are in the most expensive restaurant in New York City. The flowers on the
tables are real and not plastic. The
food comes to the table on a plate and not in a paper bag. This isn’t
MacDonald’s. This isn’t Burger King.
Good evening, how may I help you?
Customer: I’d like a table. Please.
W: How many are in your party?
C: There will be four of us. The others are
parking the car.
W: You can wait in the bar. When your table
is ready I will call you.
C: Thank you.
waiter comes into the bar area.
W: Your table is ready, sir. Follow me please. Right this way, please.
Here is your table. Your waiter will be with you in just a moment. Enjoy your
C: Thank you.
waiter comes to the table.
Waiter2: Good evening, would you like
something to drink? Anything to drink, folks?
C: Yes, I would like a bottle or water
please, without gas.
Customer2: May I have a beer please? What
do you have on tap? (de barril)
W2: We have Heineken on tap. In bottle we
have Budweiser.
C2: I’d like a Heineken, please.
W2: Very well.
waiter returns with the drinks.
W2: Here are the drinks you ordered. Would
you like to look at menus? Tonight’s specials are crab cakes and New Orleans
waiter gives everyone at the table a menu. He returns to the table after a few
Are you ready to order? Have you decided on something? Would you like to order
now? What can I get for you?
C: May I have the special, please?
C2: May I have the margarita pizza, please?
W2: Would you like the large pizza or the
small pizza?
C2: May I have both, please? I’m American.
W2: Will that be all? Will there be
anything else? Anything else?
C: That will be all, thank you.
food arrives at the table. The waiter returns to the table and asks if
everything is OK.
W2: How is everything?
W2: Very good, thank you.
the end of the meal the waiter takes away all of the plates and silverware.
W2: would you like to look at the dessert
the end of the meal the waiter is standing next to the table.
C: The check, please.
Jamie Oliver
blender (blénder) - licuadora
bottle opener (bótl óupener) - destapador de botellas
bowl (bóul) - bol, taza grande
broom (brúm) - escoba
bottle opener (bótl óupener) - destapador de botellas
bowl (bóul) - bol, taza grande
broom (brúm) - escoba
cake mold (kéik móuld) - molde para repostería
can opener (kán óupener) - abrelatas
canister (kánister) - bote, lata
carving knife (kárvin náif) - cuchillo para trinchar
can opener (kán óupener) - abrelatas
canister (kánister) - bote, lata
carving knife (kárvin náif) - cuchillo para trinchar
casserole (káserol) - cazuelera
ceramic ware (serámik uéar) - vajilla de ceramic, olla de barro
cheese cutter (chíis káter) - cortador de queso
chopping/cutting board (chópin bóord) - tabla para cortar
ceramic ware (serámik uéar) - vajilla de ceramic, olla de barro
cheese cutter (chíis káter) - cortador de queso
chopping/cutting board (chópin bóord) - tabla para cortar
cleaver (klíiver) - cuchilla para picar
coffee maker (kófi méiker) - cafetera
colander (kólander) - colador de verduras
corkscrew (kork-skrú) - destapador
coffee maker (kófi méiker) - cafetera
colander (kólander) - colador de verduras
corkscrew (kork-skrú) - destapador
counter (káunter) - mesada
crokery (króukeri) - loza, vajilla
cup (kap) - taza
cupboard (kábord) - alacena
crokery (króukeri) - loza, vajilla
cup (kap) - taza
cupboard (kábord) - alacena
cutlery (kátleri) - cubiertos
dish drainer (dish dréiner) - escurridor de platos
dish towel (dísh táuel) - repasador
dishwasher (dísh uósher) - lavaplatos
dish drainer (dish dréiner) - escurridor de platos
dish towel (dísh táuel) - repasador
dishwasher (dísh uósher) - lavaplatos
drawers (dróoers)
- cajones
faucet/tap (fóset) - canilla, grifo
faucet/tap (fóset) - canilla, grifo
food processor (fúud prosésor) - procesadora de alimentos
forks (forks) - tenedores
forks (forks) - tenedores
freezer (fríisser)
- congelador
fridge (frídch) - heladera
frying pan (fráing pan) - sartén
funnel (fánl) - embudo
fridge (frídch) - heladera
frying pan (fráing pan) - sartén
funnel (fánl) - embudo
garbage (gárbidch) - basura
gloves (glóvs) - guantes
