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Time Out
Chapter 1: Just a Normal Kid
How many times have you thought about what superpower you
would have if someone gave you a choice? Would you like to fly? Swim underwater
like a fish? Would you like to be invisible? The problem is that no one is
going to ask you what you want. No one asked me what I wanted before I realized
that I had a superpower, at least I think it’s a superpower.
I don’t wear a cool costume like Superman or Batman. I don’t
solve crimes or fight criminals, at least not yet. I don’t have a secret
identity. I’m just a normal 16 year old kid. If you saw me on the street you
wouldn’t think that I am different than any other teenager. The truth is that
just a few weeks ago I really wasn’t any different than anyone I knew. I was
just Alice White, boring and normal Alice. Sometimes I miss her.
I live with my mother and father. I have a younger brother who
is 12 years old. His name is Alex and he drives me crazy. I tell him all the
time that he isn’t the worst brother in the world; he’s just my worst brother. Some
of my friends don’t have any siblings—no brothers or sisters. That seems kind
of lonely so I suppose that my brother isn’t so terrible.
Alex is definitely a normal 12 year old kid. All he cares
about are video games and sports, two things that I absolutely hate. I like to
play a few different sports, but watching sports on TV is definitely not my cup
of tea.
My best friend is Karla Walters. We’ve lived next door to each
other all of our lives. If you walk out my front door and walk four meters straight
ahead, you will run right into Karla’s front door. We have been sharing the
elevator all of our lives, but Karla likes to walk up and down the stairs.
She also has a younger brother who is 9 years old and he
drives her crazy, too. He is a video game addict, just like my brother. He is
also a sports fanatic, just like my brother. They both have pictures of famous
football players on the walls in their bedrooms. So does Karla. She loves
sports, loves exercising, and loves watching football on the television with
her brother and father, so we aren’t completely alike in every way.
We have gone to the same school since we started going to
school. I remember that we walked to school together on our very first day when
we were five. I can’t believe that we still go to the same school. It’s like a
life sentence or something. We both like school a lot, but sometimes we joke
that the food in the cafeteria is worse than food in prison.
My favorite subject in school is biology. At least that is my
favorite class now. We are learning about the environment and pollution and
global climate change and recycling and how we really need to clean up our poor
planet. My biology teacher is Mr. Smith and he’s probably the smartest teacher
I’ve ever had. He is a fanatic about the environment. He rides a bike to school
every day because he says that bikes are the best way to get around in the
After school, I have piano lessons every Tuesday at five
o’clock. My piano teacher is Ann Ralston. She is a beautiful woman, but I don’t
know how old she is. She won’t tell me her age and she says that it isn’t
polite to ask a woman this question. I wasn’t trying to be impolite. I didn’t
want to be rude. I just wanted to know how old she is so I asked her. I think
she’s about 30 or 40 years old. She’s really old, but as I said, she’s very
beautiful. She is also completely obsessed with playing the piano and with
music in general.
I go to her apartment for my lessons. She has three pianos in
her living room. And you won’t believe this but she doesn’t have a television. Her
living room also has a sofa, a big rug, a table, some paintings on the walls of
people playing music, and a lot of plants. It’s like the Amazon jungle in
there. She has a lot of cool stuff in her apartment but she doesn’t have a TV.
She also has a really fat cat called Oscar Peterson. I didn’t
know who Oscar Peterson was before, but I sure know about him after four years
of lessons with Miss Ralston. Oh my God (OMG), do I know about Oscar Peterson
now! She never shuts up about the guy. To Miss Ralston Oscar Peterson is like a
mix of Superman and Mozart.
Oscar Peterson was this really amazing jazz pianist, probably
the best piano player of his day—at least according to Miss Ralston. He wrote a
bunch of songs for students like me. Now I have to learn all of these
exercises. Miss Ralston says that one day I will thank old Oscar Peterson—the
pianist, not her fat cat—for writing all of this music for students, but right
now it just seems like torture. Some of the songs are easy but some are really
At home we only have one piano, an electric piano that is in
my bedroom. I usually wear headphones when I practice the piano so I don’t
drive everyone else in my house nuts with the noise. I’m not that bad,
honestly. I practice at least one hour every day. I have a little electric
kitchen timer on top of my piano that is set for 30 minutes. When I sit down to
practice I turn it on and it counts down from 30 minutes. If I get up to answer
the phone or get a glass of water I have to stop the clock, and when I come
back I start it again. When the alarm goes off after 30 minutes I can take a
break. Then I have to sit down and practice for another 30 minutes.
The kitchen timer thing was my dad’s idea. You probably think
that he’s very cruel for inventing that idea, but he’s usually a pretty good
dad and not cruel at all. When I told Miss Ralston about my father’s kitchen
timer idea she thought it was fantastic. Now she makes all of her students use
a kitchen timer when they practice at home. They must all hate my guts, but at
least I don’t feel alone now because other kids are being tortured by kitchen
timers all over the city.
When I first started playing, I hated every second of my practice
time. I hated that little, battery-operated kitchen timer. It was the enemy, my
enemy. That kitchen timer was like a big wall between me and everything else I
wanted to do, like watch TV or go play with my friends. After playing for four
years I don’t hate that timer like I used to. It’s weird, but sometimes when
the alarm goes off I just continue to play. I sort of like playing the piano
At first I didn’t. At first I thought that piano practice was
the worst punishment any kid had ever received. I used to dream that some
natural disaster would destroy my piano. In my dreams a tornado would come and
pull the piano right out of my bedroom and carry it far, far away, like
Dorothy’s house in the movie The Wizard of Oz. But we don’t have
tornadoes where I live. I have the worst luck when it comes to natural
Then I thought about a flood taking away my piano. We live on
the 5th floor of our building so it would probably have to be the
worst flood in the history of the universe, but a kid has to have a dream.
