Friday, January 31, 2014

The Kids' English

                E F G
                            H I J K
                   Q R S     T U V    W X Y Z

Now I know my ABCs;
                        next time won’t you sing with me?

A – apple  G – girl           M –monkey  S - seven
B – boy      H – horse       N -   no         T - table
C – cat        I - Indian       O – orange    U - us
D – dog      J - job             P - please     V - very     
E – egg       K – kangaroo Q – queen    W - water
F- fox          L – lion          R - rabbit   X , Y, Z zebra


1 One                                 11 Eleven
2 Two                                 12 Twelve
3 Three                              13 Thirteen
4 Four                                14 Fourteen
5 Five                                  15 Fifteen
6 Six                                    16 Sixteen
7 Seven                              17 Seventeen
8 Eight                                18 Eighteen
9 Nine                                 19 Nineteen
10 Ten                                20 Twenty
                   21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 -Thirty 
40 - Forty 
50 - Fifty 
60 - Sixty
70 - Seventy 
80 - Eighty 
90 - Ninety
100 - One Hundred  200 –Two Hundred



Lake - lago
River - río
Waterfall - cascada
Rainbow - arco iris
Volcano - vulcán
Countryside - campo
City -  ciudad
Beach - playa                 Canal -                   Full Moon - plenilunio
Cave   - cueva                Road  - camino       Desert   -  desierto
Mountain - montaña       Iceberg      Island - isla    Forest - bosque

Hello – Hi
Goodbye - adios
Good Morning – buenos días
Good Afternoon – buenas tardes
Good Evening – buenas tardes
Good Night – buenas noches
How are you? ¿Cómo estás?
How do you do?

Good morning.
How are you?
I am fine, thank you.
What is your name?
My name is Ana. What's your name?
My name is Marco.
See you soon!

Big - grande             Little - pequeño
Tall - alto                 Short -bajo
Easy - fácil              Difficult + Hard   - dificil
Fat and Thin
Fat - gordo      Thin -delgado

Clean - limpio  Dirty - sucio

Hot - caliente   Cold - frío
Noisy - ruidoso     Quiet - silencioso
Pretty + Beautiful - bonito         
Ugly -  feo
Fast - rápido                            Slow - despacio  

She is tall. He is short.

The white dog is small. The black and white dog is big.
Strong - fuerte          Weak - débil
Good - bueno            Bad  - malo

Happy - feliz         Sad - triste   
Open - abierto      Closed - cerrado
Ill = sick - enfermo  Injured - herido   
Rich - rico              Poor - pobre
Empty - vacio        Full - lleno      
Old - viejo              New - nuevo

My name is Marco. 
I am Marco. Me llamo (Soy) Marco

I am ten years old. 
I am ten. Tengo 10 años

I am a boy. I am Spanish. Soy un chico. Soy español.

My name is Sara.  I am Sara.
I am six years old.  I am 6.
I am Spanish.
I am from Spain. Soy de España
I am a girl.
My friend is Anna. Her name is Anna.
She is six years old. She is 6.
She is Spanish. She is a girl.

We are six years old. We are six.
We are Spanish. We are girls.
Marco is ten. Sara is six. Anna is six.
Marco, Sara, and Anna are Spanish. They live in Valencia.

What is your name? ¿Cómo te llamas?

Egg - huevo        Corn - maíz   Peach - melocoton  Gum - chicle
Cheese -  queso     Carrot - zanahoria    Soup - sopa    

My bike is green.
Sara's bike is green.
My bike is red

 Marco plays football. 

The Weather (el tiempo)
Windy - ventoso                        Star - estrella
Snowy - nevado                         Moon - luna
Rainy - lluvioso                         Tornado -
Cloudy - nublado                       Lightning - relámpago, rayo

 I live in Valencia. vivo en Valencia

Where do you live? ¿Dónde vives?
Where does Marco live? ¿Dónde vive Marco?

