

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Cambridge Class Notes

What Are Your Plans for Christmas?

What will you do during the Christmas holidays? There are several days that we celebrate every year in December and January.  On December 24th we have Christmas Eve.  This is the night before Christmas. On this night many people open their Christmas gifts. It depends on the tradition of the family.

This is a time of year that people buy gifts for one another. Children love Christmas because they get lots of gifts.

Many people decorate their homes for Christmas with lights and other decorations. It is a tradition in many countries to have a Christmas tree in the house. It is usually a fir tree or a pine tree.

Christmas, or Christmas day is December 25th. In the United States of America this is the only religious holiday that we have during the year.   

New Year’s Eve is the night before New Year’s Day and it is traditional in many countries to celebrate this night with a party. Lots of people drink too much on New Year’s Eve.

New Year’s Day is January first, or the first day of the year.

Eve – víspera
Fir - abeto


This morning it was raining cats and dogs.
To rain cats and dogs - llover a cántaros

To Premier, release, do for the first time - Estrenar
A new movie will premier in December.
A new movie will come out in December.

En español puedes decir "Tengo muchos sobirinos" cuando hablas de tus sobrinos y sobrinas.

I have many nieces and nephews.
I have brothers and sisters.
I have six cousins.(cousin es masculino y femenina a la vez)
My mother and father parents
My aunts and uncles.
My grandparents.
Sister-in-law brother-in-law

step-mother, step-father
step-sister, step-brother
The Godfather


Just thinking about tomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
there will be sun.
Clears away the cobwebs,
And the sorrow 'Til there's none! (Until there's none)
When I'm stuck with a day that's gray,
And lonely,
I just stick out my chin
And Grin, And Say,
The sun'll come out (the sun will come out) Tomorrow
So ya gotta hang on (you have to hang on)
'Til tomorrow (until)
Come what may. Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
I love you
You're always
A day away!

Sólo de pensar en el mañana
Borra las telarañas,
Y la tristeza hasta que no haya ninguno!
Cuando me tengo que quedar con un día
Eso es gris, y solitario,
Yo sólo levanto la barbilla, y sonrío, y digo
El sol saldrá mañana
Así que lo que tienes que esperar hasta mañana
Pase lo que pase
Mañana! Mañana!
Me encanta, Mañana!
Siempre estás
Un día lejos!

I'll We'll You'll
Tony'll go.
The sun'll come out.

Tony, Tom, and Marisa'll go.

What are you doing tomorrow?
What will you do tomorrow?
What are you going to do tomorrow?

What are you doing next summer?
What will you do next summer?
What are you going to do next summer?

Will (modal verb)

I won't go. I will not go.
I'm not going to go.
I'm not going.

He is 25. He is 26 years old. When he was 16 he went to university. (Con sólo 16 años entró en la universidad)

Better safe than sorry.

To kill two birds with one stone.

Linguistic sawdust
Linguistic shortcut

The Future:

I will go.
I am going to go.
I'm going. 


Él toca piano. ¿Verdad?


He plays the piano, doesn’t he?

He doesn’t speak Chinese, does he?

He can speak Spanish, can’t he?

He can’t speak French, can he?


He went to London, didn’t he?

He didn’t go to London, did he?


He won’t go to London, will he?

He’ll go to London, won’t he?


He wouldn’t go to London, would he?

He would go to London, wouldn’t he?

Or simply:
He went to London, right?


Expressions with "To Be"

I am 96. …or… I am 98 years old.  - Tengo 96 años.
She will be 14 in March.  – Cumplirá 14 años en marzo.
I am hungry. - Tengo hambre.
She is thirsty. -  Ella tiene sed.
They are hot.  . Tienen calor.
Juan is cold.   Juan tiene frío.
I am right.  Tengo razón.
I am wrong. Estoy equivocado.
 He is … Happy, Sad, Tired, Confused, Sleepy, Sick (ill),   

Adjective vs. Past Participles
We are bored. - Estamos aburridos  But… He is boring.  - Él es aburrido.
The movie is interesting. – La película es interesante.
He is interested in Greek history.  -  Le interesa la historia griega.

alarmed  - alarmado
alarming - alarmante
annoyed ) - irritado
annoying  - irritante

confused - confundido
confusing  - confuso
depressed  - deprimido
depressing  - deprimente
excited  - excitado
exciting  - excitante
frustrated  - frustrado
frustrating  - frustrante
interested  - interesado
interesting  - interesante
surprised  - sorprendido
 surprising  sorprendente

worried  - preocupado
worrying  - preocupante

  • A growing population
    Una población creciente
  • A crying baby
    Un bebé que llora
  • A smiling girl
    Una niña sonriente
  • The following days
    Los días siguientes
  • The employees belonging to the union
    Los empleados pertenecientes al sindicato
  • A terrifying experience
    Una experiencia terrorífica
  • An embarrassing situation
    Una situación bochornosa
  • A disgusting dictator
    Un dictador asqueroso
  • A disappointing book
    Un libro decepcionante
  • An exciting job
    Un trabajo excitante
  • An amusing story
    Una historia divertida
  • An astonishing scene
    Una escena asombrosa
  • A passing plane
    Un avión que pasa

·  The frightened soldier stayed in his trench during the bombardment.
El asustado soldado se quedó en su trinchera durante el bombardeo.

·  The children were fascinated by the animals at the circus.
Los chicos estaban fascinados por los animales del circo.

·  He seemed very embarrased about having made that mistake.
El parecía muy abochornado por haber cometido ese error.

·  She felt very frustrated for having failed the exam.
Ella se sentía muy frustrada por no haber aprobado el examen.

·  The students were pleased with their progress in school.
Los estudiantes estaban complacidos con su progreso en la escuela.

·  I was astonished by how much she had learned in such a short time
Yo estaba asombrado por todo lo que ella había aprendido en tan corto tiempo.

·  They were shocked when they learned that their house had been destroyed.
Ellos estaban conmocionados cuando se enteraron de que su casa había sido destruída



Sports and Fitness Vocabulary
Fitness – salud, buena forma
To Work Out – ejercitarse, hacer ejercicio, entrenar
         I work out at the gym three days a week.
Score: Spain 3, Germany 2 .  I can say:
Spain beat Germany 3-2 / Germany lost to Spain 3-2
Spain won the match / Germany lost the match
Spain were the winners / Germany were the losers.
Score: Spain 2, Germany 2.  I can say:
They drew 2-2
It was a draw

1. Deportes (16)
  • FOOTBALL: Fútbol
  • BASKETBALL: Baloncesto
  • TENNIS: Tenis
  • VOLLEYBALL: Voleibol
  • BASEBALL: Beísbol
  • HOCKEY: Hockey
  • GOLF: Golf
  • RUGBY: Rugby
  • TABLE TENNIS (Ping Pong): Tenis de mesa
  • ATHLETICS: Atletismo
  • BOXING: Boxeo
  • ICE HOCKEY: Hockey sobre hielo
  • SKIING: Esquí
  • SWIMMING: Natación
  • MOTOR RACING: Motociclismo
  • FENCING: Esgrima

2.2. Equipment (14)
  • BOOTS / TRAINING SHOES: Botas, zapatillas de deporte
  • RACKET: Raqueta de tenis
  • BAT: Bate de béisbol o raqueta de tenis de mesa
  • STICK: Palo (stick) de Hockey
  • CLUBS: Palos de golf
  • SWORD: Espada (esgrima)
  • CRASH HELMET: Casco protector
  • SWIMMING COSTUME / SWIMSUIT: Traje de natación para mujeres
  • TRUNKS: Traje de baño para hombres
  • NET: Red de Voleyball, tenis, etc.
  • GLOVES: Guantes (boxeo)