I would think about natural disasters as I sat down to
practice and watched as the minutes passed on that stupid kitchen timer. 29,
28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23…it was like watching my life slowly pass away as my
friends were outside playing. Tick, tock, tick, tock. Time seemed to pass a lot
more slowly on that kitchen timer. When the volcano erupted and destroyed my
piano I wanted the kitchen timer to go with it.
And then I started to learn a few cool songs on the piano,
songs that I really liked. At first I would make about a million mistakes.
After a while there were fewer errors, and then one day I played a song without
any mistakes. It was like a miracle. I played the same song again, but this
time I made two mistakes. I thought that I was just lucky. Then I played the
song again the next day with only one little mistake. Maybe this wasn’t magic
or luck? Maybe I was really learning how to play the piano.
So I went from being a terrible piano player and now I’m just
awful. Who knows? With a few more years of practice I could be lousy. At least
now I don’t hate that little kitchen timer and I actually have fun playing this
instrument. I wonder if old Oscar Peterson had the same feelings when he was a
I had other problems when I was younger. I wasn’t the most
popular girl in my class. I wasn’t the least popular girl, but I think that I
was somewhere near the bottom of that list. There isn’t really a list of the
most popular girls at my school except in my head and #1 on that list is
Jennifer Atkins, no doubt about it.
Not only is Jennifer Atkins the smartest kid in my class—including
boys—she’s also the prettiest. On top of that, she’s super nice. It’s
impossible not to like her. She always invites me to her birthday parties even
though we aren’t really good friends. Her apartment is incredible, of course.
They have a TV in their kitchen. I’m not joking.
She wears the coolest clothes, she gets the best grades, and
her older brother is the most beautiful boy in the world. I’m not kidding. Did
I tell you that he’s the top student in our entire school? Yes, the whole
school. He is also very nice, even to me. It’s very depressing to see people
like Jennifer Atkins and her handsome brother.
How can I compete with a girl as perfect as Jennifer Atkins
who has a gorgeous older brother when my little brother sometimes wears a
Batman mask to school? It is very embarrassing, to say the least. I’m sure that
Jennifer Atkins’ brother has never embarrassed her at all. I sometimes think
that embarrassing me in public is my younger brother’s hobby.
One time at the beginning of this academic year in September I
was waiting for my brother to get out of class after school. I have to walk
home with him every day because he’s only 12. We only live three blocks from
school, but my parents still make me walk with him to and from school every
day. They don’t even pay me for it. I get paid for babysitting other kids but
when it comes to my little brother I work for free.
So I was waiting in front of our school and, of course, my
brother was the last kid to leave. I was very angry, but I didn’t say anything
to him when he finally came out of the building. He’s almost always the last
kid to leave the school, it’s like he can’t get enough of the place.
His last class of the day was drama and he was still wearing
his costume for the school play. He was dressed as a rainbow. He wasn’t a baby.
It was only a few months ago, back when he was 11 years old. So why was he
wearing a stupid rainbow costume home from school?
The answer: to embarrass his older sister. Not only is
embarrassing me his hobby, but he’s really good at it. He is like the Oscar
Peterson of embarrassing his sister, if that makes sense. He’s a virtuoso of
making me look like an idiot.
So there I was, walking home from school with a kid dressed
like a rainbow. I was 15 years old back then, practically an adult. I tried to
make him walk a few steps behind me, but he walked right next to me the entire
way home. Just when we got to our building I saw some kids walking towards
us. Oh please, I hope I don’t know them,
I said to myself.
Of course, I knew them. It was two boys from my class, Jeffrey
Wilson and Tom Archer. They aren’t nice, not at all, but I have to admit that
they can be really funny in class sometimes. They get in trouble for talking a
lot, but sometimes even the teachers laugh at their jokes. I tried to walk
faster as we approached our building. I wanted to go inside before they saw me.
Jeffrey Wilson and Tom Archer stopped right in front of my
building. They know I live there because they live a block away. They saw my
brother’s rainbow costume and Jeffrey started to sing that song from TheWizard of Oz (if you haven’t seen that movie I highly recommend it. I’ve
seen it about a million times, mostly covered in a blanket because even now
those flying monkeys scare me half to death).
“Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, there’s a place that
I’ve heard of, once in a lullaby.”
Jeffrey actually has a really good singing voice, although I’d
never say that to his face. I just wanted to run inside and close the door
behind me. But it was too late.
“Very colorful, Alex,” Tom said.
“Very colorful,” Jeffrey repeated.
“Your rainbow is missing a color, Alex,” Jeffrey said. “Your
rainbow is missing the most boring color in the world.”
I pulled on his arm to go inside but Alex stopped.
“What color?” Alex asked
“The most boring color in the world is Alice White,” Tom said.
I guess it was a little funny but that doesn’t mean that my brother
had to laugh at the joke.
I tried but couldn’t think of anything to say. I just said
“Very funny” and pulled my little brother through the front door of our
In the elevator, on the way up to our apartment, I thought of
a couple of things I should have said to Tom Archer, but it was too late. I
couldn’t think of anything good to say when it happened. I wish that I could
have frozen that moment in time so that I could have thought of something funny
to say.
“Did you know that your name means ‘vomit green’ in Chinese?”
I could have said to Tom Archer, if I had time to think of it. I’m not very
good at thinking under pressure. I know that I shouldn’t let things like that
bother me. I think that I was annoyed that my little brother had caused the
problem and then he laughed at Tom Archer’s dumb joke.
I went into my bedroom and put my pack down on my desk. My
bedroom is nothing special. I have a desk, a bed (of course), my piano, a
bookshelf filled with my books, a dresser for my clothes, and I have a closet
for the rest of my clothes and stuff. I have a photograph on the wall above my
piano. Guess who it is? That’s correct, Oscar Peterson.
I went into the kitchen to get something to eat. As I opened
the door of the fridge I thought of another thing I could have said.
“That’s a good joke, Tom…for 12 year old kids like my
I can’t believe that I was still upset over Tom Archer’s bad
joke. After I drank some water and ate an apple I put the glass in the sink and
threw away the apple core. I went back to my room and tried to think of
something else.
