Are you hungry? - Were you hungry yesterday before dinner?
She is fourteen years old. – She was thirteen.
I am old. - He was young when he studied in Paris.
Are you thirsty? - I was thirsty after my bike ride.
We are happy. – We were tired after the football match.
I have two bikes. – I had a dog when I was little.
You have a sister. – You had pizza for dinner yesterday.
What did you have for lunch today? I had a hamburger.
I wake up at seven o’clock. – I woke up early yesterday.
We run a lot at football practice. – We ran to school.
I see the beach from my window. – I saw the new Batman movie last week.
I eat lunch at two o’clock. – I ate a hamburger yesterday.
John drinks coffee in the morning. – He drank two cups of coffee today.
I buy food at the supermarket. – I bought a piano five years ago.
She sells flowers in the Central Market. – He sold his bicycle.
The birds fly south for the winter. – I flew to Paris last week.
She swims in the pool. – He swam from the boat to the beach.
John rides his bike everywhere. – She rode a motorcycle to school.
I understand French. – She understood the question.
You hear the waves from your apartment. – He heard the doorbell ring.
She goes to football practice on Mondays. – They went to Italy on vacation.
I send a lot of text messages. – She sent 100 messages yesterday.
I receive messages from my friends. – He received the phone call when he was at work.
Thieves steal things from houses. – She stole my iPhone!
He steals food for his family. – He stole a loaf of bread and went to prison.
Jane takes a lot of pictures on her phone. – She took her dog to the park.
I read every day. – He read (red) a book yesterday.
Class begins at nine thirty in the morning. – He began to cry.
She brings her tablet to school. – I brought my computer to the cafĂ©.
He loses his keys once a week. – Valencia lost the match.
I lose control when people drive too fast. – She lost the money I gave her.
My cousins come to my house on Sundays. - She came to the party at seven o'clock.
She listens to music on her phone. - The girl listened to the rain on the roof.
Did you see all of the Harry Potter movies?
I buy bread in the little bakery near my house. - I bought two loaves of bread yesterday..
Do you go to the beach often? - I went to the beach last week.
Can you write in Valenciano? - She wrote a letter to her best friend.
My friend likes to run. - He ran in the half marathon in Valencia last month.
25,000 people run in the Valencia Marathon in December. - She ran to school today because she woke up late.
Edward swims at the pool on Fridays. - I swam in the sea last week.