2.3. Acciones deportivas con balón (6)
  • THROW: Lanzar
  • HEAD: Cabecear
  • PASS: Pasar
  • HIT: Golpear
  • CATCH: Coger
  • KICK: Golpear (fútbol), patear.
  • DRIBBLE: regatear (Fútbol), driblar (baloncesto)

2.4. Campos de juego (8)
  • COURT: Pista de baloncesto, tenis y voleibol
  • PITCH or FIELD: Pista de fútbol o rugby
  • COURSE: Pista de golf
  • TRACK: Pista de atletismo
  • RINK: Pista de Jockey
  • POOL: Piscina
  • RING: Ring (boxeo)
  • SKI SLOPES: Pista de ski

2.5. Otros (33)
  • WIN: Ganar
  • WINNERS: Ganadores
  • LOSE: Perder
  • LOSERS: Perdedores
  • BEAT: Vencer
  • DRAW or TIE: Empatar
  • TO CHEER: Animar, aplaudir
  • REFEREE: Árbitro de fútbol, rugby y baloncesto
  • UMPIRE: Árbitro de béisbol y tenis
  • CROWD: Multitud
  • BAN: Prohibir
  • SCOREBOARD: Marcador
  • LAP: Vuelta
  • SPECTATORS: Espectadores
  • TROPHY: Trofeo
  • WHISTLE: Pitido, silbato.
  • RETIRE: Retirarse
  • PEAK: Cima
  • RISK: Riesgo
  • LOSS: Pérdida
  • COACH POTATO: Sedentario, teleadicto
  • OVERCOME: Superarse
  • KICK OFF: Comenzar
  • WARM UP: Calentar
  • EQUIPMENT: Equipamento
  • HIKING: Senderismo, excursionismo
  • ROCK CLIMBING: Escalada
  • JOGGING: Footing
  • TAKE UP: Empezar
  • GIVE UP: Parar, dejar de hacer
  • GET FIT: Ponerse en forma
  • SUPPORT: Apoyar, seguir (a un equipo)
  • TAKE IT SERIOUSLY: Tomárselo enserio


Eating is not an option.

Paella Recipe

Paella is the most famous dish in all of Spain; it is perhaps one of the most famous

dishes in the entire world. Paella comes from Valencia.

Paella is made in a large, shallow (poco profundo, deep = profundo) pan called a paella.





Green Beans

Lima or Butter Beans (we don’t have garrofó)

Tomato (grated = rayado)

Olive Oil


Pimentón (Spanish paprika)




Fry the meat very well (brown the meat very well) in olive oil

(don’t be shy/timid with the olive oil). Salt the meat.

 Add the green beans and fresh butter beans

(if the butter beans are pre-cooked add them with the water).

Add the grated tomato and the pimentón and saffron. 

Add water and simmer for 30 minutes. Add the rice and simmer for another 15-18 minutes.

Optional Ingredients: snails, artichokes, rosemary,

and red pepper but only if you live in Alicante.


artichoke (árti-chóuk) - alcachofa
asparagus (aspáragos) - espárrago
beans (bíins) - alubias
beet (bít) - remolacha
bell pepper (bel péper) - pimiento morrón
broad beans (bróod bíins) - habas, chauchas
broccoli (brócoli) - brócoli
Brussels sprouts (brásels spráuts) - col de Bruselas

cabbage (kábedch) - repollo, col
carrot (kárrot) - zanahoria
cauliflower (kóli-fláuer) - coliflor
celery (séleri) - apio

chard (chard) - acelga
chick peas (chik píis) - garbanzos
chilli (chíli) - ají picante
cucumber (kiúcomber) - pepino

eggplant (aubergine UK) (égplant) - berenjena
fennel (fénel) - hinojo
garlic (gárlic) - ajo
green onion (gríin ónion) – cebolla tierna

leek (líik) - puerro
lentils (léntils) - lentejas
lettuce (létos) - lechuga
mushrooms (másh-rúms) - hongos, setas

onion (ónion) - cebolla
parsley (pársli) - perejil
peas (píis) - guisantes
pepper (péper) - pimiento

potato (potéitou) - papa, patata
pumpkin (pámpkin) - calabaza
spinach (spínidch) - espinaca
squash (skuósh) - calabaza

string beans (stríng bíns) - judías
sweet corn (suít kórn) - maíz tierno
sweet potato (suít potéitou) - batata
tomato (toméitou) - tomate

turnip (térnip) - nabo
watercress (uóter-krés) - berro
zucchini (sukíni) - calabacín


almonds (ámonds) - almendras
apple (ápl) - manzana
apricot (ápricot) - damasco, albaricoque
avocado (avocádou) - palta, aguacate
banana (banána) - banana
blackberry (blák bérri) – zarzamora

Cashew - anacardo
cherry (chérri) - cereza
chestnuts (chéstnats) - castañas

coconuts (kóukonats) - cocos
date (déit) - dátil
fig (fig) - higo
grapefruit (gréipfrut) - pomelo, toronja

grapes (gréips) - uvas
hazelnuts (héizelnats) - avellanas
lemon (lémon) - limón
lime (láim) - lima

Pistachio - pistacho
mango (mángou) - mango
melon (mélon) - melón
mulberry (mólberri) - mora

orange (órendch) - naranja
peach (píich) - durazno, melocotón
peanuts (pínats) – cacahuetes, cacaos
pear (péar) - pera

pineapple (páinápl) - ananá, piña
plum (plam) - ciruela
pomegranate (pómigranit) - granada

raspberry (rásp-bérri) - frambuesa
seed (síid) - semilla
strawberry (stróberri) - frutilla, fresa
tangerine (tándcherin) - mandarina

walnuts (wólnats) - nueces
watermelon (wótermélon) - sandía

Cooking Vocabulary

to add (ád) - agregar
to bake (béik) - hornear
to beat (bíit) - batir
to blend (blend) - combinar, mezclar
to boil (bóil) - hervir
to bone (bóun) - deshuesar
to break (bréik) - romper
to broil (bróil) - asar a la parrilla

to chill (chil) - refrigerar, enfriar
to chop (chóp) - picar, cortar en trozos
to coat (kóut) - rebozar
to cook (kúuk) - cocinar

to cover (káver) - cubrir
to cut into strips (kat íntchu strips) - cortar en tiritas
to defrost (difróst) - descongelar
to dice (dáis) - cortar en cubitos
to dilute (dilút) - diluir
to dissolve (disólv) - disolver

to dry (drái) - secar
to empty (émpti) - vaciar
to fill (fil) - llenar
to flip (flip) - dar vuelta

to fold (fóuld) - doblar, plegar
to fry (frái) - freir
to grate (gréit) - rallar

to grill (gril) - asar a la parrilla
to grind (gráind) - moler
to halve (jáv) - partir en dos

to heat (jíit) - calentar
to knead (níid) - amasar
to liquidize (líkuidáiss) - licuar
to melt (melt) - derretir

to mince (míns) - picar carne
to mix (míks) - mezclar
to peel (píil) - pelar
to pour (páur) - volcar, verter

to press (pres) - presionar, apretar
to put (put) - colocar, poner
to remove (rimúuv) - quitar, sacar
to rinse (ríns) - enjuagar

to roast (róust) - asar
to roll out (róul áut) - aplanar, extender
to scoop up (skup-áp) - ahuecar (con cuchara)
to seal (síil) - sellar

to season (síson) - aderezar
to serve (sérv) - servir
to shake (shéik) - agitar, sacudir

james Bonb: I'd like a martini, shaken not stirred.
to sharpen (shárpen) - afilar

to sieve (síiv) - tamizar
to simmer (símer) - hervir a fuego lento
to slice (sláis) - rebanar
to smoke (smóuk) - ahumar

to soak (sóuk) - remojar
to spill (spil) - derramar
to sprinkle (sprínkl) - rociar, salpicar
to squeeze (skuíis) - exprimir

