

Friday, April 30, 2021

Irregular Verbs


Group 1 (click link to open):

Awake.  Awoke.  Awoken.

Beat.  Beat.  Beaten.

Become.  Became.  Become.

Begin.  Began.  Begun.

Bend.   Bent.   Bent.

Bite. Bit.  Bitten.

Bleed.  Bled.  Bled.

Blow.  Blew.  Blown.

Break.  Broke.  Broken.

Bring.   Brought.  Brought.

Build.  Built.  Built.

Buy.  Bought.   Bought.

Catch.  Caught.  Caught.

Choose.  Chose.  Chosen.

Come.   Came.   Come.

Cost.        Cost.   Cost.

Cut.    Cut.  Cut.

Deal.  Dealt.  Dealt.

Dig.  Dug.  Dug.

Do.   Did.   Done.

Draw.  Drew.  Drawn.

Drink.  Drank.  Drunk.

Drive.  Drove.  Driven.

Eat.  Ate.  Eaten.

Fall.  Fell.  Fallen.

Feed.   Fed.   Fed.

Feel.  Felt.  Felt.

Fight. Fought.  Fought.

Find.  Found.  Found.

Fly.  Flew.  Flown.

Forget.  Forgot.  Forgotten.

Freeze.  Froze.  Frozen.

Get.  Got.  Got.

Give.  Gave.  Given.

Go.  Went.  Gone.

Grow.   Grew.  Grown.

Hear.  Heard.  Heard.

Hide.  Hid.  Hidden.

Hit    Hit.   Hit.

Group 2 (click link to open):

Hold.  Held.  Held.

Hurt. Hurt.  Hurt.

Keep.  Kept.  Kept.

Know.  Knew.  Known.

Lead.   Led. Led.

Leave.  Left.   Left.

Let.  Let.  Let,

Light.   Lit. lit.

Lose.  Lost.  Lost.

Make.  Made.  Made.

Mean.  Meant.  Meant.

Meet.   Met.   Met.

Pay. Paid.  Paid.

Prove.  Proved.  Proven

Put.  Put.  Put.

Read.  Read. (red)  Read. (red)

Ride.  Rode.  Ridden.

Ring.  Rang.  Rung.

Rise.  Rose.  Risen.

Run.   Ran.  Run.

Say.   Said.   Said.

See.  Saw.  Seen.

Sell.  Sold.   Sold.

Send.  Sent.    Sent

Shake.  Shook.  Shaken.

Shine.  Shone.  Shone.

Shoot.  Shot.  Shot.

Show.   Showed.  Shown.

Shut.   Shut.   Shut.

Sing.   Sang.  Sung.

Sit.  Sat.  Sat.

Sleep.  Slept.  Slept.

Speak.   Spoke.  Spoken.

Spend.  Spent.   Spent.

Stand.  Stood.  Stood.

Steal.   Stole.  Stolen.

Stick.  Stuck.  Stuck.

Stink.    Stank.    Stunk.

Swear.   Swore.  Sworn.

Swim.  Swam.  Swum.

Take.  Took.  Taken.

Teach.  Taught.  Taught.

Tear.  Tore.  Torn.

Tell. Told. Told.

Think.  Thought.  Thought.

Throw.  Threw.  Thrown.

Understand.  Understood.  Understood.

Wear.  Wore.  Worn.

Win.  Won.  Won.

Write.   Wrote.  Written.


Algunos verbos irregulares se cambiaron en verbos regulares en los Estados Unidos:


Burn.             (UK) Burnt.  (USA) burned.   Burnt. Burned.

Dream.    (UK) Dreamt. (USA) dreamed. Dreamt. Dreamed.

Learn.      (UK) Learnt.  (USA) Learned.  learnt/learned

Smell.   (UK) Smelt.  (USA) Smelled.      smelt/smelled


 Download PDF here.


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Pronunciation Practice

(click the link to hear the audio)

Busy. I am very busy today.

How are you?   Me? Busy, busy, busy. I am as busy as a bee.

Business. Her father is a businessman.

Guard. He is a guard at the art gallery. He guards the paintings in the museum.

Guide. He is a tourist guide in Valencia.

Alba brought a tourist guide to London for her trip.

Comfortable (cómfortable). The sofa is very comfortable. 

Answer. Please answer the question. She answered correctly.


Past Tense Verbs

Con el sonido de “da”

Answered. Played. Opened. Closed. Listened. Lived.

Con el sonido de “ta”

Watched. Walked. Talked. Liked. Washed. Passed. Stopped. Asked.

Con el sonido de “id”

Painted. Needed. Waited. Visited. Wanted.