frozen stream again.
A half hour later, it happened. At a place where the snow seemed very solid, the ice broke. The man’s feet sank into the water. It was not deep, but his legs got wet to the knees. The man was angry. The accident would delay his arrival at the camp. He would have to build a fire now to dry his clothes and boots.
He walked over to some small trees. They were covered with snow. In their branches were pieces of dry grass and wood left by flood waters earlier in the year. He put several large pieces of wood on the snow, under one of the trees. On top of the wood, he put some grass and dry branches. He pulled off his gloves, took out his matches, and lighted the fire. He fed the young flame with more wood. As the fire grew stronger, he gave it larger pieces of wood.
He worked slowly and carefully. At sixty degrees below zero, a man with wet feet must not fail in his first attempt to build a fire. While he was walking, his blood had kept all parts of his body warm. Now that he had stopped, cold was forcing his blood to withdraw deeper into his body. His wet feet had frozen. He could not feel his fingers. His nose was frozen, too. The skin all over his body felt cold.
Now, however, his fire was beginning to burn more strongly. He was safe. He sat under the tree and thought of the old men in Fairbanks. The old men had told him that no man should travel alone in the Yukon when the temperature is sixty degrees below zero. Yet here he was. He had had an accident. He was alone. And he had saved himself. He had built a fire.
Those old men were weak, he thought. A real man could travel alone. If a man stayed calm, he would be all right. The man’s boots were covered with ice. The strings on his boots were as hard as steel. He would have to cut them with his knife.
He leaned back against the tree to take out his knife. Suddenly, without warning, a heavy mass of snow dropped down. His movement had shaken the young tree only a tiny bit. But it was enough to cause the branches of the tree to drop their heavy load. The man was shocked. He sat and looked at the place where the fire had been.
The old men had been right, he thought. If he had another man with him, he would not be in any danger now. The other man could build the fire. Well, it was up to him to build the fire again. This time, he must not fail.
The man collected more wood. He reached into his pocket for the matches. But his fingers were frozen. He could not hold them. He began to hit his hands with all his force against his legs.
After a while, feeling came back to his fingers. The man reached again into his pocket for the matches. But the tremendous cold quickly drove the life out of his fingers. All the matches fell onto the snow. He tried to pick one up, but failed.
The man pulled on his glove and again beat his hand against his leg. Then he took the gloves off both hands and picked up all the matches. He gathered them together. Holding them with both hands, he scratched the matches along his leg. They immediately caught fire.
He held the blazing matches to a piece of wood. After a while, he became aware that he could smell his hands burning. Then he began to feel the pain. He opened his hands, and the blazing matches fell on to the snow. The flame went out in a puff of gray smoke.
The man looked up. The dog was still watching him. The man got an idea. He would kill the dog and bury his hands inside its warm body. When the feeling came back to his
fingers, he could build another fire. He called to the dog. The dog heard danger in the man’s voice. It backed away.
The man called again. This time the dog came closer. The man reached for his knife. But he had forgotten that he could not bend his fingers. He could not kill the dog, because he could not hold his knife.
The fear of death came over the man. He jumped up and began to run. The running began to make him feel better. Maybe running would make his feet warm. If he ran far enough, he would reach his friends at Henderson Creek. They would take care of him.
It felt strange to run and not feel his feet when they hit the ground. He fell several times. He decided to rest a while. As he lay in the snow, he noticed that he was not shaking. He could not feel his nose or fingers or feet. Yet, he was feeling quite warm and comfortable. He realized he was going to die.
Well, he decided, he might as well take it like a man. There were worse ways to die.
The man closed his eyes and floated into the most comfortable sleep he had ever known.
The dog sat facing him, waiting. Finally, the dog moved closer to the man and caught the smell of death. The animal threw back its head. It let out a long, soft cry to the cold stars in the black sky.
And then the dog turned and ran toward Henderson Creek…where it knew there was food and a fire.
Attempt - intento
Branch - rama
Camp – campamento
Creek (stream) – arroyo
Flow – fluir, pasar
Freeze – (froze frozen) - congelar
Fur – piel
Glove - guante
Lead – guiar, llevar, conducir
Load - carga
Log – tronco
Matches - cerillas
Reach – alcanzar
Realize - darse cuenta,
Realize - darse cuenta,
Spot - sitio
Withdraw - retirar
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Verbos Irregulares en Inglés
Traer: Bring – Brought
Comprar: Buy -Bought
Coger: Catch – Caught
Pensar: Think – Thought
Enseñar: Teach – Taught
Sangrar: Bleed – Bled
Llevar: Lead – Led
Sostener: Hold – Held
Sentir: Feel – Felt
Prestar: Lend – Lent
Gastar/Pasar: Spend – Spent
Guardar: Keep – Kept
Dormir: Sleep – Slept
Perder: Lose – Lost
Quemar: Burn – Burnt (in USA Burned)
Soñar: Dream – Dreamt (USA Dreamed)
Significar: Mean – Meant
Pagar: Pay – Paid
Vender: Sell – Sold
Contar: Tell – Told
Empezar: Begin – Began – Begun
Beber: Drink – Drank – Drunk
Sonar: Ring – Rang – Rung
Cantar: Sing – Sang – Sung
Nadar: Swim – Swam – Swum
Hundir: Sink – Sank – Sunk
Romper: Break – Broke – Broken
Romper Escoger: Choose – Chose – Chosen
Olvidar: Forget – Forgot – Forgotten
Congelar: Freeze – Froze – Frozen
Esconder: Hide – Hid – Hidden
Montar: Ride – Rode – Ridden
Subir: Rise – Rose – Risen
Hablar: Speak – Spoke – Spoken
Robar: Steal – Stole – Stolen
Tomar/Coger: Take – Took – Taken
Despertar: Wake – Woke – Woken
Escribir: Write – Wrote – Written
Morder: Bite – Bit – Bitten
Comer: Eat – Ate – Eaten
Caer: Fall – Fell – Fallen
En inglés, hay una serie de verbos cuyo Simple Past (Pasado Simple) y Past Participle (participio pasado) no siguen ninguna regla, y por lo tanto, son los llamados verbos irregulares. Aquí tienes una lista con todos ellos y ejemplos que ilustran estos verbos:
1) (to) arise: surgir, levantarse.
Simple Past: arose.
Past Participle: arisen.
Ex.: The sun has risen on the east. (El sol se ha levantado por el este).
2) (to) awake: despertarse.
Simple Past: awoke.
Past Participle: awoken.
Ex.: The boy had awaken when his parents arrived. (El chico se había despertado cuando llegaron sus padres).
3) (to) be/ am, are, is: ser, estar.
Simple Past: was / were.
Past Participle: been.
Ex.: Tom had been in London for three years. (Tom había estado en Londres durante tres años).
4) (to) bear: dar a luz, soportar.
Simple Past: bore.
Past Participle: born.
Ex.: Jill bore a big child last night. (Jill dio a luz a un niño grande anoche).
5) (to) beat: vencer, golpear.
Simple Past: beat.
Past Participle: beaten.
Ex.: James had beaten his brother's nose at the school.
6) (to) become: convertirse en, llegar a ser.
Simple Past: became.
Past Participle: become.
Ex.: Hugh had become a very good guitar player last year (Hugh se había convertido en un buen guitarrista el año pasado).
7) (to) begin: comenzar, empezar.
Simple Past: began.
Past Participle: begun.
Ex.: John has begun his career as an actor. John ha empezado su carrera como actor.
8) (to) bend: curvarse, doblar.
Simple Past: bent.
Past Participle: bent.
Ex.: Rachel has bent the knife this morning. (Rachel ha doblado el cuchillo esta mañana).
9) (to) bet: apostar.
Simple Past: bet.
Past Participle: bet.
Ex.: Holly has bet ten dollars for her favourite football team. (Holly ha apostado diez dólares por su equipo de fútbol favorito).
10) (to) bind: atar, encuadernar.
Simple Past: bound.
Past Participle: bound.
Ex.: The teachers had bound the book last semester. (Los profesores habían encuadernado el libro el semestre pasado).
11) (to) bid: pujar.
Simple Past: bid.
Past Participle: bid.
Ex.: Helen had bid for the bowl in the last auction. (Helen había pujado por el jarrón en la pasada subasta).