to steam (stíim) - cocinar al vapor
to stew (stiú) - guisar, estofar
to stir (ster) - freír
to stir-fry (stér-frái) - rehogar

to strain (stréin) - colar
to stuff (staf) - rellenar, mechar
to thicken (zíken) - espesar
to trim (trim) - recortar

to waste (uéist) - desperdiciar
to whisk (uísk) - batir

Meat & Foods

bacon (béikn) - panceta
baked potatoes (béikt potéitous) - papas al horno
beef (bíif) - carne vacuna
beef steak (bíif stéik) - bistec

blood sausage (blód sósidch) - morcilla
brains (bréins) - sesos
canneloni (kanelóni) - canelones
cheese (chíis) - queso

cheeseburger (chíis-bérguer) - hamburguesa de queso
chicken (chíken) - pollo
cold cuts (kóuld kats) - fiambres
dessert (disért) - postre

french fries (french fráis) - papas fritas (de cocina)
fried chicken (fráid chíken) - pollo frito
gnocchi (nóki) - ñoquis
ground meat (gráund mit) - carne picada

ham (hám) - jamón
hamburger (hámburguer) - hamburguesa
hot dog (hot dog) – salchicha

Jam, Marmelade, jelly - mermelada
kidneys (kídnis) - riñones

lamb (lam) - cordero
liver (líver) - hígado
macaroni (mákaroni) - macarrones

mashed potatoes (másht potéitous) - puré de papas
mayonnaise (meionéis) - mayonesa
meatballs (mít bols) - albóndigas
noodles (núudls) – tallarines, fideos
pasta (pásta) - pasta
pizza (pítza) - pizza
pork (pork) - carne de cerdo

pork chops - chuletas de cerdo
potato chips (crisps UK) - papas fritas (en bolsa)
ravioli - ravioles
ribs - costillas

roastbeef - rosbif
salad (sálad) - ensalada
salami (salámi) - salami
sauce (sóos) - salsa

sausage (sósidch) - salchicha, chorizo, embutidos
scrambled eggs (skrámbld éggs) - huevos revueltos
soup (súp) - sopa
spaghetti (spaguéri) - espagueti

steak (stéik) - bistéc
stew (stiú) - guiso, estofado
tomato sauce (toméitou sóos) - salsa de tomate
turkey (térki) - pavo

veal (víl) - carne de ternera
aniseed (ánisiid) - anís
basil (básil) - albahaca
bayleaf (béilif) - laurel
brine (bráin) - salmuera

capers (kéipers) - alcaparras
celery (séleri) - apio
chilli (chíli) - ají
chives (cháivs) - cebolletas

cinnamon (sínemon) - canela
clove (clóuv) - clavo de olor
coriander (koriánder) - cilantro
cumin (kámin) - comino

curry (kárri) - curry
dill (dil) - eneldo
fennel (fénel) - hinojo

garlic (gárlic) - ajo
ginger (dchíndcher) - jengibre
gravy (gréivi) - salsa del jugo de la carne
herbs (érbs) - hierbas aromáticas

ketchup (kéchop) - kechup
mayonnaise (méioneis) - mayonesa
mint (mint) - menta
mustard (mástard) - mostaza

nutmeg (nótmeg) - nuez moscada
oregano (oréganou) - orégano
paprika (páprika) - pimentón dulce
parsley (pársli) - perejil

pepper (péper) - pimienta
pepper corn (péper korn) - grano de pimienta
rhubarb (rúbarb) - ruibarbo

rosemary (róusmeri) - romero
saffron (sáfron) - azafrán
sage (séidsh) - salvia
salad dressing (sálad drésing) - aderezo

salt (sólt) - sal
sauce (sóos) - salsa
sesame (sésami) - sésamo, ajonjolí
sorrel (sórrel) - acedera

sugar (shúgar) - azúcar
syrup (sírop) - almíbar
tarragon (térragon) - estragón
thyme (táim) - tomillo

truffle (tráfl) - trufa
vanilla (vaníla) - vainilla
vinegar (vínegar) - vinagre



El Caso Posesivo:

John's bike
the teacher's desk

the school's students

with plurals:

The dogs' food.
La comida de los perros.

  • The cats' toys.
    Los juguetes de los gatos.
  • The actresses' dressing rooms.
    Los camarines de las actrices.
  • My parents' house.
    La casa de mis padres.

Mr. Ross' boat o Mr. Ross's boat
Tess' house
Texas's cities

Adjetivos Posesivos:



  • I am a teacher. I like my job.
    Soy profesor. Me gusta mi trabajo.
  • I live with my girlfriend in New York.
    Vivo con mi novia en Nueva York.
  • On Sundays I play tennis with my friends.
    Los domingos juego al tenis con mis amigos.

your (iór) - tu, tus / su, sus (de usted)
  • What is your name?
    ¿Cuál es tu nombre?
  • Do you like your job?
    ¿Te gusta tu trabajo?
  • You work here, and your wife works here too.
    Tú trabajas aquí y tu esposa trabaja aquí también.
  • Can you give me your opinion about this?
    ¿Puedes darme tu opinión acerca de ésto?

his (jis) - su, sus (de él)
  • Bill washes his car every day.
    Bill lava su auto todos los días.
  • Jack lives here, with his parents.
    Jack vive aquí, con sus padres.
  • He is painting his house.
    El está pintando su casa.
  • He wants to sell his car.
    El quiere vender su auto.

her (jer) - su, sus (de ella)
  • Mary went to her English class yesterday.
    Mary fue a su clase de inglés ayer.
  • She is sad because her teachers are very strict.
    Ella está triste porque sus maestros son muy estrictos.
  • Sarah is married. Her husband works with me.
    Sarah está casada. Su esposo trabaja conmigo.
  • Diana still lives with her parents.
    Diana todavía vive con sus padres.

My sister's house is in Valencia.
its (its) - su, sus (de algo)
  • This car has a hole in its roof.
    Este auto tiene un agujero en su techo.
  • We are studying Japan and its culture.
    Estamos estudiando al Japón y su cultura.
  • New York is famous for its exciting nightlife.
    Nueva York es famosa por su excitante vida nocturna.
  • The government announced its goals for this year.
    El gobierno anunció sus metas para este año.

our (áuar) - nuestro/a/os/as
  • The Earth is our planet.
    La Tierra es nuestro planeta.
  • We cook our own meals.
    Cocinamos nuestras propias comidas.
  • We don't want to spend all our money.
    No queremos gastar todo nuestro dinero.
  • We live with our parents.
    Vivimos con nuestros padres.

your (iór) - su, sus (de ustedes/vosotros)
  • You love your country.
    Todos ustedes aman a su país.
  • You all have to make your own decisions.
    Ustedes tienen que tomar sus propias decisiones.
  • I want to thank you all for your help.
    Quiero agradecerles a todos ustedes por su ayuda.
  • You are my parents and I am your son.
    Ustedes son mis padres y yo soy su hijo.

their (dér) - su, sus (de ellos/as)
  • Our neighbors are painting their house.
    Nuestros vecinos están pintando su casa.
  • Grandparents usually love their grandchildren.
    Los abuelos generalmente aman a sus nietos.
  • I saw Sally and John with their children.
    Ví a Sally y John con sus hijos.
  • Most Americans love their cars.
    La mayoría de los norteamericanos aman a sus autos.