I live in Valencia. Vivo en Valencia.
My best friend is Sara. Mi mejor amiga es Sara
Sara lives in Valencia. Sara vive en Valencia
Sara and I live in Valencia. Sara y yo vivmos en Valencia
We live in Valencia. Nosotras vivimos en Valencia
We read books. The book is red.
Happy  feliz 
Sad triste
Angry enfadado
Tired cansado
Hungry hambriento
Thirsty sediento
Bored aburrido

I am hungry. Tengo hambre
I am thirsty.  Tengo sed
I am happy.  Estoy feliz
Marco is sad. Marco está triste
Anna is angry. Anna está enfadada
Sara is tired.   Sara está cansada
Anna and Sara are happy. Anna y Sara están felices
We are happy. Estamos felices

To Be – ser/estar
To Have – tener
To Go – ir
To Come - venir
To Live – vivir
To Play – jugar
To Read – leer
To Write – escribir
To Study – estudiar
To Learn – aprender
To Know – saber/conocer
To Understand - comprender
To See - ver
To Look at - mirar 
To Look for - buscar
To Hear - oír
To Listen - escuchar

Days of the Week
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Saturday Sunday

Marco goes to school. Marca va al colegio
I go to school. Yo voy al colegio
Sara goes to school. Sara va al colegio
Sara and Anna go to school. Sara y Anna van al colegio
Sara and I go to school. Sara y yo vamos al colegio
We go to school. Vamos al colegio
We go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Vamos a la escuela el lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves y viernes.

We don’t go to school on Saturday and Sunday.
We go to the park on Saturday.
Marco goes to the beach on Saturday.
Marco doesn’t go to school on Sunday.

Apartment Building

The House

Kitchen – cocina
Bedroom – habitación
Dining Room – comedor
Living Room – sala (de estar) salón
Bathroom – baño
Table – mesa
Chair – silla
Desk - escritorio
Sofa – sofá
Bed – cama
Door - puerta
Window – ventana
Wall – pared
Building - edificio
Roof – tejado
Ceiling – techo de una habitación
Floor – suelo
Rug – alfombra
Painting – cuadro, pintura

The bed is in the bedroom.
The bath is in the bathroom.
The fridge is in the kitchen.
The TV is in the living room.

The Family

Boy – chico   
Girl - chica
Man – hombre
Woman – mujer
Brother –hermano
Sister – Hermana
Baby - bebé
Father – padre
Mother – madre
Grandmother – abuela
Grandfather - abuelo
Aunt - tía
Uncle - tío
Cousin - primo/a
Friend – amigo

I have a brother. Tengo un hermano
I have a sister. Tengo una Hermana
I have a bike. Tengo una bici.
My brother has a black bike. Mi hermano tiene una bici negra.
My father has a red car. mi padre tiene un coche rojo
My cousin lives in Valencia. mi primo vive en Valencia

Fruits and Vegetales
banana - banana, plátano
apple - manzana
grape - uva
lemon - limón
orange - naranja
cherry - cereza
pear - pera
grapefruit - pomelo, toronja
strawberry - fresa
watermelon - sandía
pineapple - piña
lime - lima
peach - melocotón
corn - maíz
onion - cebolla
tomato - tomate
carrot - zanahoria
potato - patata
broccoli - brócoli
green bean – judía verde
green pepper - pimiento verde          
celery - apio
lettuce - lechuga
cucumber - pepino
mushroom - champiñón, seta
pea – guisante


Chicken – pollo
Rabbit – conejo
Fish – pescado
Bread – pan
Water – agua
Milk – leche
Juice – zumo
Butter – mantequilla
Oil – aceite
Olive Oil – aceite de olive
Flour – harina
Salt – sal
Sugar – azucar
Rice - arroz
Want – querer

I want a dog. Quiero un perro
I want to play video games. Quiero jugar video juegos.
I want to study. Quiero estudiar
I want to read. Quiero leer
I want to go to school. Quiero ir al colegio
Marco wants to eat. Marco quiere comer
Sara wants a doll. Sara quiere una muñeca
Anna wants ice cream. Anna quiere helado

I am hungry. I want to eat. Tengo hambre, quiero comer
I am thirsty. I want to drink. Tengo sed quiero beber
I am bored. I want to watch TV. Estoy aburrido. Quiero ver la tele
We want to go to the park. Queremos ir al parque
We want to watch TV. Queremos ver la tele
Like – Gustar
I like pizza. Me gusta pizza
Anna likes ice cream. A Anna le gusta helado
I like to go to school. Me gusta ir al colegio
I like to swim. Me gusta nadar
I like to watch TV. Me gusta ver la tele
Marco likes to play football. A Marco le gusta jugar al fútbol.
We like to study English. Nos gusta estudiar inglés
Sara likes paella. A Sara le gusta la paella