12) (to) bite: morder.
Simple Past: bit.
Past Participle: bitten.
Ex.: Ursula had bitten her brother when they were eight years old. (Úrsula había mordido a su hermano cuando los dos tenían ocho años).
13) (to) bleed: sangrar.
Simple Past: bled.
Past Participle: bled.
Ex.: Hugh's nose has bled all the morning.
14) (to) blow: soplar, hinchar.
Simple Past: blew.
Past Participle: blown.
Ex.: Gary had blown his birthday's candles at home. (Gary había soplado sus velas de cumpleaños en casa).
15) (to) break: romper.
Simple Past: broke.
Past Participle: broken.
Ex.: James had broken the glass last night. (James había roto el cristal anoche).
16) (to) breed: criar, alimentar.
Simple Past: bred.
Past Participle: bred.
Ex.: James has bred two horses in his farm. (James ha críado dos caballos en su granja).
17) (to) bring: traer, llevar.
Simple Past: brought.
Past Participle: brought.
Ex.: Jim had brought the bycicle to his house when I saw him (Jim había llevado la bicicleta a su casa cuando yo le vi).
(to) broadcast: emitir, radiar, difundir por la televisión.
Simple Past: broadcast.
Past Participle: broadcast.
Ex.: The BBC has broadcast the show this morning. (La BBC ha emitido el espectáculo esta mañana).
18) (to) build: construir, edificar
Simple Past: built.
Past Participle: built.
Ex.: John had built a house near Menorca last month. (John había construido/edificado una casa cerca de Menorca).
19-(to) burn: quemar, arder.
Simple Past: burnt /burned.
Past Participle: burnt / burned.
Ex.: Hugh has burnt the book when he has finished the exam. (Hugh ha quemado el libro cuando él ha acabado el examen).
20) (to) burst: reventar, estallar.
Simple Past: burst
Past Participle: burst.
Ex.: Yasmina has burst into tears this morning. (Yasmina ha estallado en lágrimas esta mañana).
21) (to) buy: comprar.
Simple Past: bought.
Past Participle: bought.
Ex.: The teacher had bought pencils for the exam. (La profesora había comprado lápices para el examen).
22) (to) cast: arrojar, tirar.
Simple Past: cast.
Past Participle: cast.
Ex.: My sister had cast the plant yesterday night. (Mi hermana había tirado la planta ayer por la noche).
23) (to) catch: coger.
Simple Past: caught.
Past Participle: caught.
Ex.: The boy had caught the bus when Molly arrived. (El chico había cogido el bus cuando llegó Molly).
24) (to) come: venir.
Simple Past: came.
Past Participle: come.
Ex.: Francis had come to my house when Susan arrived. (Francis había venido a mi casa cuando Susan llegó)
25) (to) cost: costar.
Simple Past: cost.
Past Participle: cost.
Ex.: The pencil has cost one euro. (El lápiz había costado un euro).
26) (to) cut: cortar.
Simple Past: cut.
Past Participle: cut.
Ex.: Ursula has cut the steak with a small knife. (Ursula ha cortado el filete con un cuchillo).
27) (to) choose: escoger, elegir.
Simple Past: chose.
Past Participle: chosen
28) (to) cling: agarrarse, aferrarse.
Simple Past: clung.
Past Participle: clung.
Ex.: The football player has clung to the stick this afternoon. (El jugador de fútbol se ha agarrado al palo esta tarde).
29) (to) creep: arrastrarse.
Simple Past: crept.
Past Participle; crept.
Ex.: The dog has crept on the floor all the morning. (El perro se ha arrastrado en el suelo toda la mañana).
30) (to) deal: tratar.
Simple Past: dealt.
Past Participle: dealt.
Ex.: Our factory has dealt with another important company. (Nuestra empresa ha tratado con otra compañía importante).
31) (to) dig: cavar.
Simple Past: dug
Past Participle: dug.
Ex.: Herbert has dug a hole in his garden. (Herbert ha cavado un agujero en su jardín).
32) (to) do/does: hacer.
Simple Past: did.
Past Participle: done.
Ex.: Muriel has done the homework at a friend's house. (Muriel ha hecho los deberes en casa de una amiga).
33) (to) draw: dibujar, pintar.
Simple Past: drew.
Past Participle: drawn.
Ex.: The little boy has drawn an elephant this morning. (El niño pequeño ha dibujado un elefante esta mañana).
34) (to) dream: soñar.
Simple Past: dreamt / dreamed.
Past Participle: dreamt / dreamed.
Ex.: Jules has dreamt all night. (Jules ha soñado toda la noche).
35) (to) drink: beber.
Simple Past: drank.
Past Participle: drunk.
Ex.: Hugh has drunk wine all the afternoon. (Hugh ha bebido vino toda la tarde).
36) (to) drive: conducir.
Simple Past: drove.
Past Participle: driven.
Ex.: You have driven to the beach this morning. (Tú has conducido hasta la playa esta mañana).
37) (to) eat: comer.
Simple Past: ate.
Past Participle: eaten.
Ex.: Helen has eaten a sandwich at home. (Helen ha comido un sandwich en casa).
38) (to) fall: caer/se.
Simple Past: fell.
Past Participle: fallen.
Ex.: Jim has fallen from the stairs when he has arrived home. (Jim se ha caído de las escaleras cuando él ha llegado a casa).
39) (to) feed: alimentar.
Simple Past: fed.
Past Participle: fed.
Ex.: Ulrich has fed his dogs with bread. (Ulrich ha alimentado a sus perros con pan.
40) (to) feel: sentir.
Simple Past: felt.
Past Participle: felt.
Ex.: James has felt love when he has seen the girl. (James ha sentido amor cuando ha visto a la chica).
41) (to) fight: luchar.
Simple Past: fought.
Past Participle: fought.
Ex.: The dog has fought against the cat. (El perro ha luchado contra el gato)
42) (to) find: encontrar.
Simple Past: found.
Past Participle: found.
43) (to) flee: huir.
Simple Past: fled.
Past Participle: fled.
Ex.: John has fled the country with his wife. (John ha huido del país con su mujer).
44) (to) fly: volar.
Simple Past: flew.
Past Participle: flown.
Ex.: Paul has flown from Barcelona to Paris this morning. (Paul ha volado de Barcelona a París esta mañana).
45) (to) forbid: prohibir.
Simple Past: forbade.
Past Participle: forbidden.
Ex.: Juliana has forbidden red dresses in her class.
46) (to) forget: olvidar.
Simple Past: forgot.
Past Participle: forgotten
Ex.: James has forgotten the key in the bar. (James ha olvidado la llave en el bar).
47) (to) forgive: perdonar.
Simple Past: forgave.
Past Participle: forgiven.
Ex.: Helmut has forgiven the mistake this month. (Helmut ha perdonado el error este mes).
48) (to) freeze: helar, congelar.
Simple Past: froze.
Past Participle: frozen.
Ex: The snow has frozen on the roof. (La nieve se ha helado en el tejado.
49) (to) get: conseguir, lograr, obtener.
Simple Past: got.
Past Participle: got / gotten.
Ex.: Mary has got a new bicycle this week. (Mary ha conseguido una nueva bicicleta esta semana).
50) (to) give: dar.
Simple Past: gave.
Past Participle: given.
Ex: Some boys have given a cake to the brown dog.
51) (to) go/ goes: ir.
Simple Past: went.
Past Participle: gone.
Ex.: A mouse has gone to his house this morning. (Un ratón ha ido a su casa esta mañana.
52) (to) grow: crecer.
Simple Past: grew.
Past participle: grown.
Ex.: The farmer has grown potatoes in his orchard. (El granjero ha cultivado patatas en su huerto).
53) (to) grind: moler.
Simple Past: ground.
Past Participle: ground.
Ex.: Robert has ground the coffee this month. (Robert ha molido el café este mes).
54) (to) hang: colgar.
Simple Past: hung.
Past Participle: hung.
Ex.: My sister has hung the picture on the wall. (Mi hermana ha colgado el cuadro en la pared).
55) (to) have : tener, haber.
Simple Past: had.
Past Participle: had.
Ex.: My friend has had a baby this morning. (Mi amiga ha tenido un bebé esta mañana).
56) (to) hear: oír.