Playing the piano always clears my mind so I sat down to
practice. I pressed the button on the kitchen timer to begin my 30 minute
practice session but nothing happened. I pressed it again and still it didn’t
start. I changed the battery in the timer and it still didn’t work.
It was a little ironic that I used to hate that kitchen timer and
now that it stopped working I felt like I had lost a good friend. I started
practicing. I would tell my dad to get me another kitchen timer since it was
his great idea in the first place.
Chapter 2: The Old Curiosity Shop
That evening at dinner I told my father that my timer was
broken and that I needed another one. He said he could go on Saturday to find a
new kitchen timer. My mother was always too busy during the week to do things
like go shopping. I suppose that waiting a few days for a new kitchen timer
wasn’t going to ruin my music career. Then I remembered something.
There is a second hand store between my house and my school
that sells all kinds of used stuff, from furniture to old bikes to clothing. I
go in there sometimes with Karla to look at vintage clothes. I bought an old
Beatles t-shirt there that I think is pretty cool. I also buy used books there
if I see anything that I like. Everything is very cheap. You can buy ten books
at The Old Curiosity Shop for the price of one new book. The most expensive
thing in the store is an old grandfather clock that has been there forever.
The last time I went there with Karla they had an old timer
that people use to play chess. I thought that I could probably use it to time
my piano practice. It is the kind of old clock that you have to wind up with a
key so it would never need a battery. I can’t remember how much it cost, but I
told my dad about it. He told me that he would pay for it as long as it wasn’t
too expensive. I think he was just happy that his kitchen timer idea was such a
worldwide success. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I used to hate that
The next day after school I went to The Old Curiosity Shop
with Karla and Alex—he wasn’t wearing a costume, thank goodness. The door to
the shop has a bell on it that rings when you walk in which sounds really cool.
I never thought about it before, but every time that I go into that store I can
feel a really cold wind blowing from inside, even in the summer. I felt the
same cold wind when I went there to buy the old clock.
The old guy who works there is always in the back room doing
something. When he hears the bell he comes out to say hello, so the bell is
like his alarm. Or alarm clock. Maybe he’s always sleeping in the back. He’s
very friendly for an old person. Sometimes old people are grumpy, they complain
about everything, but the man in the shop never complains.
I knew right where to go. It was in the section with
paintings, and lamps, and old plates and tea cups. I was happy to see that the
chess clock was still there. I played with it for a while to make sure that it
still worked. It looked like it was about 100 years old, at least. I asked the
man how much it cost. He told me the price in almost a whisper. He never talked
very loud.
It was even cheaper than the digital kitchen timer I had
before. Dad would be happy about that. I gave the old guy the money and he
thanked me. He was always polite, even with kids. Sometimes adults are polite
to each other but they are rude to kids. When I closed the door of the shop on
the way out, I felt that cold wind again. You actually could hear the wind
blowing. It was a little weird but I didn’t think about it.
The old clock looked good on top of my piano, a lot better
than the old kitchen timer. I sat down to practice and when I pushed the button
on top of the clock to start the timer a strange thing happened. I felt a cold
wind blowing, just like when I opened the door of The Old Curiosity Shop. I
played for about 20 minutes and wanted to get something to eat so I pressed the
button on top of the clock to stop the timer. Once again, I felt a cold wind.
Definitely weird.
I ate a sandwich and sat down again at my piano. I started the
clock again. Another cold wind. My window was open so I didn’t think about it
too much. I only had about three minutes before I finished my first 30 minute
session, but I wanted to get a glass of water. I moved my hand to stop the
clock, but before I even touched the clock it stopped on its own. I swear that I’m
not making this up. I’m not good at inventing stories.
I just thought that because the clock was so old that it
probably didn’t work all the time. After I drank a glass of water I sat down
again to play. I reached over to press the button and this time the clock
started before I touched it. I’m serious. I finished my 30 minute session. I
had some homework to do so I decided to do that now instead of practicing more.
I thought that my biology homework was going to take a long
time, but I was finished in less than 20 minutes. Once again I sat down to play
my piano. This time I didn’t even move and the clock started again. I just
thought about pressing the button on top. I played for about 15 minutes when I
started to feel like I needed a break.
You probably think that I’m super lazy because I wanted to
take a break after only playing for 15 minutes but let me tell you something.
15 minutes of practice is a long time. Many of the songs that I play take less
than a minute so I can play 13 to 15 songs in 15 minutes. Anyway, I needed a
break. Once again, I didn’t even move and the clock stopped. Weird.
What was even stranger was that everything became completely
silent. I couldn’t hear a thing. Usually, I can hear traffic from the street
below from my window, but I didn’t hear anything at all. I thought this was
strange. Maybe there was a big traffic jam on the street and the cars weren’t
moving, but usually when that happens driver honk their stupid horns.
I walked over to my window and looked down at the street
below. Just as I thought, none of the cars were moving. Then I saw that the
people on the sidewalks weren’t moving, either. Everyone was just standing
there, like they were frozen. There was a man walking a little dog and even the
dog was standing completely still, it wasn’t moving. Then I felt that cold wind
again. As I looked down on this very strange scene I remembered something. I
ran as fast as I could to the kitchen.
I had put a glass of orange juice in the freeze before I sat
down at my piano. I like really, really cold orange juice, but if I forget the
glass freezes. I opened the freezer door and took out the glass of orange
juice. Oh yeah, perfect, just how I like it. I drank the juice and then decided
to finish my second 30 minute session on the piano. I had a piano recital
coming up soon so I needed to practice as much as possible.
I finished my second 30 minute session and immediately started
another one. After about 10 minutes I thought that I would call Karla. Once again,
the clock stopped before I touched it. Once again, I felt that cold wind. As I
walked down the hall to the kitchen I looked into my brother’s room. As usual,
Alex was lying on his bed looking at the TV with his video game thing in his
He didn’t even notice as I stood in the doorway watching him.
