

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

English Speak

A new website to practice your English. English Speak

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Audio (Normal)
Henry Judy, tu esposo tiene un coche muy bonito.
Judy, your husband has a really nice car.
Judy Gracias. Es mucho mejor que el mio, y es nuevo.
Thanks. It's a lot better than mine, and it's new.
Henry A donde vas?
Where are you going?
Judy Vamos a visitar a mi hermana a la ciudad.
We're going to visit my sister in the city.
Henry No sabia que tu hermana vivia en la ciudad, Cuando se mudo' ahi?
I didn't know your sister lives in the city, when did she move there?
Judy Hace cerca de un ano. Ella vive en un apartamento en la calle Tercera, en frente de la biblioteca publica.
About a year ago. She lives in an apartment on 3rd street, across from the public library.
Henry Ya veo. Son casi las 5 ahora, no crees que va a haber mucho trafico?
I see. It's almost 5:00 PM now, don't you think there will be a lot of traffic?
Judy Ah, pero no vamos a conducir. Vamos a tomar el metro. El metro solo tarda 20 minutos.
Oh, we're not driving. We're going to take the subway. The subway only takes about 20 minutes.
Henry Si, pero se puede poner muy lleno alrededor de esta hora.Siempre me siento incomodo tomando el metro.
Yes, but it can be very crowded around this time. I always feel uncomfortable taking the subway.
Judy Yo tomo el metro al trabajo todos los dias, entonces ya estoy acostumbrada.
I take the subway to work everyday, so I'm used to it now.
Henry No vive tu mama en la ciudad?
Doesn't your mother live in the city?
Judy Si, ha vivido ahi por como diez anos.
Yes, she's lived there for about ten years.
Henry Me acuerdo cuando ella se mudo' ahi. Los apartamentos costaban mucho menos en esos tiempos.
I remember when she moved there. Apartments were a lot cheaper then.
Judy Se lo que quieres decir. Es dificil encontrar algo razonable ahora.
I know what you mean. It's hard to find anything that's reasonable now.
Henry Que la pases bien. La proxima vez que estes libre, llamame e iremos a jugar poker.
Have a good time. Next time you're free, give me a call and we'll go play poker.
Judy Hasta luego.
See you later.