Simple Past: heard.
Past Participle: heard.
Ex.: Jim has heard a bird on the roof this morning. (Jim ha oído un pájaro en el tejado esta mañana).
57) (to) hide: esconder, esconderse.
Simple Past: hid.
Past Participle: hidden.
Ex.: Gary has hidden the bread in his room. (Gary ha escondido el pan en su habitación).
58) (to) hit: golpear.
Simple Past: hit.
Past Participle: hit.
Ex.: John has hit the ball with his arm. (John ha golpeado la pelota con su brazo).
59) (to) hold: agarrar, celebrar.mantener, coger.
Simple Past: held.
Past Participle: held.
Ex.: The boss has held a meeting in the USA this week.
60) (to) hurt: herir, dañar.
Simple Past: hurt.
Past Participle: hurt.
Ex.: The elephant has hurt the tourist knee at the safari. (El elefante ha herido la rodilla del turista en el safari).
61) (to) keep: guardar, mantener.
Simple Past: kept.
Past Participle: kept.
Ex.: The woman has kept the milk in the fridge. (La mujer ha guardado la leche en la nevera).
62) (to) know: conocer, saber.
Simple Past: knew.
Past Participle: known.
Ex.: Umberto has known his wife since they were young. (Umberto conoce a su mujer desde que eran jóvenes).
63) (to) kneel: arrodillarse.
Simple Past: knelt.
Past Participle: knelt.
Ex.: The nun has knelt in the church.
64) (to) knit: hacer punto.
Simple Past: knit.
Past Participle: knit.
Ex.: The old woman has knit all the morning at her house. (La mujer mayor ha hecho punto toda la mañana en su casa).
65) (to) lay: poner.
Simple Past: laid.
Past Participle: laid.
Ex.: Her friends have laid a present beside the door. (Sus amigos han puesto un regalo al lado de la puerta).
66) (to) lead: conducir, dirigir.
Simple Past: led.
Past Participle: led.
Ex.: Yoko has lead the Japanese tourists to the cathedral this morning. (Yoko ha dirigido a los turistas japoneses a la catedral esta mañana).
67) (to) lean: apoyarse.
Simple Past: leant.
Past Participle: leant.
Ex.: The girls have leant on the wall this afternoon. (Las chicas se han apoyado en el muro esta tarde).
68) (to) leap: brincar.
Simple Past: leapt.
Past Participle: leapt.
Ex.: Your father has leapt when he has seen your new car. (Tu padre ha brincado cuando ha visto tu coche nuevo).
69) (to) learn: aprender.
Simple Past: learnt / learned.
Past Participle: learnt / learned.
Ex.: Yoshi has learnt Catalan this year. (Yoshi ha aprendido catalán este año).
70) (to) leave: dejar.
Simple Past: left.
Past Participle: left.
Ex.: My brother has left his flat this week. (Mi hermano ha dejado su piso este mes).
71) (to) lend: prestar.
Simple Past: lent.
Past Participle: lent.
Ex.: My neighbour has lent me his car to go to the supermarket. (Mi vecino me ha prestado su coche para ir al supermercado).
72) (to) let: dejar, permitir.
Simple Past: let.
Past Participle: let.
Ex.: Her sister has let me make an omelette in her house. (Su hermana me ha dejado hacer una tortilla en su casa).
73) (to) lie: echarse.
Simple Past: lay.
Past Participle: lain.
Ex.: Our family has lain on the grass after lunch. (Nuestra familia se ha echado en el césped después del almuerzo).
74) (to) light: encender.
Simple Past: lit.
Past Participle: lit.
Ex.: Anthony has lit a cigarette this morning. (Anthony ha encendido un cigarrillo esta mañana).
75) (to) lose: perder.
Simple Past: lost.
Past Participle: lost.
Ex.: The student has lost his books in the train. (El estudiante ha perdido sus libros en el tren).
76) (to) make: hacer, fabricar.
Simple Past: made.
Past Participle: made.
Ex.: The baker has made a big cake for his daughter's birthday. (El panadero ha hecho un gran pastel para el cumpleaños de su hija).
77) (to) mean: significar.
Simple Past: meant.
Past Participle: meant.
Ex.: Paul's leaving has meant a big loss for Susan. La partida de Paul ha significado una gran pérdida para Susan).
78) (to) meet: conocerse por primera vez, encontrarse.
Simple Past: met.
Past Participle: met.
Ex.: Anne has met a friend at the cinema. (Anne se ha encontrado a un amigo en el cine).
79) (to) mistake: errar, equivocarse.
Simple Past: mistook.
Past Participle: mistaken.
Ex.: They have mistaken one bag for another one. (Ellos han equivocado una cartera por otra).
80) (to) overcome: vencer.
Simple Past: overcame.
Past Participle: overcome.
Ex.: James has overcome his illness this year. (James ha superado su enfermedad este año).
81) (to) pay: pagar.
Simple Past: paid.
Past Participle: paid.
Ex.: Chrales has paid a thousand euros for a boat. (James ha pagado mil euros por una barca).
82) (to) put: poner.
Simple Past: put.
Past Participle: put.
Ex.: You have put the trousers inside the cupboard. (Tú has puesto los pantalones dentro del armario.
83) (to) read: leer.
Simple Past: read.
Past Participle: read.
Ex.: They have read Joseph's novel this semester. (Ellos han leído la novela de Joseph este semestre).
84) (to) ride: conducir, montar.
Simple Past: rode.
Past Participle: ridden.
Ex.: My friend has ridden a horse this week-end. (Mi amiga ha montado a caballo este fin de semana).
85) (to) ring: llamar (al timbre o por teléfono).
Simple Past: rang.
Past Participle: rung.
Ex.: The boy has rung Mary this afternoon. (El chico ha llamado a Mary esta tarde).
86) (to) rise: elevarse, levantarse.
Simple Past: rose.
Past Participle: risen.
Ex.: The sun has risen very early this morning. (El sol ha salido muy temprano esta mañana).
87) (to) run: correr.
Simple Past: ran.
Past Participle: run.
Ex.: Tim has run all the morning to practice some sport. (Tom ha corrido toda la mañana para practicar algo de deporte).
88) (to) say: decir.
Simple Past: said.
Past Participle: said.
Ex.: Gertrud has said no to her husband's command. (Gertrud ha dicho que no a la petición de su marido).
89) (to) see: ver.
Simple Past: saw.
Past Participle: seen.
Ex.: Harold has seen "Frida" this week. (Harold ha visto "Frida" esta semana).
90) (to) seek: buscar.
Simple Past: sought.
Past Participle: sought.
Ex.: John has sought his wallet at home. (John ha buscado su monedero en casa).
91) (to) sell: vender.
Simple Past: sold.
Past Participle: sold.
Ex.: Marius has sold his bicycle this morning. (Marius ha vendido su bicicleta esta mañana).
92) (to) send: enviar.
Simple Past: sent.
Past Participle: sent.
Ex.: The teacher has sent a letter to his pupils' parents. (El profesor ha enviado una carta a los padres de sus alumnos).
93) (to) set: poner (se)
Simple Past: set.
Past Participle: set.
Ex.: The sun has set at six this evening. (El sol se ha puesto a las seis esta tarde).
94) (to) sew: coser.
Simple Past: sewed.
Past Participle: sewed / sewn.
Ex.: My boyfriend's mother has sewed/sewn a very beautiful green dress.
95) (to) shake: sacudir.
Simple Past: shook.
Past Participle: shaken.
Ex.: The boy has shaken the bag at the school. (El chico ha sacudido la bolsa esta mañana).
96) (to) shear: esquilar.
Simple Past: shore.
Past Participle: shorn.
Ex.: The old man has shorn the sheep to get wool. (El hombre mayor ha esquilado a la oveja para conseguir lana).
97) (to) shine: brillar.
Simple Past: shone.
Past Participle: shone
Ex.: The sun has shone all the morning. (El sol ha brillado toda la mañana).
98) (to) shoot: disparar.
Simple Past: shot.
Past Participle: shot.
Ex: The tall man has shot the short one. (El hombre alto ha disparado al hombre bajo).
99) (to) show: enseñar, mostrar.
Simple Past: showed.
Past Participle: shown.
The director has shown his script to the actors. (El director ha mostrado su guión a los actores).