Then I saw something weird, another weird thing. He wasn’t moving. OK, he never
moves when he plays video games, but he wasn’t moving his fingers on the video
game thing in his hands.
“Alex?” I said.
He didn’t move.
“Alex!” I shouted.
Nothing. Now this was really getting strange. He was just
lying there like he was frozen.
Once again, I noticed that it was completely quiet. I looked
down at the street from the window in the hallway. Everything and everyone was
stopped, just like the little chess clock on my piano.
Chapter 3: What Is Going On?
I had already put two and two together and came up with the
thought that somehow this was all related to that little antique clock I bought
in The Old Curiosity Shop. I went back and sat down again in front of my piano.
When I started to play I could immediately hear the traffic from the street
below, like a loud animal waking up after a nap.
I kept playing for ten minutes and the alarm on the clock sounded.
I had finished my third 30 minute practice session, but I wasn’t too interested
in my piano or the recital coming up in two weeks. All I could think about was
this strange thing that happened when I stopped the clock, or just thought
about stopping the clock. I was completely terrified, if you want to know the
My parents both came home and found me sitting at my piano.
“Did you have a good practice session today?” my mom asked.
“I think so,” I stammered, barely able to open my mouth to
“Your new clock is really cool,” my dad said. “This one is
vintage, not like the old plastic thing.”
They left me without noticing that I looked like I was
frozen this time. I just couldn’t understand what had happened, and forget
about the “why” part. There was no possible way that I was going to tell my
parents about what happened. They would think that I was completely crazy. I
began to think that maybe I was crazy.
I had a lot of other stuff to do, like help my mom and dad
cook dinner. My parents are really good cooks and they have taught Alex and me
to cook. As my dad always says, you have to eat every day so you better know
how to cook.
Tonight we were going to make paella which is my favorite dish
in the world. To make paella you need the right pan, which in this case is
called a paella. It’s a big, round frying pan. Here is how you make paella.
First you heat up the pan and put in some olive oil. Next you
fry pieces of chicken and rabbit in the pan until they are brown. Next, you add
green beans and butter beans and cook them a little. After this you put in
tomato purée and spices. Then you put in water and cook this for 30 minutes. At
the end you add rice and cook it for about 15 minutes.
The paella was so good that night that I completely forgot
about my adventure with the clock that afternoon. We had to eat really early
because my mother had to do a bunch of stuff for her job so she disappeared
into the office she has at home. She is a businesswoman and I don’t really know
exactly what she does.
I was tired, exhausted if you really want to know, so I went
to my room to read on my bed. I read for about 25 seconds before I went to
The next morning I woke up really early. I got dressed and had
something to eat in the kitchen. Everyone else was still asleep. I went back to
my room and sat down at the piano. I put on my headphones and started the
clock. I played scales for a few minutes which are really boring, but my
teacher says that I need to play them every day. Then I played some exercises
that help you to play faster. These can be fun sometimes and I don’t hate them
as much as scales.
I had almost played for 30 minutes when forgot I needed to
brush my teeth. Once again, before I could hit the button on top of the clock,
it stopped. It was early in the morning, but there is always traffic in the
street below, but just like yesterday everything was suddenly and completely
quiet. Total silence.
I walked down the hallway. The bathroom door was open and my
dad was standing in front of the mirror in his pajamas shaving with an electric
shaver…but he wasn’t moving. I ran into the kitchen and saw my mom at the table
reading the newspaper and she was also frozen in time. I was panicking at this
I ran back to my room and reached for the clock to start it
again. It started before I touched it and the air was filled with the noise
from the street below. A car honked and I’ve never been so happy to hear a horn
go off in my life. I ran back down the hall and there was my dad again, except
now I could hear his electric razor humming and he waved to me. In the kitchen
my mom was doing the Sudoku puzzle with a red pen.
“Good morning, Bird,” she said.
“Morning, mom,” I said, still a little freaked out from the
Bird is my nickname, or it was my nickname until I was about
13 and I told everyone to start calling me Alice. My parents still call me Bird.
That doesn’t bother me because they only do it at home. Why do they call me
Bird? That’s a story for another day because I had bigger problems than funny
I walk to school with my brother, Karla, and her brother. We
meet in front of the elevator at exactly 08:30 on school days. Karla makes us
walk down the five flights of stairs to the street. She says it’s good exercise.
I usually hate walking up and down the stairs, but on this day I was too
nervous to be stuck ¡n an elevator. I wanted to tell Karla everything right
away. I thought it would be a better idea to wait until we were outside so the
two little kids with us couldn’t hear.
The second we were on the sidewalk and away from our brothers
I told Karla exactly what had happened to me. She didn’t look surprised at all.
“It’s probably demonic possession. It’s the devil,” she said.
I forgot to tell you that Karla watches too many horror
movies. She thinks that everything is caused by the devil or monsters or
“Would you shut up and be serious for a moment,” I said.
“I am serious. Haven’t you seen Corpse Race V? The
exact same thing happened to Jeremy. He had a machine that he built that
I screamed at Karla to stop.
“I haven’t seen that movie. This is my life, not one of your
low budget horror movies. I’m telling the truth.”
“I didn’t say that I didn’t believe you. I just said that I
saw the same thing in a movie,” Karla said. “Can you do it now?”
“Do what?” I really didn’t know what she was talking about.
“Can you stop time, like you said you did yesterday?” Karla
asked. “Try to do it right now.”
“I don’t have the clock.”
“You said you didn’t even touch it yesterday and you stopped
She had a good point. I stopped walking and tried to think
about stopping time. Nothing.
“Nope,” I said.
“So maybe you need the clock. Or you need to be near it. How
close were you to the clock when it happened?”
“I was sitting at my piano. I was very close to it, less than
one meter away from it.”
After school Karla came to my house to see the clock.
“OK, so I turn start the clock when I begin a practice
session. If I want to take a break I hit the button on top and the clock stops
counting down from 30 minutes. Karla sat down at my piano and hit the clock to
“Like that?” she asked.
