

Saturday, February 13, 2021

The Dog and the Robot: Best Friends

Zoey is a small dog. She is a puppy. Leo is a robot vacuum; he cleans the floor in the house. Zoey and Leo are best friends. They play together in the house, or Leo the robot vacuum works and Zoey plays. Zoey is a crazy puppy. When he isn’t working, Leo sleeps in a corner in the living room. Zoey sleeps under the sofa.
Robot vacuums don't bark, but they can bite. Sometimes Leo bites Zoey's tail when she is in front of Leo. He is working. He is cleaning the house, but the dog wants to play all of the time. Zoe is a good dog, but she is very crazy.

Vacuum (USA), hoover (England) - aspirador

Puppy - cachorro 

To Bark - ladrar

To Bite (bit, have bitten) - morder 


But now Zoe has a new best friend. Her name is Piggy. Piggy squeaks a lot. She makes a lot of noise.

Zoe and Piggy, being best friends.

Together forever, the fun never ends.

Solving mysteries, one hug at a time.

Zoe and Piggy, two of a kind.

Thursday, February 11, 2021




1 – Where does your grandmother live?

a. My grandmother lives in Mercadona.

b. My grandmother lives downstairs.

c. My grandmother lives upstairs.

d. My grandmother lives in the living room.


2 – Do you go to school?

a. No, I have a job.

b. Yes, I go to university.

c. No, I am a professional football player.

d. Yes, I go to school.


3 – Does Valencia have a beach?

a. Yes, of course Valencia has a beach. Are you stupid? Valencia is on the coast of the beautiful Mediterranean Sea.


4 – Who is your sister?

a. ____ is my perfect sister.

b. My perfect sister is ____.

c. I have one perfect sister and her name is _____.

d. My sister is the best sister in the world and her name is _____.


5 – What do you do on weekends?

a. On weekends, I study English all day. I love to study English.

b. I play football on weekends.

c. Sometimes I watch movies on Netflix.

d. I do lots of things on weekends.


6 – What is your favorite food?

a. My favorite food is salad.

b. I love vegetables.

c. Hot dog soup is my favorite food

d. Paella with hot dogs is very good, too.


7 – What animal can swim and fly?

a. Elephants can swim, but only Dumbo can fly.

b. Many birds can swim and fly: ducks, geese, swans, seagulls, owls, pelicans, and herons (patos, gansos, cisnes, gaviotas, búhos, pelícanos y garzas).

c. Superman can swim and fly.


8 – What is the most famous food from Valencia?

a. Hot dogs are the most famous food from Valencia.

b. Valencia is famous for paella.

c. Horchata is from Valencia.

d. Valencia Club de Fútbol is my favorite team.


9 – What are the five biggest countries in the world?

a. Russia, Canada, China, The United States of America, and Brazil.

b. Cucumbers, Carrots, Tomatoes, Green Peppers, and Onions.

c. Red, Yellow, Blue, Orange, and Purple.

d. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.


10 – Where is Spain?

a. Spain is in North America.

b. Spain is in Africa.

c. Spain is in Europe.

d. Spain is in Asia.


11 – Where do penguins live?

a. They live in Europe.

b. Penguins live in Antarctica.

c. Penguins live upstairs next door to Paula.

d. Penguins live in Turia Park.


12 – Who is the President of the United States?

a. Biden

b. Biden

c. Biden

d. Not Trump!


13 – What time do you start school in the morning?

a. I start school at _______.  08:00, 08:30, 08:15


14 – Do you like music?

15 – When is your birthday?

16 – When is your mother’s birthday?

17 – Can you swim?

18 - Who cooks at your house?

19 – What can you cook?

20 – Do you prefer Consum, Mercadona, or Lidel?


Who – What – When – Where – Why


21 – Who is Sponge Bob’s best friend?

22 – What day is today?

23 – When is Fallas? (March 15th to March 19th)

24 – Where is Valencia? Spain, Europe, the planet Earth

25 – Why does Valencia have a beach? (Because Valencia is on the coast of the beautiful Mediterranean Sea).

How Many – How Much

26 – How many kids are in your class?

   There are ____ kids in my class.

27 – How many days are in a week?

28 – How many planets are in our solar system?

29 – How much time do you study every day?

30 – How many hours do you study?

31 – How much money do you have?

32 – How many euros do you have?

33 – How much does a hot dog cost? (1€)

34 – How much is the Mona Lisa worth? (a lot!)


  1.  stars are there in the sky?
  2.  people live on islands?
  3.  birds are there?
  4.  water is in the ocean?
  5.  money is in a bank?
  6.  countries are there in the world?
  7.  bread is eaten per day?
  8.  bones are there in the human body?
  9.  sand is in the deserts?
  10.  information is on the internet?