Pronombres Posesivos


  • Can you lend me a pencil? - I forgot mine.
    ¿Puedes prestarme un lápiz? - Olvidé el mío.
  • Here are your tools. Where are mine?
    Aquí están tus herramientas. ¿Dónde están las mías?
  • This belongs to me. It's mine.
    Esto me pertenece. Es mío.
  • I play tennis with a friend of mine.
    Juego al tenis con un amigo mío (de los míos).

yours (iórs) - (el/la/lo/los/las) tuyo/a tuyos/as
  • Is this book yours?
    ¿Es tuyo este libro?
  • That is my problem, not yours.
    Ese es mi problema, no tuyo.
  • This belongs to you. It's yours.
    Esto te pertenece. Es tuyo.
  • I met a friend of yours yesterday.
    Conocí a un amigo tuyo (de los tuyos) ayer.

his (jis) - (el/la/lo/los/las) suyo/a suyos/as
  • I lent Bob my car and he lent me his.
    Le presté a Bob mi auto y él me prestó el suyo.
  • Jack wears a nice hat. Is it his?
    Jack usa un lindo sombrero.¿Es suyo (de él)?
  • This belongs to John. It's his.
    Esto pertenece a John. Es de él.
  • Bill went to the game with a friend of his.
    Bill fue al juego con un amigo de él (de los de él).

hers (jers) - (el/la/lo/los/las) suyo/a suyos/as
  • I forgot my book, so Susan gave me hers.
    Olvidé mi libro, entonces Susan me dió el suyo.
  • That is not my sister's car. Hers is red.
    Ese no es el auto de mi hermana. El de ella es rojo.
  • This belongs to Sally. It's hers.
    Esto pertenece a Sally. Es de ella.
  • Mary went to the theater with a friend of hers.
    Mary fue al teatro con una amiga de ella.

ours (áurs) - (el/la/lo/los/las) nuestro/a, nuestros/as
  • Their city is old. Ours is new.
    Su ciudad es vieja. La nuestra es nueva.
  • Their country is bigger than ours.
    Su país es más grande que el nuestro.
  • It's their problem, not ours.
    Es su problema, no el nuestro.
  • Sally and I had a big party with some friends of ours.
    Sally y yo tuvimos una gran fiesta con algunos amigos nuestros.

yours (iórs) - (el/la/lo/los/las) de ustedes
  • Our language is nice. Yours is practical.
    Nuestro idioma es lindo. El de ustedes es práctico.
  • Our house is next to yours.
    Nuestra casa está al lado de la de ustedes.
  • This belongs to you and your brother. It's yours.
    Esto pertenece a ti y a tu hermano. Es de ustedes.
  • You can bring some friends of yours, if you want.
    Ustedes pueden traer algunos amigos suyos si quieren.

theirs (dérs) - (el/la/lo/los/las) suyo/a suyos/as
  • That car belongs to my parents. It's theirs.
    Ese coche pertenece a mis padres. Es de ellos.
  • Our city is as nice as theirs.
    Nuestra ciudad es tan linda como la de ellos.
  • My appartment is here. Theirs is there.
    Mi apartamento está aquí. El de ellos está allí.
  • My parents went on vacation with friends of theirs.
    Mis padres se fueron de vacaciones con amigos suyos.

I like Valencia very much.
I like Valencia a lot.
(Not: I like Valencia too much)

How many students are in the class?
How much money do you have today?

Laugh laughed (laf laft)
answer answered (an sir an sird)
island islands
a small private island (eye lend)
moderate moderate
negotiate meditate state

spanish snakes sleep silently spinach speak

8 it

When are you coming to visit me?
When can you help me?
When will you be able to help me?

Occam's Razor -is a problem-solving principle devised by William of Ockham (c. 1287–1347). It states that among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Other, more complicated solutions may ultimately prove correct, but—in the absence of certainty—the fewer assumptions that are made, the better.

I have got a pen. I have a pen.
They hadn't got much money. They didn't have much money.

I have to go.
I have got to go.
I gotta go. (informal)

To look down on – menospreciar

He looks like my brother.
(Se parece a mi hermano.)
It looks like it will rain today.

He got in the car.

The monkey's paw gives three wishes
to three people.
To Make a wish

If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
If you had a million euros what would you do?
If I lived in Italy I would speak Italian.
If she loved me I would marry her.
If you cooked a paella I wouldn't eat it.
If John tried he could learn Spanish.

If I were a rich man...
If I was a rich man....
If I were you I would study.
The Fiddler on the Roof

To be afraid of
to be frightened of
to be scared of

What are you afraid of?
Eels anguilas
I'm not afraid of Ebola.

The moral of the story is that money doesn't
buy happiness.

What is the key to happiness?

Jamón serrano



I go. I don't go. (do not)
He goes. He doesn't go. (does not)
I'm going. I'm not going.

I went. I didn't go. (did not)
I saw it. I didn't see it.

There is a book on the table. There isn't a book on the table. (is not)
Toto, I have a feeling we aren't in Kansas anymore.

I wasn't a good student.
We weren't at the birthday party.

I can go. I can't go. Cannot
I could go. I couldn't go. Could not
You must do it. You mustn't do it.
We should go. We shouldn't go.
You would like Seattle. You wouldn't like Los Angeles. Would wood

They will go. They won't go. Will not

I can go.
to be able = podré

Remember, no double negatives in English.
I didn't do anything (not: I didn't do nothing)
I don't have any money.
I have never traveled anywhere. (not: nowhere)
I don't know anyone in the class. ( not: nobody)

have you ever been to London?
No, I have never been to London.
Have you read don Quijote
No, I haven-t read Don Quijote.

How was your week?
How are you?
How are you doing?
How's it going?
Howz it?

What did you do?

TV Series
The Walking Dead 17 million

de vez en cuando
every once in a while
from time to time
once in a while
sometimes – a veces

weekdays or school days Monday through Friday

I have many books.
I have a lot of books.
I have lots of books.

I am 96 years old. I am 96.
I will be 97 in August.
How old will you be?

We will have a beer after class.
I had a coffee this morning in Rocafort.
To have breakfast
to have lunch
to have dinner

Where is your favorite place to have something to drink?

What are you having to drink?
What are you having?

English is easy!
There are 3 books
There're 3 books (not correct)

Woman women (wi men)
child children

What are the three most important things in learning another language?

1) Vocabulary
2) Vocabulary
3) Vocabulary

Meet Me in Istanbul
Neighbor – vecino
Neighborhood – barrio
Path = trail  - sendero

The monkey's paw gives you three wishes.
The wishes don't bring happiness.

They didn't have much money.

Where do you live?
What do you like about it?

Giving Directions

Remember: Directions are free and Valencia is a labyrinth.

If you see a tourist with a map who looks incredibly confused you should ask them if they need help.

You: May I help you?

Confused Tourist: How do I get to the station?
Do you know how to get to the station?
Do you know the way to the museum?
Where is the #@! STATION?
To Cross - cruzar
Cross the bridge
Cross the street

Go straight for 2 blocks (manzanas)
Turn Right at the corner
Turn left
It's on the right

You can't miss it.
It will be on the right.

Songwriters: Burt Bacharach and Hal David.

Do you know the way to San Jose?
I've been away so long. I may go wrong and lose my way.
Do you know the way to San Jose?
I'm going back to find some peace of mind in San Jose.

LA is a great big freeway.
Put a hundred ($) down* and buy a car.
In a week, maybe two, they'll make you a star
Weeks turn into years. how quick they pass
And all the stars that never were
Are parking cars and pumping gas

Do you know the way to San Jose?
They've got a lot of space. There'll be a place where I can stay
I was born and raised in San Jose
I'm going back to find some peace of mind in San Jose.

Fame and fortune is a magnet.
It can pull you far away from home
With a dream in your heart you're never alone.
Dreams turn into dust and blow away
And there you are without a friend
You pack your car and ride away

I've got lots of friends in San Jose
Do you know the way to San Jose?
Can't wait to get back to San Jose.

*To Put Money Down - fianza

Other famous songs with the word “way”

My Way

The Way We Were


Present Perfect Continuous (Presente perfecto continuo)

Usamos el verbo auxiliar "to have" además de "been" (el participio pasado de "to be") y el gerundio del verbo.