100) (to) shrink: encoger/se.
Simple Past: shrank.
Past Participle: shrunk.
Ex.: The shirt has shrunk inside the washing machine.
101) (to) shut: cerrar.
Simple Past: shut.
Past participle: shut.
Ex.: The shop has shut at eight this evening. (La tienda ha cerrado a las ocho esta tarde).
102) (to) sing: cantar.
Simple Past: sang.
Past Participle: sung.
Ex.: George Michael has sung a lot of songs in the show. (George Michael ha cantado un montón de canciones en el espectáculo).
103) (to) sink: hundirse.
Simple Past: sank.
Past Participle: sunk.
Ex.: The big ship has sunk in the Atlantic Ocean. (El gran barco se ha hundido en el Océano Atlántico).
104) (to) sit: sentar/se.
Simple Past: sat.
Past Participle: sat.
Ex.: Juliette has sat in front of her sister in the classroom. (Juliette se ha sentado en frente de su hermana en la clase).
105) (to) sleep: dormir.
Simple Past: slept.
Past Participle: The little baby has slept in her parents' bed. (El bebé ha dormido en la cama de sus padres).
106) (to) slide: deslizarse, resbalar.
Simple Past: slid.
Past Participle: slid.
107) (to) smell: oler.
Simple Past: smelt / smelled (USA)
Past Participle: smelt / smelled
Ex.: James has smelt the strawbeery cheese cake from his room. (James ha olido el pastel de queso con fresas desde su habitación).
108) (to) sow: sembrar.
Simple Past: sowed.
Past Participle: sowed / sown.
Ex.: The farmer has sowed/sown all the seeds this afternoon. (El granjero ha sembrado todas las semillas esta tarde).
109) (to) speak: hablar.
Simple Past: spoke.
Past Participle: spoken.
Ex.: Madonna has spoken to her manager because he was angry with her. (Madonna ha hablado con su manager porque él estaba enfadado con ella).
110) (to) speed: acelerar.
Simple Past: sped.
Past Participle: sped.
Ex.: Fonsi Nieto has sped his motorbike at the race. (Fonsi Nieto ha acelerado su moto en la carrera).
111) (to) spell: deletrear.
Simple Past: spelt / spelled (USA)
Past Participle: spelt /spelled (USA)
Ex.: Monica's baby has spelt her name this morning. (La niña de Mónica ha deletreado su nombre esta mañana).
112) (to) spend: gastar.
Simple Past: spent.
Past Participle: spent.
Ex.: Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith have spent their holidays at Malaga. (Antonio Banderas y Melanie Griffith han pasado sus vacaciones en Málaga).
113) (to) spill: derramar.
Simple Past: spilt / spilled.
Past Participle: spilt / spilled.
Ex.: The dog has spilled/spilt the oil on the floor. (El perro ha derramado el aceite en el suelo).
114) (to) spin: hilar.
Simple Past: spun.
Past Participle: spun.
Ex.: The dress maker has spun the shirt. (La sastra ha hilado la camisa).
115) (to) spit: escupir.
Simple Past: spat.
Past Participle: spat.
Ex.: The boy has spat at the bathroom after lunch. (El chico ha escupido en el baño después del almuerzo).
116) (to) split: hender, partir, rajar.
Simple Past: split.
Past Participle: split.
Ex.: The couple has split the melon at home. (La pareja ha partido el melón en su casa).
117) (to) spoil: estropear.
Simple Past: spoilt / spoiled.
Simple Past: spoilt / spoiled.
Ex.: My sister has spoilt the hair drier. (Mi hermana ha estropeado el secador).
118) (to) spread: extender.
Simple Past: spread.
Past Participle: spread.
Ex.: Tom has spread the butter on the bread. (Tom ha extendido la mantequilla en el pan).
119) (to) spring: saltar.
Simple Past: sprang.
Past Participle: sprung.
Ex.: The athlete has sprung from the balcony to the floor. (El atleta ha saltado desde el balcón hasta el suelo).
120) (to) stand: estar de pie.
Simple Past: stood.
Past Participle: stood.
Ex.: The teacher has stood in front of the student for half an hour. (El profesor ha estado de pie delante del alumno durante media hora).
121) (to) steal: robar.
Simple Past: stole.
Past Participle: stolen.
Ex.: The burglars have stolen a lot of pictures from the museum. (Los ladrones han robado muchos cuadros del museo).
122) (to) stick: pegar, engomar.
Simple Past: stuck.
Past Participle: stuck.
Ex.: Daniel has stick the picture on his notebook. (Daniel ha pegado el dibujo en su libreta).
123) (to) sting: picar.
Simple Past: stung.
Past Participle: stung.
Ex.: The wasp has stung the child at the swimming-pool. (La avispa ha picado al niño en la piscina).
124) (to stink: Apestar.
Simple Past: stank/stunk.
Past Participle: stunk.
Ex.: The old house has stunk all the week. (La casa vieja ha apestado toda la semana).
125) (to) stride: dar zancadas.
Simple Past: strode.
Past Participle: stridden.
Ex.: The tall boy has stridden in the garden. (El chico alto ha dado zancadas en el jardín).
126) (to) strike: golpear.
Simple Past: struck.
Past Participle: struck.
Ex.: The crazy fan has stroken Figo's head with a stick. (El fan loco ha golpeado la cabeza de Figo con un palo).
127) (to) swear: jurar.
Simple Past: swore.
Past Participle: sworn.
Ex.: My friends have sworn that they did not see the film. (Mis amigos han jurado que ellos no vieron la película).
128) (to) sweat: sudar.
Simple Past: sweat.
Past Participle: sweat.
Ex.: Anna Kournikova has sweat a lot in the match. (Anna Kournikova ha sudado mucho en el partido).
129) (to) sweep: barrer.
Simple Past: swept.
Past Participle: swept.
Ex.: Her father has swept the whole house this morning. (Su padre ha barrido toda la casa esta mañana).
130) (to) swell: hincharse.
Simple Past: swelled.
Past Participle: swollen.
Ex.: Harry's nose has swollen after the blow. (La nariz de Harry se ha hinchado después del golpe).
131) (to) swim: nadar.
Simple Past: swam.
Past Participle: swum.
Ex.: Edward has swum 3 kilometers this week. (Edward ha nadado 3 kilómetros esta semana).
132) (to) swing: columpiarse.
Simple Past: swung.
Past participle: swung.
Ex.: Mariona has swung at her grandparents' house. (Mariona se ha columpiado en casa de sus abuelos).
133) (to) take: coger.
Simple Past: took.
Past Participle: taken.
Ex.: John Travolta has taken the sunglasses in the film. (John Travolta ha cogido las gafas de sol en la película).
134) (to) teach: enseñar, educar.
Simple Past: taught.
Past Participle: taught.
Ex.: My father has taught me a lot of things for many years. (Mi padre me ha enseñado muchas cosas durante muchos años).
135) (to) tear: rasgar.
Simple Past: tore.
Past Participle: torn.
Ex.: The dog has torn Mary's trousers when they were playing. (El perro ha rasgado los pantalones de Mary cuando ellos estaban jugando).
136) (to) tell: contar, explicar.
Simple Past: told.
Past Participle: told.
Ex.: Sagrario has told a story to her niece. (Sagrario ha contado un cuento a su nieta).
137) (to) think: pensar.
Simple Past: thought.
Past Participle: thought.
Ex.: Timothy has thought about his girlfriend all the week-end. (Timothy ha pensado en su novia todo el fin de semana).
138) (to) throw: arrojar, tirar.
Simple Past: threw.
Past Participle: thrown.
Ex.: Your mother has thrown your old green trousers. (Tu madre ha tirado tus viejos pantalones verdes).
139) (to) thrust: introducir.
Simple Past: thrust.
Past Participle: thrust.
Ex.: Rachel has thrust the coin into the machine. (Rachel ha introducido la moneda en la máquina).
140) (to) tread: pisar, hollar.
Simple Past: trod.
Past Participle: trodden.
Ex.: Neil Armstrong has trodden the moon surface for the first time. (Neil Armstrong ha pisado la superficie de la luna por primera vez).
141) (to) understand: entender, comprender.
Simple Past: understood.
Past Participle: understood.
