

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Restaurants, The Kitchen, and Food

We are in the most expensive restaurant in New York City. The flowers on the tables are real and not plastic.  The food comes to the table on a plate and not in a paper bag. This isn’t MacDonald’s. This isn’t Burger King.

Waiter:  Good evening, how may I help you?
Customer: I’d like a table. Please.
W: How many are in your party?
C: There will be four of us. The others are parking the car.
W: You can wait in the bar. When your table is ready I will call you.
C: Thank you.

The waiter comes into the bar area.

W: Your table is ready, sir.  Follow me please. Right this way, please. Here is your table. Your waiter will be with you in just a moment. Enjoy your meal.
C: Thank you.
Another waiter comes to the table.

Waiter2: Good evening, would you like something to drink? Anything to drink, folks?
C: Yes, I would like a bottle or water please, without gas.
Customer2: May I have a beer please? What do you have on tap? (de barril)
W2: We have Heineken on tap. In bottle we have Budweiser.
C2: I’d like a Heineken, please.
W2: Very well.

The waiter returns with the drinks.

W2: Here are the drinks you ordered. Would you like to look at menus? Tonight’s specials are crab cakes and New Orleans Jambalaya.

The waiter gives everyone at the table a menu. He returns to the table after a few minutes.

 W2: Are you ready to order? Have you decided on something? Would you like to order now? What can I get for you?
C: May I have the special, please?
C2: May I have the margarita pizza, please?
W2: Would you like the large pizza or the small pizza?
C2: May I have both, please? I’m American.
W2: Will that be all? Will there be anything else? Anything else?
C: That will be all, thank you.

The food arrives at the table. The waiter returns to the table and asks if everything is OK.

W2: How is everything?
W2: Very good, thank you.

At the end of the meal the waiter takes away all of the plates and silverware.

W2: would you like to look at the dessert menu?

At the end of the meal the waiter is standing next to the table.

C: The check, please.

Kitchen Vocabulary
Jamie Oliver
blender (blénder) - licuadora
bottle opener (bótl óupener) - destapador de botellas
bowl (bóul) - bol, taza grande
broom (brúm) - escoba
cake mold (kéik móuld) - molde para repostería
can opener (kán óupener) - abrelatas
canister (kánister) - bote, lata
carving knife (kárvin náif) - cuchillo para trinchar
casserole (káserol) - cazuelera
ceramic ware (serámik uéar) - vajilla de ceramic, olla de barro
cheese cutter (chíis káter) - cortador de queso
chopping/cutting board (chópin bóord) - tabla para cortar
cleaver (klíiver) - cuchilla para picar
coffee maker (kófi méiker) - cafetera
colander (kólander) - colador de verduras
corkscrew (kork-skrú) - destapador
counter (káunter) - mesada
crokery (króukeri) - loza, vajilla
cup (kap) - taza
cupboard (kábord) - alacena
cutlery (kátleri) - cubiertos
dish drainer (dish dréiner) - escurridor de platos
dish towel (dísh táuel) - repasador
dishwasher (dísh uósher) - lavaplatos
drawers (dróoers) - cajones
faucet/tap (fóset) - canilla, grifo
food processor (fúud prosésor) - procesadora de alimentos
forks (forks) - tenedores
freezer (fríisser) - congelador
fridge (frídch) - heladera
frying pan (fráing pan) - sartén
funnel (fánl) - embudo
garbage (gárbidch) - basura
gloves (glóvs) - guantes
grater (gréiter) - rallador
ice tray (áistrei) - cubetera
juicer (dchúser) - juguera
kettle (kétl) - pava
kitchen apron (kítchen éipron) - delantal de cocina
knives (náivs) - cuchillos
ladle (léidl) - cucharón
lighter (láiter) - encendedor
masher (másher) - pisapuré
microwave oven (máikroweiv óven) - horno microondas
mincer (ménser) - picador, picadora
mixer (míkser) - batidora
oven (óven) - horno
oven burner (óven bérner) - quemador del horno
oven mitts (óven mits) - guantes para horno
pans (pans) - ollas, caserolas y sartenes
pepper mill (péper mil) - molinillo de pimienta
pot (pot) - olla
pot holder (pot hólder) - agarradera
potato peeler (potéitou pííler) - pelapapas
pressure cooker (présher-kúker) - olla a presión
recipe (résipi) - receta
refrigerator (refridcheréitor) - heladera
roasting pan (róusting pan) - asadera
rolling pin (róulin pin) - palo de amasar
salt shaker (sólt shéiker) - salero
saucepan (sóspan) - cacerola
scouring pad (skáurin pad) - esponja limpiadora
sharpener (shárpener) - afilador de cuchillos
shelves (shélvs) - anaqueles, estantes
sieve (síiv) – tamiz
sink (sínk) - pileta de lavar
soap (sóup) - jabón
spatula (spáchiula) - espátula
spoons (spúuns) - cucharas
squeezer (skuíizer) - exprimidor
steamer (stíimer) - vaporera
stove (stóuv) - cocina (aparato)
stove burners (stóuv bérners) - quemadores de cocina
strainer (stréiner) - colador chico
teapot (tíipot) - tetera
teaspoons (tíispúns) - cucharitas
toaster (tóuster) - tostadora
trash can (tráshkan) - tacho de la basura
dishwashing liquid (uóshin-áp líkuid) - detergente
water heater (uóter jíiter) - calefón
whisk (wísk) - batidor de alambre
wok (wók) - sartén china
To Boil – hervir
To Simmer – hervir a fuego lento
To Fry – freir
To Sauté – sofreir,
To Bake – hornear
To Cut, Chop – cortar
To Dice – cortar en tacos
To Add – añadir