They've been talking for three hours. (Han estado hablando durante tres horas.)
She has been studying English since she was 16. (Ha estado estudiando inglés desde que tenía 16 años.)

How long have you been waiting? (¿Cuánto tiempo llevas esperando?
I've been waiting for you for over an hour! (¡Te llevo esperando durante más de una hora!)

Have they been talking for a long time? (¿Han estado hablando durante mucho tiempo?)
Has Jane been waiting long? (¿Lleva Jane esperando mucho tiempo?)

I can't believe it is still raining. It's been raining for a week now! (No puedo creer que todavía esté lloviendo. Lleva lloviendo desde hace una semana!)

John has been working at the bank since 1998. (John lleva trabajando en el banco desde 1998.)

We've been planning our vacation for over a month. (Llevamos planeando nuestras vacaciones desde hace más de un mes.)

Amanda and Tom have been dating since last June. (Amanda y Tom han estado saliendo desde el junio pasado.)
He hasn't been studying enough. (No ha estado estudiando lo sufiente.)

I don't have enough money. There isn't enough time in the day.

Have you been feeling ok lately? (¿Te has sentido bien últimamente?)

I've been working too much. (He estado trabajando demasiado.)

I have lived in Valencia for seven years.

How long have you lived in Valencia?

Have you been to London?
Yes, I have.
No, I've never been to London.
I live in Valencia. I live in Spain.
I live near Valencia.
I live in Spain.
I go to England once a year.

I ate the whole pizza. There is a hole in my shirt.
I ate the entire pizza.

Our class is three hours long.

The mascleta is five minutes long.

It lasts for five minutes.

Our class lasts three hours.

The American Way to Tell Time

(We are digital!)

What time is it?  It is …

11:49 11:30 12:15 09:08 09:10

12:00  12:45   11:31    10:00   10:04

Past Tense Verbs

What did you do this morning?
woke up
got out of bed
had breakfast
got dressed
brushed my teeth
went to work
worked until 3
went to a restaurant
had lunch
drank five gin and tonics
went back to work
took a nap at my desk
got fired from my job
went back to the bar
had more gin and tonics

S Endings:

desks packs tracks bikes
lamps tops lips cups cakes rakes (rastrillos)
rats cats mats streets

Z Endings
clothes chairs tables papers cars boys letters
toads roads lanes


Itchy and Scratchy is a parody of Tom and Jerry

Bully – matón
To Bully – intimidar
Nelson bullies Bart. He is the school bully.
Hint = clue – pista
oldest = eldest
Elders = older people

Businesses – negocios MacDonald's
Smart USA, Clever UK, Intelligent
smartest (cleverest, most intelligent)
To Sign - firmar
Sign – aviso
Face-Off – enfrentamiento
The situation triggered a face-off between the government and farmers.
El decreto provocó un duro enfrentamiento entre el gobierno y los productores rurales.

Dance-Off, Chili Cook-Off





Hop hopped Hope hoped


I would go to Madrid but I don't have time.
I would like to go to Madrid.
Would you like to visit Seattle?
Would you eat a cat?
If I were really, really hungry I would eat a cat.
What would you do if you won the lotto?
I would pay my mortgage.
To Call In Sick

I am too lazy to travel.
I would buy a good ham.

Take this job and shove it. I ain't working here no more

[David Allan Coe]

Take this job and shove it I ain't workin' here no more
My woman done left and took all the reason I was working for
Ya, better not try and stand in my way
Cause I'm walkin', out the door
Take this job and shove it I ain't working here no more

Well, I been working in this factory for now on fifteen years
All this time, I watched my woman drownin' in a pool of tears
And I've seen a lot of good folks die who had a lot of bills to pay
I'd give the shirt right off of my back if I had the guts to say...


The foreman, he's a regular dog the line boss, he's a fool
Got a brand new flat top haircut Lord, he thinks he's cool
One of these days I'm gonna blow my top and that sucker, he's gonna pay
I can't wait to see their faces when I get the nerve to say...


Take this job and shove it

I Would be a better student if I studied.

If I knew Chinese I would go to China.
If I had known Chinese I would have gone to China.
If I spoke Chinese I would go.

1) If I study I will pass the exam.

2) If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world.
Si ganara la lotería, viajaría por todo el mundo.

3) If I had won the lottery, I would have traveled around the world.
Si hubiera ganado la lotería habría viajado por todo el mundo.
If I were rich I would buy a new bike.
If I was rich I would buy a new bike.
If I had been rich I would have bought a new bike.

If I go to India I will visit the Taj Majal.
If I went to India I would visit the Taj Majal.
If I had gone to India I would have visited the Taj Majal.

I like to read. I like rreading.

I would like to learn French.
I would like to visit Japán. Hotél

I like reading, cooking, and watching cartoons.
I want to go to Bétera.
I want to be a rock star.
I would like to be a rock star.

If I were you I would study.

What would you like to do tonight?
What do you want to do tonight?

Trick – truco
Tricky - complicado
Have you lived in other countries?


Big Large Huge Enormous Gigantic Titanic

Small Little Tiny Miniature Puny –{Itsy-bitsy Wee Dinky (informal)}

Fat Rotund Obese Tubby Chubby Plump Portly Heavy

Thin Skinny Bony Slim Wiry (wire- alambre) Skeletal Scrawny

Smart (USA) Intelligent Clever Sharp Bright Brilliant Witty

Stupid Dull Dumb (& Dumber) Dim Dimwit Idiotic

Boring Uninteresting Dull Dry Tedious

Interesting Stimulating Absorbing Spellbinding (atado por un hechizo)

Who What When Where Why How

What time is it?
10:00 10:02 10:10 10:15 10:30 10:45 10:57

John rode his bike to class from Valencia this morning. He left his flat at 08:45 and he arrived in Rocafort at 09:14. John doesn't have a car.

Who rode his bike to work?
Who arrived in Rocafort at 09:14?
What did John ride?
When did John arrive?
When did John leave his flat?
Where did John arrive?
Where did John begin his bike ride?
Why did John ride his bike? Because he doesn't have a car.

The children were playing in the park in the afternoon when their mother called them on their iPhones to tell them that lunch was ready.

Who played in the park?
Who was playing in the park?
What were the children doing in the park?
When were the children playing in the park?
Where were the children playing?
You are going home. Are you going home?
You go home. Do you go home?
You can speak English. Can you speak English?
Why did their mother call them?

I saw John at the cinema.
Who did you see at the cinema?
I went to the cinema with Margaret.
With whom did you go to the cinema?
I gave the book to Tom.
What did you give to Tom?
Who gave the book to Tom?
To whom did you give the book?
Who did you give the book to?

How long does it take to get to class?
It takes me 40 minutes to get here.
It takes at least one lifetime to learn English.

How was your week? Did you have a good week?
It was nothing to write home about.
It was OK.
It was just like every other week.
Ground hog day.

What will you do?

Practice makes perfect
11,000 Refranes
Breakfast Lunch Dinner To Have

Never shop when you are hungry.
Never shop unless you know what you are going to cook.


I usually cook a rice dish.

Bike Trail – Path – Route
a Sunday Driver – dominguero
Besides rice, what else do you cook?

Multi-tasking is illegal.

Are you a “Ten and Two” driver or “a disaster waiting to happen” driver?

Famous Last Words of John

woke up
got out of bed
had breakfast
drank a cup of coffee
got dressed
rode my bike to class
drank more coffee
taught class
read (red) the newspaper

260 irregular verbs in English
What do you read?
What are you reading?

What will you do tomorrow?

What will you be doing tomorrow?
What are you going to do tomorrow?
What are you doing tomorrow?