Ex.: Cristina has finally understood that I was angry with her. (Cristina ha entendido finalmente que yo estaba enfadada con ella).
142) (to) undergo: sufrir.
Simple Past: underwent.
Past Participle: undergone.
Ex.: The doctor's daughter has undergone a terrible illness. (La hija del médico ha sufrido una terrible enfermedad).
143) (to) undertake: emprender.
Simple Past: undertook.
Past Participle: undertaken.
Ex.: Nuria and her husband have undertaken a long trip. (Nuria y su marido han emprendido un largo viaje).
144) (to) wake: despertar/despertarse.
Simple Past: woke.
Past Participle: woken.
Ex.: I have woken up very happy with Panchi by my side. (Yo he despertado muy contenta con Panchi a mi lado).
145) (to) wear: llevar puesto, usar.
Simple Past: wore.
Past Participle: worn.
Ex.: James has worn a blue shirt this morning. (James ha llevado puesta una camiseta azul esta mañana).
146) (to) weave: tejer.
Simple Past: wove.
Past Participle: woven.
Ex.: His grandmother has woven a very nice pullover for the winter. ( Su abuela le ha tejido un jersey muy bonito para el invierno).
147) (to) weep: sollozar.
Simple Past: wept.
Past Participle: wept.
Ex.: John has wept in the cinema after the film. (John ha llorado en el cine después de la película).
148) (to) wet: mojar.
Simple Past: wet.
Past Participle: wet
Ex.: The water has wet the blanket. (El agua ha mojado la sábana).
149) (to) win: ganar.
Simple Past: won.
Past Participle: won.
Ex.: Real Madrid has won the Spanish Football Championship this year. (El Real Madrid ha ganado el Campeonato de fútbol español este año).
150) (to) wind: enrollar.
Simple Past: wound.
Past Participle: wound.
Ex.: The cook has wound the jam inside the steak. (El cocinero ha enrollado el jamón dentro del filete).
151) (to) withdraw: retirarse.
Simple Past: withdrew.
Past Participle: withdrawn.
Ex.: Mario Conde has withdrawn from the factory where he was working. (Mario Conde se ha retirado de la empresa en la que estaba trabajando).
152) (to) wring: torcer.
Simple Past: wrung.
Past Participle: wrung.
Ex.: Mary has wrung her knee when she was dancing. (Mary se ha torcido el tobillo cuando estaba bailando).
153) (to) write: escribir.
Simple Past: wrote.
Past Participle: written.
Ex.: My friend Joseph has written a very interesting novel. (Mi amigo Joseph ha escrito una novela muy interesante).
Soplar: Blow –Blew – Blown
Volar: Fly – Flew – Flown
Crecer: Grow – Grew – Grown
Saber/Conocer: Know – Knew – Known
Lanzar: Throw – Threw – Thrown
Vestir/Llevar: Wear – Wore – Worn
Rasgar: Tear – Tore – Torn
Ser/Estar: Be – Was – Were
Ver: See – Saw – Seen
Dar: Give – Gave – Given
Conducir: Drive – Drove – Driven
Hacer: Do – Did – Done
Ir: Go – Went - Gone
Verbos con solo una forma:
Costar: Cost
Cortar: Cut
Doler/Lastimar: Hurt
Dejar/Permitir: Let
Poner: Put
Dejar: Quit
Leer: Read (el pasado se pronuncia como el color “red”)
Cerrar: Shut
Extender/Untar: SpreadEn inglés, hay una serie de verbos cuyo Simple Past (Pasado Simple) y Past Participle (participio pasado) no siguen ninguna regla, y por lo tanto, son los llamados verbos irregulares. Aquí tienes una lista con todos ellos y ejemplos que ilustran estos verbos:
1) (to) arise: surgir, levantarse.
Simple Past: arose.
Past Participle: arisen.
Ex.: The sun has risen on the east. (El sol se ha levantado por el este).
2) (to) awake: despertarse.
Simple Past: awoke.
Past Participle: awoken.
Ex.: The boy had awaken when his parents arrived. (El chico se había despertado cuando llegaron sus padres).
3) (to) be/ am, are, is: ser, estar.
Simple Past: was / were.
Past Participle: been.
Ex.: Tom had been in London for three years. (Tom había estado en Londres durante tres años).
4) (to) bear: dar a luz, soportar.
Simple Past: bore.
Past Participle: born.
Ex.: Jill bore a big child last night. (Jill dio a luz a un niño grande anoche).
5) (to) beat: vencer, golpear.
Simple Past: beat.
Past Participle: beaten.
Ex.: James had beaten his brother's nose at the school.
6) (to) become: convertirse en, llegar a ser.
Simple Past: became.
Past Participle: become.
Ex.: Hugh had become a very good guitar player last year (Hugh se había convertido en un buen guitarrista el año pasado).
7) (to) begin: comenzar, empezar.
Simple Past: began.
Past Participle: begun.
Ex.: John has begun his career as an actor. John ha empezado su carrera como actor.
8) (to) bend: curvarse, doblar.
Simple Past: bent.
Past Participle: bent.
Ex.: Rachel has bent the knife this morning. (Rachel ha doblado el cuchillo esta mañana).
9) (to) bet: apostar.
Simple Past: bet.
Past Participle: bet.
Ex.: Holly has bet ten dollars for her favourite football team. (Holly ha apostado diez dólares por su equipo de fútbol favorito).
10) (to) bind: atar, encuadernar.
Simple Past: bound.
Past Participle: bound.
Ex.: The teachers had bound the book last semester. (Los profesores habían encuadernado el libro el semestre pasado).
11) (to) bid: pujar.
Simple Past: bid.
Past Participle: bid.
Ex.: Helen had bid for the bowl in the last auction. (Helen había pujado por el jarrón en la pasada subasta).
12) (to) bite: morder.
Simple Past: bit.
Past Participle: bitten.
Ex.: Ursula had bitten her brother when they were eight years old. (Úrsula había mordido a su hermano cuando los dos tenían ocho años).
13) (to) bleed: sangrar.
Simple Past: bled.
Past Participle: bled.
Ex.: Hugh's nose has bled all the morning.
14) (to) blow: soplar, hinchar.
Simple Past: blew.
Past Participle: blown.
Ex.: Gary had blown his birthday's candles at home. (Gary había soplado sus velas de cumpleaños en casa).
15) (to) break: romper.
Simple Past: broke.
Past Participle: broken.
Ex.: James had broken the glass last night. (James había roto el cristal anoche).
16) (to) breed: criar, alimentar.
Simple Past: bred.
Past Participle: bred.
Ex.: James has bred two horses in his farm. (James ha críado dos caballos en su granja).
17) (to) bring: traer, llevar.
Simple Past: brought.
Past Participle: brought.
Ex.: Jim had brought the bycicle to his house when I saw him (Jim había llevado la bicicleta a su casa cuando yo le vi).
(to) broadcast: emitir, radiar, difundir por la televisión.
Simple Past: broadcast.
Past Participle: broadcast.
Ex.: The BBC has broadcast the show this morning. (La BBC ha emitido el espectáculo esta mañana).
18) (to) build: construir, edificar
Simple Past: built.
Past Participle: built.
Ex.: John had built a house near Menorca last month. (John había construido/edificado una casa cerca de Menorca).
19-(to) burn: quemar, arder.
Simple Past: burnt /burned.
Past Participle: burnt / burned.
Ex.: Hugh has burnt the book when he has finished the exam. (Hugh ha quemado el libro cuando él ha acabado el examen).
20) (to) burst: reventar, estallar.
Simple Past: burst
Past Participle: burst.
Ex.: Yasmina has burst into tears this morning. (Yasmina ha estallado en lágrimas esta mañana).
21) (to) buy: comprar.
Simple Past: bought.
Past Participle: bought.
Ex.: The teacher had bought pencils for the exam. (La profesora había comprado lápices para el examen).
22) (to) cast: arrojar, tirar.
Simple Past: cast.
Past Participle: cast.
Ex.: My sister had cast the plant yesterday night. (Mi hermana había tirado la planta ayer por la noche).
23) (to) catch: coger.
Simple Past: caught.
Past Participle: caught.
Ex.: The boy had caught the bus when Molly arrived. (El chico había cogido el bus cuando llegó Molly).