To Flip – dar una vuelta  Flip the tortilla.
To Stuff – rellenar
To Stir – remover  Stir the soup.
To Drain – escurrir, colar  Drain the pasta.

Food, Fruits and Vegetables
  • APPLE: Manzana
  • ORANGE: Naranja
  • LEMON: Limón
  • BANANA: Plátano
  • PEACH: Melocotón
  • MELON: Melón
  • PEAR: Pera
  • GRAPES: Uvas
  • CHERRY: Cereza

  • POTATO: Patata
  • Onion: Cebolla
  • PEAS: Guisantes
  • GARLIC: Ajo
  • CARROT: Zanahoria
  • CAULIFLOWER: Coliflor
  • PEPPER: Pimiento
  • CABBAGE: Col, repollo
  • AUBERGINE/ Egg Plant: Berenjena
  • MUSHROOMS: Champiñones
  • COURGETTE/ zuchinni: Calabacín           
  • LETTUCE: Lechuga
  • TOMATO: Tomate
  • TUNA: Atún
  • CUCUMBER: Pepino
  • VINEGAR: Vinagre
  • OIL: Aceite

Carne, pescado y marisco:
  • BEEF: Ternera
  • VEAL: Ternera
  • LAMB: Cordero
  • PORK: Carne de cerdo
  • OYSTER: Ostra
  • LOBSTER: Langosta
  • MUSSELS: Mejillones
  • SHRIMP: Camarón
  • PRAWN: Gamba
  • SALMON: Salmón
 Descripción de la comida:
  • TASTY: Sabroso
  • BLAND: Suave
  • SWEET: Dulce
  • SALTY: Salado
  • FRESH: Fresco
  • TENDER: Tierno
  • FATTY: Grasiento
  • YUMMY: Sabroso
  • CRISPY: Crujiente

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Verb Practice

I run. I ran. I am running.  I have never run a marathon.
I was running to school when I saw the accident.

You read. You read (red). You are reading. I have read Don Quijote.
You were reading when the phone rang.

We drive to the store. We drove. We are driving. We have driven there.
We were driving to the store when the accident happened.

I bring my pack. I brought it. I was bringing it. I have brought it.
I was bringing the dog his food when he bit me.

He thinks. I thought. He was thinking. He has thought a lot about it.
He was thinking about the problem when he found the answer.

She wakes up at 7. She woke up at 7. She was waking up. She has woken up.
She was waking up when the alarm rang.

They sell fish. They sold fish. They are selling fish. They have sold fish.
They were selling their house so he bought it from them.