I'll You'll We'll They'll He'll She'll It'll

It took her ten seconds to explain the imperative in English.

To Look

How old are you?
Are you hungry?

What is the story about?
Where does the story take place?
Is the café busy or slow?

Hip Fashionable Trendy

I must go.
I have to go.
I would be a better student if I had an iPad.
I would go.
I would like to visit London.
Would you like to visit the USA?
I would like to improve my English.


To Want – querer

I want to be famous. Quiero ser famoso.
I want to go to Paris. Quiero ir a París.

We want to speak English perfectly. Queremos hablar Inglés perfectamente.

John wants to learn Spanish. John quiere aprender español.
Does John want to learn Spanish?

I want a new bike. Quiero una bicicleta nueva.
Do you want a new bike?

All teenagers want an iPhone. Todos los adolescentes quieren un iPhone.
Do all teenagers want an iPhone?

Every teenager wants an iPhone. Cada adolescente quiere un iPhone.
Does every teenager want an iPhone?

12 ( 13 14 15 16 17 18 19) 20

To Like – gustar

I like to study English. Me gustar estudiar inglés. I like studying English.

I like to cook. Me gustar cocinar.
I like cooking

John likes to ride his bike.
Does John like to ride his bike?
John liked to ride his bike when he was younger.
Did John like to ride his bike?

We like Chinese food. Nos gusta la comida china.
Do we like Chinese food?
We liked Chinese food.
Did we like Chinese food?

You will like to visit the museum.
Will you like to visit the museum?

Are you sure I will like to visit your village?

You and I are going to the park.
He gave the gift to you and me.
He gave it to us.

To Try – intentar

I tried to study.
We tried to watch the movie but it was very bad.

hate = odiar
love = encantar, amar

I love to I love cooking.

What do you like to do on Sundays?

I like to wake up late on Sundays.
I like waking up late on Sundays.
I like to wake up and take a nap.
I like to spend time with my family, play with my daughter, ride my bike in the park, and cook.
1) I like to eat paella.

What else?
Mall – shopping center

centre center
theatre theater
colour color
neighbour neighbor

4,000 different words in US and UK English.

Maletera trunk boot
parabrisa windshield windscreen

elevator lift
apartment flat piso
sidewalk pavement acera

To Have
I have to go to the hospital. Tengo que ir
You have to study.
We have to leave at six o'clock.

I had to visit my parents on Saturday.
We will have to buy a new car.
Do you have to go?

He looks just like you. He has to be your brother.

Just do it!
I just returned.

A can of worms.

To Get

Can I can go
could I could go
Must I must go

I would like to visit Paris.
I would like to be taller.
Would you like to go to Paris?
I would like to speak perfect Spanish.
I wouldn't like to spend the winter in New York.

You would go.
Would you go?
You can speak Spanish.
Can you speak Spanish?
You are speaking Catalan.
Are you speaking Catalan?
I would like to be playing football.
Would you like to be playing football?

You want to go to Paris.
Do you want to go to Paris?

It is very warm. It was 18 degrees in Valencia at 09:00.

How was your week?
It rains a lot in Seattle in the winter.

It snowed two days in eight years.

How was your week?
How was the week?

This is the winter that never was.
The winter in parts of the USA is very cold.

I worked. I studied English.
I have read 100 pages so far.
I read El Juego del Ángel a long time ago.

It is warm. It is cloudy.
It was warm yesterday.
It will be warm tomorrow.
Cold cool warm hot

domicile home
exuberant joyous
facilitate make easier
fraternity brotherhood
garrulous talkative (gárrulo)
gracious kindness, politeness
ingenious clever, resourceful
intrigue plot, mystery
lachrymose tearful
malcontent one who is forever dissatisfied
opine think, express an opinion
petulant irritable, peevish

Cognate cognado

The small white car was found on its side by the bridge.
Where was the car found?
What was found on its side by the bridge?
How was the car found? The car was found on its side.
Inside the car was a dead woman. Her name was Karen Silkwood and she was twenty-eight years old. It was November 13th, 1974.
What was inside the car?
What was her name?

How old was she?
What day was it? What was the date?

Before that, she worked as a secretary
What did Karen do before?

They walked down a long corridor with heavy doors on both sides.

Where does Karen work?
Where did she work before?
She started to work at the nuclear power plant.
She started working at the plant.
Why did she change jobs?
She wanted more money.
She wanted to make more money.

He didn't want anybody to hear them.


The Spanish Food Invasion in the USA

When I lived in Seattle there were no Spanish restaurants.

In the last 5 years Spanish food is very fashionable (cool, hip, in style).

On all of the cooking programs on TV people talk about Spanish food.

There are areas of Spain where you can literally be jailed for skimming off the oil

More proof that when it comes to food, the Spanish are winning.

(Más pruebas de que cuando se trata de comida, los españoles están ganando.)

Fairy Tale – cuento de hada

The good guys wear white hats. The bad guys wear black hats. (in Westerns, cowboy movies)

John Wayne was always the good guy.

Once upon a time... - érase una vez
...they lived happily ever after – vivieron felices para siempre

However – sin embargo
Instead of – en vez de, en lugar de
To Make fun of – burlarse

To shout, To Yell – gritar
To Scream – chillar
To Whisper – susurrar
To Talk To – hablar
He talked to me yesterday.
To Speak To –
I spoke to my brother on Skype yesterday. I talked to him yesterday.

I speak a little French. Can you speak Catalan?
He spoke/talked to me. He speaks Spanish.

To Tweet (send a message on Twitter) - Piar
Sidewalk (USA), Pavement (UK)- acera
Gypsy – gitana

What did Anna get for her birthday?
Anna got a new bike for her birthday.

What did Anna's give her for her birthday?
They gave her a new bike.

What is the moral of the story?
We are a part of the consumer society.
You should wait for the new iPhone 6.
If your parents won't buy you an iPhone you should find new parents.
Living with a cheap Nokia is not a dignified life.
To live with a cheap Nokia...

Where was the old gypsy woman sitting?

Do you like to cook?
Do you like cooking?

Living is easy with eyes closed
(to live is easy with eyes closed)

Do you like movies?
What was your favorite movie of 2013?
We love to make lists in the USA.
End of the year lists

It would take a long time.
It'd take a long time.
You would go.
You'd go.
I wouldn't go (I would not go)

I will go. I'll go.
I won't go. I will not go.

It will rain tomorrow. It'll rain tomorrow.
Slang (jargon) argot, jerga

I should not have gone ( no debería haber ido)
I shouldn't have gone
Double Contraction:
I shouldn't've gone (not correct in written English)

Past Tense Verbs

What did you do for New Year's Eve?

To Have Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner

What did you have for dinner?
What did you have for breakfast?
I had toast and coffee.
What will you have for lunch?

In a perfect world

What would you like to have for lunch?

Have you been to Starbucks?
No, I haven't been there.
I have never had a coffee at Starbucks.

What do you have for breakfast?
What does she have?
What did she have for breakfast?
She had coffee. I had coffee.
When do you have breakfast?
What time do you have lunch?
What time do you have dinner?

I'll have a bowl of soup.
We had shrimp. gamba
We had lobster. Langosta
I had a beer last night with my friends.
After class I will have a coffee.

I went to my parents house.
I ate grapes.
I went to a big party.
I stayed up until 6 a.m.
I stayed home and went to be early.
I had dinner with my friends.
I spent the night at home.
I drank champagne.
I forgot that it was New Year's Eve.
I flew to Paris.
I saw a movie / I watched a movie.
I haven't seen the movie.

I open the door. I opened the door.

Karen Silkwood works in a nuclear plant.

What plans do you have for the weekend?
What are your plans?
What are you going to do this weekend?
What will you do this weekend?
What are you doing this weekend?
Cash is king!
I'm going for a walk on the beach.
I'm going to walk on the beach.
I'm going to walk my dog.