grater (gréiter) - rallador
ice tray (áistrei) - cubetera
gloves (glóvs) - guantes
grater (gréiter) - rallador
ice tray (áistrei) - cubetera
juicer (dchúser) - juguera
kettle (kétl) - pava
kitchen apron (kítchen éipron) - delantal de cocina
knives (náivs) - cuchillos
kettle (kétl) - pava
kitchen apron (kítchen éipron) - delantal de cocina
knives (náivs) - cuchillos
ladle (léidl) - cucharón
lighter (láiter) - encendedor
masher (másher) - pisapuré
microwave oven (máikroweiv óven) - horno microondas
lighter (láiter) - encendedor
masher (másher) - pisapuré
microwave oven (máikroweiv óven) - horno microondas
mincer (ménser)
- picador, picadora
mixer (míkser) - batidora
oven (óven) - horno
oven burner (óven bérner) - quemador del horno
mixer (míkser) - batidora
oven (óven) - horno
oven burner (óven bérner) - quemador del horno
oven mitts (óven mits)
- guantes para horno
pans (pans) - ollas, caserolas y sartenes
pepper mill (péper mil) - molinillo de pimienta
pot (pot) - olla
pans (pans) - ollas, caserolas y sartenes
pepper mill (péper mil) - molinillo de pimienta
pot (pot) - olla
pot holder (pot
hólder) - agarradera
potato peeler (potéitou pííler) - pelapapas
pressure cooker (présher-kúker) - olla a presión
recipe (résipi) - receta
potato peeler (potéitou pííler) - pelapapas
pressure cooker (présher-kúker) - olla a presión
recipe (résipi) - receta
refrigerator (refridcheréitor)
- heladera
roasting pan (róusting pan) - asadera
rolling pin (róulin pin) - palo de amasar
salt shaker (sólt shéiker) - salero
roasting pan (róusting pan) - asadera
rolling pin (róulin pin) - palo de amasar
salt shaker (sólt shéiker) - salero
saucepan (sóspan)
- cacerola
scouring pad (skáurin pad) - esponja limpiadora
sharpener (shárpener) - afilador de cuchillos
shelves (shélvs) - anaqueles, estantes
scouring pad (skáurin pad) - esponja limpiadora
sharpener (shárpener) - afilador de cuchillos
shelves (shélvs) - anaqueles, estantes
sieve (síiv) –
sink (sínk)
- pileta de lavar
soap (sóup) - jabón
spatula (spáchiula) - espátula
soap (sóup) - jabón
spatula (spáchiula) - espátula
spoons (spúuns)
- cucharas
squeezer (skuíizer) - exprimidor
steamer (stíimer) - vaporera
stove (stóuv) - cocina (aparato)
squeezer (skuíizer) - exprimidor
steamer (stíimer) - vaporera
stove (stóuv) - cocina (aparato)
stove burners (stóuv
bérners) - quemadores de cocina
strainer (stréiner) - colador chico
teapot (tíipot) - tetera
teaspoons (tíispúns) - cucharitas
strainer (stréiner) - colador chico
teapot (tíipot) - tetera
teaspoons (tíispúns) - cucharitas
toaster (tóuster)
- tostadora
trash can (tráshkan) - tacho de la basura
dishwashing liquid (uóshin-áp líkuid) - detergente
water heater (uóter jíiter) - calefón
trash can (tráshkan) - tacho de la basura
dishwashing liquid (uóshin-áp líkuid) - detergente
water heater (uóter jíiter) - calefón
whisk (wísk)
- batidor de alambre
wok (wók) - sartén china
wok (wók) - sartén china
To Boil – hervir
To Simmer – hervir a fuego lento
To Fry – freir
To Sauté – sofreir,
To Bake – hornear
To Cut, Chop – cortar
To Dice – cortar en tacos
To Add – añadir
To Flip – dar una vuelta Flip the tortilla.
To Stuff – rellenar
To Stir – remover Stir the soup.
To Drain – escurrir, colar Drain the pasta.
Food, Fruits and Vegetables
- APPLE: Manzana
- ORANGE: Naranja
- LEMON: Limón
- BANANA: Plátano
- PEACH: Melocotón
- MELON: Melón
- PEAR: Pera
- GRAPES: Uvas
- CHERRY: Cereza
- POTATO: Patata
- Onion: Cebolla
- PEAS: Guisantes
- CARROT: Zanahoria
- PEPPER: Pimiento
- CABBAGE: Col, repollo
- AUBERGINE/ Egg Plant: Berenjena
- MUSHROOMS: Champiñones
- COURGETTE/ zuchinni: Calabacín
- LETTUCE: Lechuga
- TOMATO: Tomate
- TUNA: Atún
- CUCUMBER: Pepino
- VINEGAR: Vinagre
- OIL: Aceite
pescado y marisco:
- BEEF: Ternera
- VEAL: Ternera
- LAMB: Cordero
- PORK: Carne de cerdo
- OYSTER: Ostra
- LOBSTER: Langosta
- MUSSELS: Mejillones
- SHRIMP: Camarón
- PRAWN: Gamba
- SALMON: Salmón
Descripción de la comida:
- TASTY: Sabroso
- BLAND: Suave
- SWEET: Dulce
- SALTY: Salado
- FRESH: Fresco
- TENDER: Tierno
- FATTY: Grasiento
- YUMMY: Sabroso
- CRISPY: Crujiente