“Yes. Now you hit it again to make it stop counting down.”
Karla hit the button on top again, but nothing happened. She was
very disappointed that nothing happened. Then she looked at me and shook her
“It doesn’t work.”
I pushed her aside and started the clock over again at 30
minutes. I played a couple of songs on the piano.
“You’re getting a lot better,” Karla said.
She almost never compliments me on anything so I felt good
about it, like she wasn’t just saying it without meaning it. I finished one
more song.
“Ok, now if I want to stop for a while I hit the button on top
like this…”
But even before I hit the button everything became silent,
just like before. Karla was sitting there beside me on the piano bench. She was
frozen. I was really afraid so I hit the button again.
“I think that you are probably just imagining things,” Karla
“What are you talking about? I just stopped time. You were
sitting there just now like a statue.”
I could tell that she didn’t believe me. I hut the hit the
button again and everything stopped again. Karla was wearing braids in her hair
so I took out her braids and combed her hair back and put it into a ponytail.
Then I started the clock again.
“Do you believe me now?” I asked.
“I believe that you may need a psychiatrist,” she answered.
When the time was stopped I also got a small mirror from my
desk. I gave the mirror to Karla. She looked at herself in the mirror.
“What in the… How did you do that? I had my hair in braids.”
I hit the button and stopped the clock again. This time I put
her hair in a bun, and then started the clock again. Karla still had the mirror
in her hand from the last time.
“Do you like this more?” I asked
She looked into the mirror again and she screamed a little in
surprise. I think that she was beginning to believe me.
“Ok, maybe there is something to this. FYI (for your
information), don’t ever put my hair in a bun. I hate that.”
We did several experiments with the clock. Karla asked me a
really difficult math question. I stopped the clock and took the calculator
from my desk and found the answer. I wrote it down on a piece of paper and put
the paper in the pocket of her jeans. When I started the clock again I told her
to look in her pocket.
She pulled out the piece of paper and read the answer.
“How do I know this is the correct answer?”
“It’s the correct answer,” I said and handed her the
When she saw that the answer was correct she laughed out loud.
“You have a superpower!” she screamed.
“It’s not a superpower,” I said.
“”It sure is, and you are going to be the top student in the
school. Don’t you see? When we have an exam you can stop time and find all the
answers. You’ll be smarter than Jennifer Atkins.”
“I’ll never be smarter than Jennifer Atkins, and I’m not going
to use this to cheat on tests. I’ve never cheated before. Why would I begin
Karla made a face like she understood what I was saying. Then
I could see her thinking.
“There has to be some way you can use this power to do
something really cool.”
It was Tuesday and I had to go to Miss Ralston’s house for my
piano lesson. I told Karla that we shouldn’t talk about this to anyone else.
“Of course not. This is definitely our big secret. Now we just
have to think of a way for this to make us rich and famous.”
Karla was always thinking of ways to be rich and famous.
Chapter 4: Fun with Superpowers
For the next couple of days Karla came over to my house after
school and we experimented with the clock and stopping time. We discovered that
I didn’t have to touch the clock to start and stop it; all I had to do was to
think about starting or stopping it.
I could do this from a distance, too. I went to Karla’s
bedroom on the other side of the building and I could still stop time with the
clock in my room just by thinking it. Then we tried doing it from outside, down
in the street, but this time it didn’t work. I had to be less than about 50
meters from the clock.
Then we tried moving the clock. We took it outside and went
down to the park two blocks from our building. It worked there, too.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Karla asked with a big
smile on her face.
“Are you thinking that you hope you have pizza for dinner
tonight?” I asked.
Karla got that very disappointed in me look on her face.
“No, stupid. I’m thinking that we should bring the clock to
school and have some fun.”
It sounded like a bad idea to me, but Karla convinced me that
it would be a lot of fun. The next day I put the clock in my pack and took it
to school.
My first class that day was Physical Education or P.E., two
letters that I have hated ever since I started going to school. I told you that
I don’t really like sports and I hate doing competitive sports more than
anything in the world. Today in P.E. we were playing football. I hate football.
I put my pack with the clock inside on the bench on the
football field. It was very near.
We started the football match. Every time I touched the ball I
stopped time. When everyone froze I would take the ball and throw it into the
goal. I did this a lot during the match.
When P.E. class was finished Karla sat next to me as we
changed our clothes.
“Wow, that was pretty cool, but I think that you went a little
overboard. You scored too many goals.”
“Are 37 goals a lot for one person to score in a football
match?” I asked.
I really didn’t know. As I said, I hate the game.
“Let’s just say that I wouldn’t be surprised if you got a
phone call from the trainer at Real Madrid,” Karla laughed. “I think that in
the future just one or two goals will be enough.”
I wasn’t afraid of stopping time now. It was fun. Then I
started to learn the limits of my “superpower.”
We had spaghetti lunch in the school cafeteria that day which
is my favorite pasta. I ate a lot. After lunch I have history class with Mrs. Hubert.
I really like her class, but it’s right after lunch and eating makes me want to
take a nap, especially a big plate of spaghetti.
I started to get sleepy as soon as the class began. I couldn’t
keep my eyes open. I would have paid 100€ just to take a shirt nap, if I had
100€. Then I had an idea.
I could stop time and then take a little nap and nobody would
know because they would all be frozen. I was really starting to like this new
superpower. I stopped time and everyone frozen. Then I put my head down on my
desk and fell asleep immediately.
When I woke up everyone in the class was laughing, they were
laughing at me. I slowly picked my head up off my desk. I had a gob of spit on
the side of my mouth. I wiped it off with the sleeve of my shirt. Mrs. Hubert
was staring at me.
“Are you with us now, Alice?” she asked.
I was still half asleep but I answered slowly.