To Play Billiards / Pool
Ping Pong / Table Tennis
Pool Hall


Who - What – When – Where - Why

Tom reads a book at home every night; his television is broken.

Who reads a book at home every night?
What does Tom do at home every night?
What does Tom read?
When does Tom read?
Where does Tom read?
Why does Tom read a book at home every night?

Who - What – When – Where - Why

Tom reads a story to his children at night because they don't have any video games to play.
Who reads a story to his children?
To whom does Tom read a story every night?
Who doesn't have any video games?
What does Tom read?
What is Tom reading?
What don't the children have?
When does Tom read a story to his children?
Why does Tom read a story to his children?
Why don't Tom's children have any video games?
Is he a terrible father?
Does he hate his kids?
Is he too poor to buy video games?

Who - What – When – Where - Why

Charles goes to English class at Cambridge on Saturday mornings to improve his English.

Who goes to English class?
What does Charles do on Saturday mornings?
What does Charles want to improve?
When does Charles go to English class?
Where is his English class?
Where is Charles' English class?
Why does he go to class?
He goes to class to improve his English.
He goes to class because he wants to improve his English.

Do           Do you like pizza?
Yes, I like pizza. Yes, I do. Yes, I do like pizza.

To Do
Can         You can go. Can you go?
Could      You could go. Could you go?
Should     You should go. Should you go?
Must        You must go. Must you go?

You have to go. Do you have to go?

Would     You would go. Would you go?
Will         You will go. Will you go?

I would go. I wouldn't go.
I shouldn't go.
I mustn't go. (en EEUU se usa shoudn't)

Do you

I can go. Can I go.
I may go. May I go

What are you wearing?
What do you wear when it is cold

There is a book on the table.
There isn't a book on the table.
There are five books on the table.
There aren't five books on the table.

Is there a book on the table?
Are there five books on the table?

There was a book on the table before class.
There wasn't a book on the table.
There were ten people in the store.
There were not many people at the game.
There weren't many people at the game.

Was there a game yesterday?
Were there many people at the cinema?

There will be a storm tomorrow.
There will be three exams next week.
There won't be class next week.
There will no be class next week.

Will there be class next week?

Are you alright, then?


Skyjack  = Highjack – secuestrar un avion

To Kidnap – secuestrar a una persona
Air Hostess/Stewardess – azafata
To Take Off – Despegar
The plane took off at 08:15.
To Land – Aterrizar
Gun – arma de fuego
Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun (escopeta)
Machine gun - metralleta

What did you do last Saturday?

I woke up
got out of bed
had breakfast
went to the park with my kids
read a book
went to the cinema
went shopping
cleaned my apartment
cooked lunch
studied English
decorated the Christmas tree
put up the manger (Belén)
watched a movie on TV
worked on the computer
sat on the sofa and did nothing
studied English for eight hours (the best answer!)

What did you do during the break?
Went to the cafeteria
talked with my kids
had a coffee
had three beers
bought a Christmas tree

opened    asked    waited

What time is it?
It is...
10:01 10:05 10:09 10:10
11:00 11:15 11:30
12:45 12:49 12:55
Today is December 14, 2013.
Today is December fourteenth twenty thirteen.
Today is the fourteenth of December.
When is your birthday?
My birthday is August 17th.

1901 nineteen O one
1809 eighteen O nineteen
1492 fourteen ninety-two
1945 nineteen forty-five

What will you do for the Christmas holidays?
I don't have any plans, yet.
Will you go to a big party?
I'm not going to do anything.
I'll go shopping.
I will buy gifts/presents for my friends.
I will make dinner. I'll cook dinner. I'll prepare dinner for my friends.
What will you do for New Year's Eve?
At my mother's house she only allows me to set the table. I can't help her in the kitchen. After dinner she lets me clear the table and wash the dishes.
I will go to my wife's mother's house.
I will go to my mother-in-law's house.

Next July I'm going to visit Paris.
Next July I will visit Paris.
Next July I'm visiting Paris.

Which circus will you go to?
Where are you going?
Where will you go during the holidays?
Which is the best circus in Valencia?
How do you know which is the best circus?
The circus with the most monkeys is the best.

       S        Z
1.  Sue (apodo para "Susan") - zoo (zoológico)
2C - Z
3.  sip (sorber) - zip (ir rápido)
4.  bus (autobus) - buzz (zumbar)
5.  price (precio) - prize (premio)
6.  seal (foca) - zeal (celo)
7.  mace (maza) - maze (laberinto)
8.  ice (hielo) - eyes (ojos)
9.  rice (arroz) - rise (levantar)
10. advice (consejos) - advise (aconsejar)
11. race (carrera) - raise (aumento)
12. hiss (silbar) - his (su)



very every ever never heavy eve violence


To Listen To – escuchar
I listen to the music. Escucho la música.
I listen to the teacher.
I hear the music. Oigo la música.
To Look At – Mirar
I am looking at the painting.
He never looks at me when he talk to me.

To Look For – Buscar
Will you help me look for my car keys?

To Look After – (To Take Care Of) Cuidar
He looks after my dog when I go on vacation.

To Look Up – buscar (en el diccionario)
If you don’t know what the word means you must look it up in the dictionary.

To Look Around – echar un vistazo??
To Look Forward To (something) – anhelar? anticipar con ganas
We look forward to our summer holiday every year.
I'm not looking forward to the Christmas holidays.
We look forward to your visit.
To Look Like – parecer
Mr. Ross looks like Tony, the boatman.
Why does he always look sad?
You look happy. Pareces contento.
He looks like George Cluny.

To Look Up To – admirar 
I look up to my father.
To Look Down On - despreciar
People look down on second had shops.

To Talk To – hablar
He talked to me yesterday.
To Speak To –
I spoke to my brother on Skype yesterday. I talked to him yesterday.
I speak a little French. Can you speak Catalan?
He spoke to me. He speaks Spanish.

John's Motto: “Another Day in Paradise”

Hot – Warm – Cool – Cold
It is hot in summer. It is warm in autumn. It is cold in winter. It is cool in spring.
Once upon a time... erase una vez

Inside-out – de adentro por fuera, al revés
I put my shirt on inside-out.

Go inside! It’s raining. Go in the house.
I went outside to walk the dog. I walked out of the house.

A can of worms (una lata de gusanos)

She sat by me.
She sat next to me.
She sat beside to me.

I live near Consum.
I live close to Consum.
I live far from Seattle.


What do you do? Habitual
What are you doing? Now or Future

Present Simple or Present Continuous?

1. Are you coming tonight?
2. Does he eat rice every day?
3. I am working at the moment.
4. Does he come to London often?
5. He is playing tennis now.
6. Are you coming to the cinema later?
7. They aren't coming to the party tomorrow.
8. He isn't playing golf now.
9. Are you playing tennis this Sunday?
10. They go to a restaurant every Saturday.
11. She doesn't go to the cinema very often.
12. You usually arrive late.
13. He normally eats dinner at home.
14. Do you study every night?
15. Do they work late usually?
16. You aren't going out later.
17. I'm not working tonight.
18. Is she working at the moment?
19. I don't drink coffee very often.
20. Julie is sleeping now.
21. You don't like chocolate.
22. She isn't studying at the moment.
23. We often go to the cinema.
24. He doesn't usually do his homework.
25. They don't eat rice every day.
26. We don't study every night.
27. Do you like spicy food?
28. Does she go to Scotland often?
29. Is he eating now?
30. We are going to the cinema this weekend.
31. They are studying now.
32. I clean the kitchen every day.
33. She works every Sunday.
34. We aren't sleeping now.
35. He doesn't go to the park very often.

Questions with How

How old are you?
How tall are you?
How big is the boat?
How long is the movie?
How long is the table?