Do you like onions? ¿Te gustan las cebollas?
I don’t like onions. A mi no me gustan las cebollas
We don’t like onions. No nos gustan las cebollas
Marco doesn’t like onions. A Marco no le gustan las cebollas
Does Marco like onions? ¿A Marco le gustan las cebollas?
Does Sara like pizza? ¿A Sara le gusta pizza?
Yes, Sara likes pizza very much. Sí, a Sara le gusta pizza mucho
Clothes -ropa
Shirt – camisa
Pants (trousers) – pantalones
Shoes – zapatos
Boots - botas
Socks – calcetines
Hat – sombrero
Dress – vestido
Skirt - falda
Gloves – guantes
Coat – abrigo
Umbrella – paraguas


Ant – hormiga, Alligator - caimán
Bat – murciélago  Bird – pájaro, Bee - abeja Bear - oso
Cat – gato, Cow – vaca, Crow – cuervo, crocodile -cocdrilo
Dog – perro,  Dolphin – delfín, Duck – pato, Donkey - burro
Elephant, Eagle - águila
Fox – zorro, Fly - mosca
Giraffe,  Goat – cabra
Hippo, Hen – gallina, Horse - caballo
Jackal – chacal
Monkey - mono, Mosquito
Ostrich – avestruz
Pig – cerdo
Rabbit – conejo,
Snake – serpiente, Sheep - obeja
Whale – ballena

Time - el tiempo
Day - día
Week - semana
Month - mes
Year - año
Today – hoy
Yesterday – ayer
Tomorrow – mañana
After – después
Before – antes
During – durante
Until - hasta
Morning – mañana
Afternoon – tarde
Night – noche
Evening - Tarde 
Hour - hora
Minute - minuto

 The Morning

In the morning we have breakfast at 7 o’clock. We have milk and bread for breakfast. After breakfast we go to school. We go to school at 8 o’clock. We study at school until 1 o’clock in the afternoon. After school we go home.

The Afternoon
We have lunch at 2 o’clock. We eat rice and chicken. After lunch we go to the park to play. We play in the park until 4 o’clock. We like to play in the park. At 4 o’clock we go to our house. We watch TV for one hour. After we watch TV we study. I go to my bedroom to study. In my room I have a desk and a chair. I have books in my bedroom.There is a bed in my bedroom.





This is the mother.

This is the father.

This is the son.
Esta es la madre.

Este es el padre.

Este es el hijo.
This is Mrs. Simpson.

This is Mr. Simpson.

This is Bart.
Esta es la Sra. Simpson.

Este es el Sr. Simpson.

Este es Bart.
Is this the mother?

Is this the father?

Is this the son?
¿Es ésta la madre?

¿Es éste el padre?

¿Es éste el hijo?
Yes, this is Marge.

Yes, this is Homer.

Yes, this is the son.
Sí, ésta es Marge.

Sí, éste es Homer.

Sí, éste es el hijo.
Is this Mrs. Simpson?

Is this Mr. Simpson?

Is this Bart?
¿Es ésta la Sra. Simpson?

¿Es éste el Sr. Simpson?

¿Es éste Bart?
Yes, this is Mrs. Simpson.

Yes, this is Mr. Simpson.

Yes, this is Bart.
Sí, ésta es la Sra. Simpson.

Sí, éste es el Sr. Simpson.

Sí, éste es Bart.

Foods and Meals

What foods do you like?
What foods don’t you like?
What is your favorite food?
Do you like pizza?
Do you like broccoli?
I like ice cream. Do you like ice cream?

Are you hungry? What do you want to eat? I want to eat pizza.
Are you thirsty? What do you want to drink? I want to drink water.

What do you have for breakfast?
I have coffee and toast for breakfast.

What do you have for lunch?
I have rice and chicken for lunch.

What do you have for dinner?
I have fish and salad for dinner.

What time do you have breakfast? When do you have breakfast?
I have breakfast in the morning. I have breakfast at 8 o’clock.

What time do you have lunch? When do you have lunch?
I have lunch at 2 o’clock.

When do you have dinner? When do you have dinner?
I have dinner at 9 o’clock.