“Yes, Mrs. Hubert. I’m so sorry…spaghetti for lunch, so tired,
nap, sleep,” I wasn’t making much sense and everyone was really laughing at me
I looked up at the clock. It was exactly 13:09. Class began at
13:00 and I remember that I was awake for at least a few minutes at the
beginning of class before I stopped time. This must mean that I can stop time,
but only for a few minutes and then it starts again, with or without me or the
clock. This was a good thing to know. I just wish that I could have discovered
this secret of the magic clock without totally embarrassing myself in front of
the whole class.
I did some experimenting with this later when I got home. The
problem was that when I stopped time all of the clocks stop, too. I couldn’t
use another clock to count how long I was stopping time so I just said to myself,
“one, one thousand, two, one thousand, three, one thousand” to count the
seconds. After about three minutes, time would start by itself.
So there were limits to this superpower. I couldn’t stop time
and sleep an extra hour or two in the morning. That would have been a really
good superpower; I think most kids would agree. I could score a lot of goals in
a football match, but I didn’t even like sports. What could I do with this
Chapter 5: What Can I Do with My Superpower?
Karla and I were busy with exams at school for the next five
days so we didn’t talk much. I almost forgot about my superpower. The truth was
that I didn’t really think that it was a superpower, but I didn’t know what
else to call it. I practiced my piano every day, but I did it without the
clock. I thought that maybe I should just throw the clock in the garbage and
forget about all of it.
Finally it was Saturday and there were no more exams. Karla
called and said that she had to take her dog for a walk. She asked if I wanted
to hang out at the park with her. I said that I would. Then she told me to
bring the clock.
I didn’t want to have anything to do with the clock, but at
11:00 I put it in my pack and walked out the front door. I didn’t even have to
knock on Karla’s door because she was leaving, too. She had her dog with her; a
Jack Russell Terrier named Bud.
“Do you have it?” Karla asked.
“Good morning to you, too,” I said sarcastically.
“Do you have the clock?” Karla didn’t like sarcasm.
“Yes, it’s in my pack.”
The park is only two blocks from where we live. It’s the best
place in the whole city. Bud loves going to the park more than anything in the
world. Me, too.
Karla had a toy for Bud. It was a plastic hamburger that she
would throw and Bud would chase it and bring it back to her.
“Do you think that Bud is stupid enough to believe that is a
real hamburger?” I asked looking at the old dog toy.
“Maybe. He just likes to chase things and bring them back to
me. If I could throw a fridge, he would chase it and try to bring it back to
Karla threw the plastic hamburger three or four times, and
each time Bud would chase it and bring it back. Then Karla turned to me.
“Now take out your clock.”
I took it out of my pack.
“This time, when I throw the hamburger and Bud runs after it,
I want you to stop time and bring back the hamburger. It will be real funny. I
thought that it was a stupid idea, but I did it.
Bud ran after the hamburger and was about three meters from it
when I stopped time. Then I walked over, picked up the plastic toy, walked
back, gave it to Karla, and then I started time again.
It was pretty funny. Bud ran past where the hamburger was, and
then he ran around in circles looking to it. He normally has a lot of energy
and runs around and jumps all the time. Now he was going crazy trying to find
the hamburger until he saw that Karla had it in her hand. Karla threw the
hamburger again.
“Do it again,” she told me.
Now I was beginning to feel like a dog chasing a toy, but I
stopped time again and did the same thing as before. When time started again,
Bud actually fell down when he ran to where the hamburger was supposed to be. I
have to admit, I was laughing a lot, but Bud always makes me laugh.
Karla wanted me to do it again but I told her I wouldn’t.
“For whatever reason I have this ability, I’m almost sure that
it isn’t to tease dogs.”
“I’m not trying to tease Bud; I’m just trying to think what we
can do with this superpower,” Karla said. “You said you don’t want to use it to
cheat on exams, so what do we do with it?”
I was thinking the same exact thing. I didn’t want to be rich
and famous like Karla, but I thought that there must be something useful that I
could do by stopping time.
What would you do if you could stop time?
Chapter 6: Payback Is Just Another Word for Revenge, Retaliation, and Getting Even.
The next week in my debate class everyone had to choose a
topic and then defend it against all of the other kids in the class. I am a
little shy so it’s difficult for me to stand in front of the whole class and
talk. I get really nervous sometimes and I forget everything that I want to
say. For my topic I picked “How Bikes Help the Environment” and Karla chose “All
People Should Be Vegetarians.” Oh, I forgot to tell you that Karla is a
vegetarian, or at least she has been for three weeks.
Each student had to stand in front of the class and give a two
minute exposition of their argument. That would be the easy part because you
can read it off a piece of paper. The next part was where it got tricky and
difficult. After you gave your exposition the rest of the class could attack
what you said or ask you questions. You had to defend your topic against 29
other kids, some of who just wanted to make you look stupid in front of everyone.
Tom Archer always liked to make everyone laugh at the kid in
the front. As I said, he is very funny sometimes, but he is also a bully
sometimes. I don’t think that he means to be a bully; he just likes to make
everyone laugh and sometimes he makes fun of other kids to make everyone in the
class laugh. I was afraid that he was going to make everyone laugh at me.
I have known Tom since my first day of school. We used to be
friends for many years. We sat together in lots of classes and we used to walk
home from school together. He used to be very nice. For the last couple of
years we haven’t really even talked. He seems more interested in making fun of
people. I guess that you could call him the class clown.
Once, when I was 14 years old Tom said something mean to me.
He had never said anything cruel or unkind to me ever before. He was always
nice to me before. I don’t remember what he said to, but it wasn’t nice. It
made me cry. When I told my mother about it she told me not to worry. She said
that sometimes boys said mean things because they like you. If that is true
then boys are really stupid.
We went in alphabetical order so Tom Archer was the first to
go in our class. I would be almost the last to go, right before Jeffrey Wilson,
Adam Young, and Elizabeth Zimmerman.
Of course, Tom picked a funny topic. His argument was “Should
the School Cafeteria Serve Champagne?” I have to admit, I laughed a lot. Even Mrs.