How many (countable)
How much (uncountable)

How many days are there in a week?
How much money do you have?

How much water is in the glass?
There is a lot of water in the glass.
There isn't much water in the glass.

How many students are in the class?
There are a lot of students in the class.
There are lots of students in the class.
There are many students in the class.

How often do you go to the cinema?
I go once or twice a month.

How much do you know about Greek history?
I know a lot about Greek history.
I don't know anything about Greek history.
I know nothing about Greek history.
I don't know nothing about Greek history.

How big is Valencia?

big, enormous, gigantic, huge,
small, little, tiny, Liliputian, miniature, puny

How hot are the summers in Valencia?
How cold is it today?

How difficult was the exam?
How hard was the exam?

How well do you speak Valenciano?
How was the first part of today's class?
How is the weather today?

How are you?
I'm fine/well.
How's it going?  What's up? What's happening? What's new?

We will take a two minute break. 
To Talk – hablar
To Shout – gritar
To Scream – chillar
To Whisper – susurrar
To Say, said – decir
To Tell, told – contar
To Whistle – silbar

I don't care about football; it's not my cup of tea.

>Present Perfect
I have seen I've seen
You have been You've been
We have given We've given
They have told They've told
What has happened what's happened

John Just Job Join Japán Judges
Woman Women (wimen)

Business, Hollywood and movies are called Show business or show biz.

To Slow Down
To Speed Up, To Hurry Up

Busy – ocupado, atestado, lleno

Mrs. = Missus
Mr. = Mister
Ms. or Miss =

A Good Car

Everyone wants a reliable (dependable, fiable) car, right? A car which doesn't break down (to stop, averiarse) and works well for many years. One New Yorker has a car like this.

He bought the car in 1966. That was 47 years ago. After he bought it, he started driving around town to show it to all his friends. He continued driving to Connecticut and to his college in Massachusetts. When he got home from the trip, he had put 1,500 miles on the car.

Then he travelled more and more. The car which he originally needed only to get to work and back became a legend. He now has driven more than three million miles with it. It must be a world record.

Do you have good luck with cars?
Do you drive a lot?
How much do you drive every day?
How long does it take to drive to work?
It takes about
How long does it take you to shower?
How long do you take to shower?
How long is your class?
How long was the movie?

I'm a rep (sales representative) for Amstel.

Sensitive Insensitive

What is your favorite kind/type/genre of movie?

My favorite kind of movie is comedy.
I like comedies.

Who is you favorite actor?
Have you seen Titanic?
Yes, I have seen Titanic 32 times.
No, I have never seen it.

Have you read Don Quijote?
I have read part of it.
I read part of it.

Types/Kinds of Movies/Films

Horror - Slasher (bloody) Saw
Science Fiction
Noir (dark – black)

movie (US), film
action film
película de acción
dibujos animados
detective film
película de detectives
documentary film
película documental
educational film
película educativa
full-length film
horror film
película de terror
love story
historia de amor
romantic film
película romántica
science-fiction film
película de ciencia ficción
short-length film
silent film
cine mudo
película del oeste
episodio, capítulo
cinema review
críticas de cine
film star
estrella de películas
papel, rol
estudio de grabación
supporting actor
actor secundario, de reparto
supporting cast
supporting role
papel secundario
to go to the cinema (GB)
ir al cine
to go to the movies (US)
ir al cine
alquilar un vídeo/DVD
to watch a video/DVD
mirar un vídeo/DVD

How often do you...
I go to the cinema once every two weeks.
I go once or twice a year.
I cook rice three times a week.
I rarely go to the movies.
Once upon a time... Erase una vez

Do you like the films of Woody Allen?
Do you like Woody Allen's films?

What did you do last Friday? Everything is in the simple past

I made a paella for my friends.
I went to the market. I bought mushrooms.
We had lunch at three o'clock.
There were ten people at my house, six adults and seven children.
The children ate at one table and the adults at another.

Halloween Stuff
To Wear, Wore, Have Worn – Llevar (ropa)
The children wore costumes. Los niños se disfrazaron.
They were in costumes. Estaban disfrazados.
It was a costume party. Era una fiesta de disfraces.
What costume are you going to wear? - ¿De que te vas a disfrazar?
I wear glasses when I read.
I am wearing glasses now.
He has never worn glasses.
Cemetery, Graveyard
Tombstone, gravestone – Lápida,
Witch - Bruja

What else did you do? ¿Qué más hiciste?
Anything else? ¿Algo más?
There is, there are - Hay
There was, there were - Habia

To Have Breakfast (To Breakfast) - desauynar
To Have Lunch (To Lunch) - comer
To Have Dinner (To Dine) - cenar
Board Game – Juego de mesa
At the Carnival
Roller Coaster – montaña rusa
Merry-go-round -tío vivo
Ferris Wheel - noria

To Do, did have done

We went for a walk in the morning.
We went for a bike ride in the afternoon.
We went to the cinema in the evening.

“A little English is a dangerous thing”. -John Scheck

12:00:01 Good afternoon.
At twelve o’clock we stop saying “Good Morning” and say “Good Afternoon”
After – después  -  Noon- Mediodía

To Make Fun of – burlarse
I made fun of my friend's New Zealand accent.

Americans often pronounce the letter T like a D:
Water = wadder
 Later = lader
Better = bedder
matter = madder

British people often do not pronounce the R in words.
Mother = motha
 Father = fatha
Sister = sista
Car = ca
 Future Progressive

I am going to go to the park.
You are going to study.
He is going to learn Russian.
What are you going to do tomorrow?
What're you gonna do tomorrow?
I'm going to visit my sister.
I'm gonna visit my sister. This is the informal pronunciation
What'll you do tomorrow?
What will you do tomorrow?
He is gonna do it = He is going to do it.

I should not have gone to the bar.
(No debería haber ido al bar.)
I shouldn't have gone to the bar.
I shouldn't've gone to the bar. (not correct in written English but common in speech)
He will have left by now.
He'll have left by now.
He´ll've left by now.

Present Continuous

I am going to Xativa tomorrow.

All of these are asking about the future:
When is he going to London?
When will he go to London?
When is he going to go to London?

What are you going to cook?
When is he going to learn English?
Why are you going to read that stupid book? 50 Shades of Gray
Are you going to visit your mother?
Is he going to pass the exam?
Are we going to read the book?
To form question with Modals (would, should, can, will, etc) invert the subject and the auxiilliary:
He can swim.
Can he swim?
John will arrive soon.
Will John arrive soon?
You should study.
Should you study?
Ann would love paella.
Would Ann love paella?
He must leave.
Must he leave?
With the present continuous you also invert the subject with the auxiliary verb To Be:
He is going to learn English.
Is he going to learn English?

John is cleaning the house tomorrow.
Is John cleaning the house tomorrow?

John is going to clean the house tomorrow.
Is John going to clean the house tomorrow?

John will clean the house tomorrow.
Will John clean the house?

I ride my bike every day.
Tomorrow I will ride my bike in the river.
I will go for a bike ride tomorrow.
I like to ride a bike. I like riding a bike.


To Look
To See
To Stop
To Go
To Listen
To Be Quiet
To Shut Up

Shut Your Face
Shut Your Pie Hole

Don't Go!
Don't do it!
Don't jump!
Just do it!


A) with the verb To Be
Who is your teacher?

B) Si Who es el sujeto
Who speaks French?
Who plays guitar for The Beatles?

Who do you know in Cuenca?
Who lives in Cuenca?
Who did you visit yesterday?

What do you study every Saturday?
What movie did you see at the cinema?


Do you like paella?
Do you speak French?
Does he play piano?

What do you do?
What are you doing?
What instrument do you play?
What instrument are you playing?

You can go.
Can you go.