24) (to) come: venir.
Simple Past: came.
Past Participle: come.
Ex.: Francis had come to my house when Susan arrived. (Francis había venido a mi casa cuando Susan llegó)
25) (to) cost: costar.
Simple Past: cost.
Past Participle: cost.
Ex.: The pencil has cost one euro. (El lápiz había costado un euro).
26) (to) cut: cortar.
Simple Past: cut.
Past Participle: cut.
Ex.: Ursula has cut the steak with a small knife. (Ursula ha cortado el filete con un cuchillo).
27) (to) choose: escoger, elegir.
Simple Past: chose.
Past Participle: chosen
28) (to) cling: agarrarse, aferrarse.
Simple Past: clung.
Past Participle: clung.
Ex.: The football player has clung to the stick this afternoon. (El jugador de fútbol se ha agarrado al palo esta tarde).
29) (to) creep: arrastrarse.
Simple Past: crept.
Past Participle; crept.
Ex.: The dog has crept on the floor all the morning. (El perro se ha arrastrado en el suelo toda la mañana).
30) (to) deal: tratar.
Simple Past: dealt.
Past Participle: dealt.
Ex.: Our factory has dealt with another important company. (Nuestra empresa ha tratado con otra compañía importante).
31) (to) dig: cavar.
Simple Past: dug
Past Participle: dug.
Ex.: Herbert has dug a hole in his garden. (Herbert ha cavado un agujero en su jardín).
32) (to) do/does: hacer.
Simple Past: did.
Past Participle: done.
Ex.: Muriel has done the homework at a friend's house. (Muriel ha hecho los deberes en casa de una amiga).
33) (to) draw: dibujar, pintar.
Simple Past: drew.
Past Participle: drawn.
Ex.: The little boy has drawn an elephant this morning. (El niño pequeño ha dibujado un elefante esta mañana).
34) (to) dream: soñar.
Simple Past: dreamt / dreamed.
Past Participle: dreamt / dreamed.
Ex.: Jules has dreamt all night. (Jules ha soñado toda la noche).
35) (to) drink: beber.
Simple Past: drank.
Past Participle: drunk.
Ex.: Hugh has drunk wine all the afternoon. (Hugh ha bebido vino toda la tarde).
36) (to) drive: conducir.
Simple Past: drove.
Past Participle: driven.
Ex.: You have driven to the beach this morning. (Tú has conducido hasta la playa esta mañana).
37) (to) eat: comer.
Simple Past: ate.
Past Participle: eaten.
Ex.: Helen has eaten a sandwich at home. (Helen ha comido un sandwich en casa).
38) (to) fall: caer/se.
Simple Past: fell.
Past Participle: fallen.
Ex.: Jim has fallen from the stairs when he has arrived home. (Jim se ha caído de las escaleras cuando él ha llegado a casa).
39) (to) feed: alimentar.
Simple Past: fed.
Past Participle: fed.
Ex.: Ulrich has fed his dogs with bread. (Ulrich ha alimentado a sus perros con pan.
40) (to) feel: sentir.
Simple Past: felt.
Past Participle: felt.
Ex.: James has felt love when he has seen the girl. (James ha sentido amor cuando ha visto a la chica).
41) (to) fight: luchar.
Simple Past: fought.
Past Participle: fought.
Ex.: The dog has fought against the cat. (El perro ha luchado contra el gato)
42) (to) find: encontrar.
Simple Past: found.
Past Participle: found.
43) (to) flee: huir.
Simple Past: fled.
Past Participle: fled.
Ex.: John has fled the country with his wife. (John ha huido del país con su mujer).
44) (to) fly: volar.
Simple Past: flew.
Past Participle: flown.
Ex.: Paul has flown from Barcelona to Paris this morning. (Paul ha volado de Barcelona a París esta mañana).
45) (to) forbid: prohibir.
Simple Past: forbade.
Past Participle: forbidden.
Ex.: Juliana has forbidden red dresses in her class.
46) (to) forget: olvidar.
Simple Past: forgot.
Past Participle: forgotten
Ex.: James has forgotten the key in the bar. (James ha olvidado la llave en el bar).
47) (to) forgive: perdonar.
Simple Past: forgave.
Past Participle: forgiven.
Ex.: Helmut has forgiven the mistake this month. (Helmut ha perdonado el error este mes).
48) (to) freeze: helar, congelar.
Simple Past: froze.
Past Participle: frozen.
Ex: The snow has frozen on the roof. (La nieve se ha helado en el tejado.
49) (to) get: conseguir, lograr, obtener.
Simple Past: got.
Past Participle: got / gotten.
Ex.: Mary has got a new bicycle this week. (Mary ha conseguido una nueva bicicleta esta semana).
50) (to) give: dar.
Simple Past: gave.
Past Participle: given.
Ex: Some boys have given a cake to the brown dog.
51) (to) go/ goes: ir.
Simple Past: went.
Past Participle: gone.
Ex.: A mouse has gone to his house this morning. (Un ratón ha ido a su casa esta mañana.
52) (to) grow: crecer.
Simple Past: grew.
Past participle: grown.
Ex.: The farmer has grown potatoes in his orchard. (El granjero ha cultivado patatas en su huerto).
53) (to) grind: moler.
Simple Past: ground.
Past Participle: ground.
Ex.: Robert has ground the coffee this month. (Robert ha molido el café este mes).
54) (to) hang: colgar.
Simple Past: hung.
Past Participle: hung.
Ex.: My sister has hung the picture on the wall. (Mi hermana ha colgado el cuadro en la pared).
55) (to) have : tener, haber.
Simple Past: had.
Past Participle: had.
Ex.: My friend has had a baby this morning. (Mi amiga ha tenido un bebé esta mañana).
56) (to) hear: oír.
Simple Past: heard.
Past Participle: heard.
Ex.: Jim has heard a bird on the roof this morning. (Jim ha oído un pájaro en el tejado esta mañana).
57) (to) hide: esconder, esconderse.
Simple Past: hid.
Past Participle: hidden.
Ex.: Gary has hidden the bread in his room. (Gary ha escondido el pan en su habitación).
58) (to) hit: golpear.
Simple Past: hit.
Past Participle: hit.
Ex.: John has hit the ball with his arm. (John ha golpeado la pelota con su brazo).
59) (to) hold: agarrar, celebrar.mantener, coger.
Simple Past: held.
Past Participle: held.
Ex.: The boss has held a meeting in the USA this week.
60) (to) hurt: herir, dañar.
Simple Past: hurt.
Past Participle: hurt.
Ex.: The elephant has hurt the tourist knee at the safari. (El elefante ha herido la rodilla del turista en el safari).
61) (to) keep: guardar, mantener.
Simple Past: kept.
Past Participle: kept.
Ex.: The woman has kept the milk in the fridge. (La mujer ha guardado la leche en la nevera).
62) (to) know: conocer, saber.
Simple Past: knew.
Past Participle: known.
Ex.: Umberto has known his wife since they were young. (Umberto conoce a su mujer desde que eran jóvenes).
63) (to) kneel: arrodillarse.
Simple Past: knelt.
Past Participle: knelt.
Ex.: The nun has knelt in the church.
64) (to) knit: hacer punto.
Simple Past: knit.
Past Participle: knit.
Ex.: The old woman has knit all the morning at her house. (La mujer mayor ha hecho punto toda la mañana en su casa).
65) (to) lay: poner.
Simple Past: laid.
Past Participle: laid.
Ex.: Her friends have laid a present beside the door. (Sus amigos han puesto un regalo al lado de la puerta).
66) (to) lead: conducir, dirigir.
Simple Past: led.
Past Participle: led.
Ex.: Yoko has lead the Japanese tourists to the cathedral this morning. (Yoko ha dirigido a los turistas japoneses a la catedral esta mañana).
67) (to) lean: apoyarse.
Simple Past: leant.
Past Participle: leant.
Ex.: The girls have leant on the wall this afternoon. (Las chicas se han apoyado en el muro esta tarde).
68) (to) leap: brincar.
Simple Past: leapt.
Past Participle: leapt.
Ex.: Your father has leapt when he has seen your new car. (Tu padre ha brincado cuando ha visto tu coche nuevo).
69) (to) learn: aprender.
Simple Past: learnt / learned.