Parker, our teacher, was laughing. Tom really is a funny guy. I didn’t have any
questions for him at the end of his exposition because I didn’t want him to
make fun of me. Kids in the class actually clapped when Tom Archer finished his
Next in alphabetical order came Jennifer Atkins. Jennifer
didn’t look nervous at all and she probably wasn’t. Her topic was pretty
interesting. The question she asked was something I think about a lot. Which is
more important: talent or working hard? Of course, Jennifer Atkins has a lot of
talent and she works harder than anyone I know, so I think that she’s an expert
on both things: diligence and natural ability. She is hard-working,
industrious, assiduous, persistent, laborious, relentless, indefatigable,
tireless, and a lot of other good things. Her presentation was excellent.
When the class had to ask her questions she didn’t look
nervous. Tom Archer raised his hand to ask a question. Jennifer called on Tom
and everyone in the class waited for him to say something funny and stupid.
“You talk about talent and hard work, but what about good luck?”
Tom asked. “I have very good luck.”
“Good luck—if you believe in it and I don’t—is like talent.
You have no control over it. You can choose to work hard; you can’t choose to
have talent…or to have good luck. So good luck with your good luck. I’ll just
work hard.”
I was the only person in the class who clapped when Jennifer
Atkins finished. I decided that I wasn’t jealous of her because she is
beautiful, smart, and works hard. I wanted to be like her. She would be my new
role model, my example, my ideal.
And then it was my turn.
I needed to think like Jennifer Atkins. She wasn’t nervous. I
was scared to death. I was frightened out of my skin. I was terrified.
I walked up to the front of the class. I had my pack with me
with the clock inside. I put my pack behind the podium and began my
“Save the world, ride a bike!”
I was nervous but I don’t think that I sounded nervous.
“It’s very easy: ride a bike and you can save the world, and
you can save yourself. Riding a bicycle is the solutions to more problems than
you can imagine. Problems like parking, traffic, pollution, noise, and wasting
natural resources can be solved by riding a bike instead of driving a car.”
I showed the class a photo of a bike rack that was the shape
of a car, but instead of one car parked on the street there were ten bikes in
the same place.
“Cars are dangerous, bikes are safe. Cars create pollution,
bikes are clean. Cars are bad for our health; bikes are good for our well
being, both mental and physical. Cycling improves your health. Every time you
ride a bike you help your body.”
I held up two photos. One photo was of a lot of cars in a
traffic jam. The other was a photo of people riding bikes through a park.
“Where would you like to be? In the traffic jam or in the park
on a bike? Perhaps the worst thing about cars is when you aren’t driving them.
Parked cars take up a lot of space in the city.”
I showed the class a picture of a street with cars parked on
both sides.
“Cars spend 95% of their time parked. This uses a lot of space in the city. Imagine this street if there were no parked cars. There would be more room for sidewalks and trees and places for people to sit. Where would you rather live? So ride a bike and save the planet. Thank you.”
“Cars spend 95% of their time parked. This uses a lot of space in the city. Imagine this street if there were no parked cars. There would be more room for sidewalks and trees and places for people to sit. Where would you rather live? So ride a bike and save the planet. Thank you.”
That wasn’t too bad. I wasn’t super nervous. Now I had to
answer questions from the class. This made me nervous. Of course, Tom Archer
raised his hand.
“Yes, Tom,” I said.
“What if I really want to get somewhere in a hurry? Bikes are
too slow and cars are fast,” Tom said.
That’s when I stopped time. I needed a minute or two to think
of a good answer. I also needed time to calm down. I was getting really
nervous. I took a couple of deep breaths and then I thought of something.
“Don’t worry, Tom. When they take the training wheels off your
bike you can go faster.”
The whole class laughed. Tom just sat down at his desk and didn’t say anything else.
The whole class laughed. Tom just sat down at his desk and didn’t say anything else.
When I finished some people clapped for me. I was so happy
about that. I was also happy that I was finished.
“I really like your presentation,” she said. “I want to go
ride my bike right now.”
Now I was really pleased.
“Thanks, Jennifer. I thought your presentation was amazing. I
want to work a lot harder now. I want to be more like you.”
I didn’t stop time, but I thought for a moment about what I
said next.
“I used to be intimidated by you because, well, because you
seem so perfect. Now I’m not intimidated by you. I’m inspired by you.”
I have never seen this happen before, but Jennifer Atkins
turned red. She was embarrassed…but in a happy way. Not how you are embarrassed
when your little brother does something stupid while you walk with him to
“Thank you, Alice. That is the nicest thing anyone has ever
said to me.”
And then she walked away.
I just said the nicest thing anyone has ever said to Jennifer
Atkins. I was very content.
I walked out of the classroom and Tom Archer was standing in
front of the door.
“Hey Alice. I just want to tell you that what you said was
really funny. It made me laugh.”
Wow! This was getting to be the best day ever. I was a little
worried that I made Tom feel bad. I didn’t see that he laughed at my joke.
“Thanks, Tom. You always make me laugh, even sometimes when
you are making fun of me,” I said.
“I make fun of you? I’m sorry. I just like to make jokes.”
“That’s OK,” I said.
I don’t know why I did it, but I stopped time right there. I
took out a note book and wrote a short message. I took the page out of my
notebook, folded it, and then put it in the back pocket of Tom Archer’s jeans.
Then time started again.
“I’ll see you later, Tom,” I said.
“See you later, Alice,” Tom said.
That was the first time he has called me by my first name in a
long time. I don’t know when Tom would find the note I put in his pocket, but
I’m sure it would be a big surprise for him. Here is what I wrote:
Dear Tom,
The next time you want to get my attention, you
don’t need to make a joke. Just say “Hello, Alice.”
