

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

My Life in Valencia

  I have a very good life. To begin, I live in Valencia, Spain. If you have never traveled to Valencia, you should visit here immediately. Valencia is on the coast of the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. This means that we have lots of great beaches. The water is clear and warm in the summer. This is why lots of tourists come here all year long, from January to December.

    I think that tourists love Valencia because it is a good place to ride bikes. All of the tourists rent bicycles because that is a great way to see a new city. Valencia is perfect for bikes for several reasons.

   First of all, Valencia is flat so there are no hills, something that can make cycling very difficult. The weather is great here all year long, and that is good for bike riding, too. It doesn’t rain very often, and we get 300 days a year of sunshine. The sun makes people happy. Are you happier on sunny days or rainy days?

    Another reason why biking in Valencia is great is because we have bike paths everywhere. You can ride on the bike paths, and you don’t have to worry about cars and traffic. It is very safe to ride a bike here.

Is the beach crowded?
    Biking is good in Valencia because there is a lot to see. You can ride to the city beach which is called Malva-rosa. There are beaches to the south of the city, too. There is a bike path to these beaches. The Albufera is ten kilometers south of Valencia. The Albufera is a large coastal lagoon.

    There are a lot of museums to visit in Valencia. There are more than thirty-five museums in the city. You can visit most of the museums for free on Sundays. 

Museo de Bellas Artes
    Did you know that Valencia is more than 2,000 (two thousand) years old? That is very old, even older than John and he’s really old. The Romans founded Valencia in 138 B.C. Then, in 75 B.C., the Roman general Pompey destroyed the city. It was rebuilt fifty years later.

    Valencia is also very modern.