Past Participle: learnt / learned.
Ex.: Yoshi has learnt Catalan this year. (Yoshi ha aprendido catalán este año).
70) (to) leave: dejar.
Simple Past: left.
Past Participle: left.
Ex.: My brother has left his flat this week. (Mi hermano ha dejado su piso este mes).
71) (to) lend: prestar.
Simple Past: lent.
Past Participle: lent.
Ex.: My neighbour has lent me his car to go to the supermarket. (Mi vecino me ha prestado su coche para ir al supermercado).
72) (to) let: dejar, permitir.
Simple Past: let.
Past Participle: let.
Ex.: Her sister has let me make an omelette in her house. (Su hermana me ha dejado hacer una tortilla en su casa).
73) (to) lie: echarse.
Simple Past: lay.
Past Participle: lain.
Ex.: Our family has lain on the grass after lunch. (Nuestra familia se ha echado en el césped después del almuerzo).
74) (to) light: encender.
Simple Past: lit.
Past Participle: lit.
Ex.: Anthony has lit a cigarette this morning. (Anthony ha encendido un cigarrillo esta mañana).
75) (to) lose: perder.
Simple Past: lost.
Past Participle: lost.
Ex.: The student has lost his books in the train. (El estudiante ha perdido sus libros en el tren).
76) (to) make: hacer, fabricar.
Simple Past: made.
Past Participle: made.
Ex.: The baker has made a big cake for his daughter's birthday. (El panadero ha hecho un gran pastel para el cumpleaños de su hija).
77) (to) mean: significar.
Simple Past: meant.
Past Participle: meant.
Ex.: Paul's leaving has meant a big loss for Susan. La partida de Paul ha significado una gran pérdida para Susan).
78) (to) meet: conocerse por primera vez, encontrarse.
Simple Past: met.
Past Participle: met.
Ex.: Anne has met a friend at the cinema. (Anne se ha encontrado a un amigo en el cine).
79) (to) mistake: errar, equivocarse.
Simple Past: mistook.
Past Participle: mistaken.
Ex.: They have mistaken one bag for another one. (Ellos han equivocado una cartera por otra).
80) (to) overcome: vencer.
Simple Past: overcame.
Past Participle: overcome.
Ex.: James has overcome his illness this year. (James ha superado su enfermedad este año).
81) (to) pay: pagar.
Simple Past: paid.
Past Participle: paid.
Ex.: Chrales has paid a thousand euros for a boat. (James ha pagado mil euros por una barca).
82) (to) put: poner.
Simple Past: put.
Past Participle: put.
Ex.: You have put the trousers inside the cupboard. (Tú has puesto los pantalones dentro del armario.
83) (to) read: leer.
Simple Past: read.
Past Participle: read.
Ex.: They have read Joseph's novel this semester. (Ellos han leído la novela de Joseph este semestre).
84) (to) ride: conducir, montar.
Simple Past: rode.
Past Participle: ridden.
Ex.: My friend has ridden a horse this week-end. (Mi amiga ha montado a caballo este fin de semana).
85) (to) ring: llamar (al timbre o por teléfono).
Simple Past: rang.
Past Participle: rung.
Ex.: The boy has rung Mary this afternoon. (El chico ha llamado a Mary esta tarde).
86) (to) rise: elevarse, levantarse.
Simple Past: rose.
Past Participle: risen.
Ex.: The sun has risen very early this morning. (El sol ha salido muy temprano esta mañana).
87) (to) run: correr.
Simple Past: ran.
Past Participle: run.
Ex.: Tim has run all the morning to practice some sport. (Tom ha corrido toda la mañana para practicar algo de deporte).
88) (to) say: decir.
Simple Past: said.
Past Participle: said.
Ex.: Gertrud has said no to her husband's command. (Gertrud ha dicho que no a la petición de su marido).
89) (to) see: ver.
Simple Past: saw.
Past Participle: seen.
Ex.: Harold has seen "Frida" this week. (Harold ha visto "Frida" esta semana).
90) (to) seek: buscar.
Simple Past: sought.
Past Participle: sought.
Ex.: John has sought his wallet at home. (John ha buscado su monedero en casa).
91) (to) sell: vender.
Simple Past: sold.
Past Participle: sold.
Ex.: Marius has sold his bicycle this morning. (Marius ha vendido su bicicleta esta mañana).
92) (to) send: enviar.
Simple Past: sent.
Past Participle: sent.
Ex.: The teacher has sent a letter to his pupils' parents. (El profesor ha enviado una carta a los padres de sus alumnos).
93) (to) set: poner (se)
Simple Past: set.
Past Participle: set.
Ex.: The sun has set at six this evening. (El sol se ha puesto a las seis esta tarde).
94) (to) sew: coser.
Simple Past: sewed.
Past Participle: sewed / sewn.
Ex.: My boyfriend's mother has sewed/sewn a very beautiful green dress.
95) (to) shake: sacudir.
Simple Past: shook.
Past Participle: shaken.
Ex.: The boy has shaken the bag at the school. (El chico ha sacudido la bolsa esta mañana).
96) (to) shear: esquilar.
Simple Past: shore.
Past Participle: shorn.
Ex.: The old man has shorn the sheep to get wool. (El hombre mayor ha esquilado a la oveja para conseguir lana).
97) (to) shine: brillar.
Simple Past: shone.
Past Participle: shone
Ex.: The sun has shone all the morning. (El sol ha brillado toda la mañana).
98) (to) shoot: disparar.
Simple Past: shot.
Past Participle: shot.
Ex: The tall man has shot the short one. (El hombre alto ha disparado al hombre bajo).
99) (to) show: enseñar, mostrar.
Simple Past: showed.
Past Participle: shown.
The director has shown his script to the actors. (El director ha mostrado su guión a los actores).
100) (to) shrink: encoger/se.
Simple Past: shrank.
Past Participle: shrunk.
Ex.: The shirt has shrunk inside the washing machine.
101) (to) shut: cerrar.
Simple Past: shut.
Past participle: shut.
Ex.: The shop has shut at eight this evening. (La tienda ha cerrado a las ocho esta tarde).
102) (to) sing: cantar.
Simple Past: sang.
Past Participle: sung.
Ex.: George Michael has sung a lot of songs in the show. (George Michael ha cantado un montón de canciones en el espectáculo).
103) (to) sink: hundirse.
Simple Past: sank.
Past Participle: sunk.
Ex.: The big ship has sunk in the Atlantic Ocean. (El gran barco se ha hundido en el Océano Atlántico).
104) (to) sit: sentar/se.
Simple Past: sat.
Past Participle: sat.
Ex.: Juliette has sat in front of her sister in the classroom. (Juliette se ha sentado en frente de su hermana en la clase).
105) (to) sleep: dormir.
Simple Past: slept.
Past Participle: The little baby has slept in her parents' bed. (El bebé ha dormido en la cama de sus padres).
106) (to) slide: deslizarse, resbalar.
Simple Past: slid.
Past Participle: slid.
107) (to) smell: oler.
Simple Past: smelt / smelled (USA)
Past Participle: smelt / smelled
Ex.: James has smelt the strawbeery cheese cake from his room. (James ha olido el pastel de queso con fresas desde su habitación).
108) (to) sow: sembrar.
Simple Past: sowed.
Past Participle: sowed / sown.
Ex.: The farmer has sowed/sown all the seeds this afternoon. (El granjero ha sembrado todas las semillas esta tarde).
109) (to) speak: hablar.
Simple Past: spoke.
Past Participle: spoken.
Ex.: Madonna has spoken to her manager because he was angry with her. (Madonna ha hablado con su manager porque él estaba enfadado con ella).
110) (to) speed: acelerar.
Simple Past: sped.
Past Participle: sped.
Ex.: Fonsi Nieto has sped his motorbike at the race. (Fonsi Nieto ha acelerado su moto en la carrera).
111) (to) spell: deletrear.
Simple Past: spelt / spelled (USA)
Past Participle: spelt /spelled (USA)
Ex.: Monica's baby has spelt her name this morning. (La niña de Mónica ha deletreado su nombre esta mañana).
112) (to) spend: gastar.
Simple Past: spent.
Past Participle: spent.
Ex.: Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith have spent their holidays at Malaga. (Antonio Banderas y Melanie Griffith han pasado sus vacaciones en Málaga).