Your Friend, Alice White
I went to my next class and I had a couple of minutes before
it started. I took another sheet of paper and wrote another message. This
message was for Jennifer Atkins, but I wouldn’t stop time and hide it in her
pocket. I was going to give this to her in person. Here is what I wrote to
Jennifer Atkins:
Dear Jennifer,
For so long I thought that I was competing with
you. Now I understand that we are not competing, it’s like we are on the same
team. I liked your presentation today, but I really loved your confidence and
strength. Today, for the first time, I saw what it means to be a woman. I want
to be like that, like you. Thanks.
Your Friend, Alice
Chapter 7: The Adventures of Time Out Girl
This superpower I had didn’t seem very super. I wasn’t going
to do anything that was illegal, like walk into a bank, stop time, and take a
lot of money. I didn’t even want to use it to cheat on an exam at school. I
have never cheated on a test in my life, not because I’m afraid that I will get
caught, but because I think that it is wrong.
I couldn’t use it to sleep an extra hour or two in the
morning, and it definitely wouldn’t help me to take a nap in class as I
discovered. I couldn’t use it to conquer my enemies. As it turned out I really
didn’t have any enemies, just a boy who was too shy to be nice to me.
I didn’t want to score 30 goals in a football game in P.E.
class. I don’t care if I never score another goal for the rest of my life. Do
people with other kinds of superpowers have the same problem? What if you were
invisible? Would that be cool or would it be difficult? Before I thought that
being invisible would be great, but now I think it would be terrible.
Stopping time couldn’t help me, even for little things. On
Monday I was walking to school and I was going to be late. I thought that I
could stop time and then I would get to school on time, I wouldn’t be late.
Then I remembered that I had my little brother with me. I would have to carry
him. He’s my little brother, but he isn’t very little. I couldn’t leave him
frozen as I walked to school. It was very frustrating.
“You could stop time to cut in line, like in the cafeteria at
lunch,” Karla suggested.
We were walking home from school one day trying to think of
what I could do with my superpower. Our two brothers were walking far in front
of us and couldn’t hear what we were saying.
“Taking cuts in line is the same as stealing,” I said. “It’s
not fair for the people who got there before me.”
“What about making people we don’t like look stupid? You could
stop time, then you tie someone’s shoe laces together, and when time started
they would fall right on their face. That would be so funny.”
Karla was not always an angel.
“Or how about this. The snobbiest girl in the school is
wearing really cute sandals one day. You stop time, take off her sandals, and
put on a pair of knee-high gym socks. ”
It was difficult for me not to laugh.
“You are a really bad person, Karla. You’re a monster,” I said
trying to sound serious, and then I laughed.
We were crossing the street when a car ran right through the
zebra crossing in front of us.
“You idiot!” Karla screamed as loud as she could, but the car
was going really fast. “I hate drivers who don’t respect pedestrians.”
“Me, too,” I said. “That is very dangerous.”
I had an idea, and I told Karla about it.
“That would be so cool. Let’s do it right now!” she said.
We went home and put our books and stuff away in our bedrooms.
I found my father’s tool box and put about 20 nails in a small bag. Then Karla
and I went downstairs to the street. We walked a couple of blocks away because
I didn’t want to do this near my house, just in case.
We waited for the light to turn red for cars, and green for
pedestrians. A car drove through the red light right in front of two older
people walking in the zebra crossing. I stopped time, then I walked over to the
car and put a nail in the front tire.
When I started time again, the car immediately got a flat
tire. The driver was really angry. Karla and I both laughed at him.
“He was breaking the law,” Karla said. “Now do you feel like a
I have to admit that I felt good. The driver had to stop and
change his tire. We walked over to where he was working. I stopped time again.
This time I wrote a note to him on a piece of paper and put it on the seat of
his car so he would see it when he started driving again.
Dear Bad Driver,
You went through a zebra crossing on a red light.
That is illegal, it’s against the law. That is why you have a flat tire.
Sincerely, Time Out Girl
Time Out Girl wasn’t a very good name for a superhero, but
that’s all I could think of at the moment.
“Should we do it again?” I asked.
“Definitely,” Karla answered.
It’s surprising how many people drive through red lights into
zebra crossings. We went to three different crossings and put nails in five
more tires. I left the same note for every driver. I wanted to teach them a
When we were walking back to our building we saw a man throw
his newspaper on the sidewalk.
“I hate people who litter,” Karla said. “There is a trash can
two meters away.”
A few minutes later we saw a young boy throw a plastic water
bottle on the sidewalk.
“Don’t be a litterbug,” I said to the boy.
He was about our age, more or less. He looked at us and
laughed, and then he continued walking. This made me angry. I stopped time.
Then I picked up the plastic water bottle and put it down the back of the kid’s
shirt. When I started time again Karla and I turned and walked in the opposite
“Look what I did to that kid,” I said to Karla.
Karla turned around and she could see the kid trying to get
the bottle out of his shirt. Finally, he got the bottle out of his shirt and he
threw it on the sidewalk again. Now I was really angry.

When he walked a few meters down the street, I stopped time
and put the bottle in his shirt again. When time started again he took the
bottle out of his shirt and put it into a garbage can.
“I have a great idea,” Karla said.
That night we made a lot of little stickers that said “Don’t
Be a Litterbug!” The next day we walked around and every time we saw someone
littering, we picked up the trash they threw on the sidewalk, taped it to their
shirt, and put a “Don’t Be a Litterbug!” sticker next to it. It was funny to
see people with Coca Cola cans, candy wrappers, cigarette butts, and banana
peels taped to their shirts.
Chapter 8: What Would You Do?
What would you do if you had my ability, my power, my superpower?
Would you cheat on your exams? Would you rob a bank? Would you play tricks on
Chapter 1
How old is Alice White?
Does she have any siblings?
How old is Alice’s little brother?
Who is Alice’s best friend?
Where does Karla live?
What does Alice do after school on Tuesdays?
Why is the cat called Oscar Peterson?
What does Alice have on top of her piano at home?
What happens to the digital kitchen timer at the
end of the chapter?
Chapter 2
Where does Alice go to look for a used clock?
What happens when Alice opens the door to The Old
Curiosity Shop?
What do you think the cold wind means?