113) (to) spill: derramar.
Simple Past: spilt / spilled.
Past Participle: spilt / spilled.
Ex.: The dog has spilled/spilt the oil on the floor. (El perro ha derramado el aceite en el suelo).
114) (to) spin: hilar.
Simple Past: spun.
Past Participle: spun.
Ex.: The dress maker has spun the shirt. (La sastra ha hilado la camisa).
115) (to) spit: escupir.
Simple Past: spat.
Past Participle: spat.
Ex.: The boy has spat at the bathroom after lunch. (El chico ha escupido en el baño después del almuerzo).
116) (to) split: hender, partir, rajar.
Simple Past: split.
Past Participle: split.
Ex.: The couple has split the melon at home. (La pareja ha partido el melón en su casa).
117) (to) spoil: estropear.
Simple Past: spoilt / spoiled.
Simple Past: spoilt / spoiled.
Ex.: My sister has spoilt the hair drier. (Mi hermana ha estropeado el secador).
118) (to) spread: extender.
Simple Past: spread.
Past Participle: spread.
Ex.: Tom has spread the butter on the bread. (Tom ha extendido la mantequilla en el pan).
119) (to) spring: saltar.
Simple Past: sprang.
Past Participle: sprung.
Ex.: The athlete has sprung from the balcony to the floor. (El atleta ha saltado desde el balcón hasta el suelo).
120) (to) stand: estar de pie.
Simple Past: stood.
Past Participle: stood.
Ex.: The teacher has stood in front of the student for half an hour. (El profesor ha estado de pie delante del alumno durante media hora).
121) (to) steal: robar.
Simple Past: stole.
Past Participle: stolen.
Ex.: The burglars have stolen a lot of pictures from the museum. (Los ladrones han robado muchos cuadros del museo).
122) (to) stick: pegar, engomar.
Simple Past: stuck.
Past Participle: stuck.
Ex.: Daniel has stick the picture on his notebook. (Daniel ha pegado el dibujo en su libreta).
123) (to) sting: picar.
Simple Past: stung.
Past Participle: stung.
Ex.: The wasp has stung the child at the swimming-pool. (La avispa ha picado al niño en la piscina).
124) (to stink: Apestar.
Simple Past: stank/stunk.
Past Participle: stunk.
Ex.: The old house has stunk all the week. (La casa vieja ha apestado toda la semana).
125) (to) stride: dar zancadas.
Simple Past: strode.
Past Participle: stridden.
Ex.: The tall boy has stridden in the garden. (El chico alto ha dado zancadas en el jardín).
126) (to) strike: golpear.
Simple Past: struck.
Past Participle: struck.
Ex.: The crazy fan has stroken Figo's head with a stick. (El fan loco ha golpeado la cabeza de Figo con un palo).
127) (to) swear: jurar.
Simple Past: swore.
Past Participle: sworn.
Ex.: My friends have sworn that they did not see the film. (Mis amigos han jurado que ellos no vieron la película).
128) (to) sweat: sudar.
Simple Past: sweat.
Past Participle: sweat.
Ex.: Anna Kournikova has sweat a lot in the match. (Anna Kournikova ha sudado mucho en el partido).
129) (to) sweep: barrer.
Simple Past: swept.
Past Participle: swept.
Ex.: Her father has swept the whole house this morning. (Su padre ha barrido toda la casa esta mañana).
130) (to) swell: hincharse.
Simple Past: swelled.
Past Participle: swollen.
Ex.: Harry's nose has swollen after the blow. (La nariz de Harry se ha hinchado después del golpe).
131) (to) swim: nadar.
Simple Past: swam.
Past Participle: swum.
Ex.: Edward has swum 3 kilometers this week. (Edward ha nadado 3 kilómetros esta semana).
132) (to) swing: columpiarse.
Simple Past: swung.
Past participle: swung.
Ex.: Mariona has swung at her grandparents' house. (Mariona se ha columpiado en casa de sus abuelos).
133) (to) take: coger.
Simple Past: took.
Past Participle: taken.
Ex.: John Travolta has taken the sunglasses in the film. (John Travolta ha cogido las gafas de sol en la película).
134) (to) teach: enseñar, educar.
Simple Past: taught.
Past Participle: taught.
Ex.: My father has taught me a lot of things for many years. (Mi padre me ha enseñado muchas cosas durante muchos años).
135) (to) tear: rasgar.
Simple Past: tore.
Past Participle: torn.
Ex.: The dog has torn Mary's trousers when they were playing. (El perro ha rasgado los pantalones de Mary cuando ellos estaban jugando).
136) (to) tell: contar, explicar.
Simple Past: told.
Past Participle: told.
Ex.: Sagrario has told a story to her niece. (Sagrario ha contado un cuento a su nieta).
137) (to) think: pensar.
Simple Past: thought.
Past Participle: thought.
Ex.: Timothy has thought about his girlfriend all the week-end. (Timothy ha pensado en su novia todo el fin de semana).
138) (to) throw: arrojar, tirar.
Simple Past: threw.
Past Participle: thrown.
Ex.: Your mother has thrown your old green trousers. (Tu madre ha tirado tus viejos pantalones verdes).
139) (to) thrust: introducir.
Simple Past: thrust.
Past Participle: thrust.
Ex.: Rachel has thrust the coin into the machine. (Rachel ha introducido la moneda en la máquina).
140) (to) tread: pisar, hollar.
Simple Past: trod.
Past Participle: trodden.
Ex.: Neil Armstrong has trodden the moon surface for the first time. (Neil Armstrong ha pisado la superficie de la luna por primera vez).
141) (to) understand: entender, comprender.
Simple Past: understood.
Past Participle: understood.
Ex.: Cristina has finally understood that I was angry with her. (Cristina ha entendido finalmente que yo estaba enfadada con ella).
142) (to) undergo: sufrir.
Simple Past: underwent.
Past Participle: undergone.
Ex.: The doctor's daughter has undergone a terrible illness. (La hija del médico ha sufrido una terrible enfermedad).
143) (to) undertake: emprender.
Simple Past: undertook.
Past Participle: undertaken.
Ex.: Nuria and her husband have undertaken a long trip. (Nuria y su marido han emprendido un largo viaje).
144) (to) wake: despertar/despertarse.
Simple Past: woke.
Past Participle: woken.
Ex.: I have woken up very happy with Panchi by my side. (Yo he despertado muy contenta con Panchi a mi lado).
145) (to) wear: llevar puesto, usar.
Simple Past: wore.
Past Participle: worn.
Ex.: James has worn a blue shirt this morning. (James ha llevado puesta una camiseta azul esta mañana).
146) (to) weave: tejer.
Simple Past: wove.
Past Participle: woven.
Ex.: His grandmother has woven a very nice pullover for the winter. ( Su abuela le ha tejido un jersey muy bonito para el invierno).
147) (to) weep: sollozar.
Simple Past: wept.
Past Participle: wept.
Ex.: John has wept in the cinema after the film. (John ha llorado en el cine después de la película).
148) (to) wet: mojar.
Simple Past: wet.
Past Participle: wet
Ex.: The water has wet the blanket. (El agua ha mojado la sábana).
149) (to) win: ganar.
Simple Past: won.
Past Participle: won.
Ex.: Real Madrid has won the Spanish Football Championship this year. (El Real Madrid ha ganado el Campeonato de fútbol español este año).
150) (to) wind: enrollar.
Simple Past: wound.
Past Participle: wound.
Ex.: The cook has wound the jam inside the steak. (El cocinero ha enrollado el jamón dentro del filete).
151) (to) withdraw: retirarse.
Simple Past: withdrew.
Past Participle: withdrawn.
Ex.: Mario Conde has withdrawn from the factory where he was working. (Mario Conde se ha retirado de la empresa en la que estaba trabajando).
152) (to) wring: torcer.
Simple Past: wrung.
Past Participle: wrung.
Ex.: Mary has wrung her knee when she was dancing. (Mary se ha torcido el tobillo cuando estaba bailando).
153) (to) write: escribir.
Simple Past: wrote.
Past Participle: written.
Ex.: My friend Joseph has written a very interesting novel. (Mi amigo Joseph ha escrito una novela muy interesante).